May 4,2005________________________________________ __ il?1 Jîortlanb (D bserüer____ _______________________ PageB3 Focus ‘Olit o f A frica9 Concert? Musicians to perform in NAACP benefit A concert o f A frican and A frican-A m erican com posers takes place on Sunday, M ay 15 at 3 p.m. at St. Joseph Church, 400 S. A ndresen Road in V ancouver. The ‘O ut o f A frica” perform ance is pre­ sented by T he Bravo! V ancouver C oncert Series, featuring the 60-voice Bravo! C horale, and guest artist and pianist W illiam C hapm an N yaho. Proceeds w ill support N A A C P pro­ gram s in V ancouver. N yaho is an expert on the m usic o f Africa. He will perform a w ide range o f piano m usic by A fric a n c o m p o se rs, in c lu d in g R ob ert N athaniel D ett’s “ In the B ottom s Piano Suite ” and unhingements o f traditional spirituals. This music, like jazz, and blues, is a uniquely American art form, and is part of a diverse culture and heritage. - M a r i a Manzo, Brava! dozen traditional N egro spirituals by A frican A m eri­ can com posers. "T his m usic, like jazz and blues, is a uniquely A m erican art form , and is part o f a diverse culture and heritage,” said M aria M anzo, Brava! C horale music director. "M any o f these songs will be fam iliar to people who have sung in high school or college choirs. But although they are a joy to sing and hear, spirituals are deceptively difficult to sing— it’s all A native o f G hana, W est A frica, N yaho has perform ed concerts in E urope, A frica, the C aribbean and across the U nited States includ­ ing W ashington D .C .’s K ennedy Center. He has been featured on radio and T V broadcasts in G hana, Sw itzerland and on N ational Public Radio, and recently released a recording on the C entaur Label called “A aron C opland: M usic for T w o Pianos.” The Bravo! Chorale opens the concert’s second h alf and will perform m ore than a about style, ju st like ja z z and blues.” T ickets are $15 for reserved seating and are available at w w w . T ickets are also available at the Bravo! Infoline at 360-906-0441 and T icketsW est at 503-224-8499. T o purchase N A A C P tickets, call 360-896-9649. William Chapman Nyaho will perform Sunday, May 15 in a special performance to support NAACP programs In Vancouver. B.B. King Monument Approved Ice Cube a Refreshing Proxy (AP) - The Arkansas Legislature has approved a $5,000 expendi­ ture to build a monument honoring bluesman B.B. King in the tiny Delta town of Twist. More than 50 years ago, Ki ng's famed guitar Lucille earned its name after adanee hall brawl in Twist. King's trademark Gibson guitars have been called Lucille ever since. “B.B.putTwist, Ark., on the map," Allan Hammons, interim director of the planned B.B. King Museum in Indianola, Miss., said. "I think it’s very important that the state of Arkansas took the opportunity to memorialize that great American story.” State Sen. Steve Bryles said that he pushed the funding through for the monument because too little is known of K ing's connection to the state. Bryles also hopes the marker will draw tourists to the area. Shines as ‘XXX’ operative in sequel ( AP) — Ice Cube tills in for Vin Diesel in “XXX: State of the Union,” the next installment in the franchise about a National Security Agency program to recruit the baddest of bad boys for the baddest of assign­ ments. The new movie is as preposter­ ously plotted and outrageously combustible as the 2002 original, so action fans will come away with their fire-and-brimstone quotient well sated. And those tired of Diesel fumes will find Ice Cube a refreshing proxy. Not that the sequel is anything close to a good movie, but Cube is a more personable presence and better actor than Diesel, while still retaining the smoldering stoicism the world has come to expect of its “XXX” operatives. Samuel L. Jackson's return in a beefed-up role as puppetm asterof the “ X X X ” brand and W illem D afoe's recruitment as a traitor in­ tent on taking over the presidency theoretically gussy up the sequel. Neither character has enough depth for the actors to dig in and make much dramatic impact, though. XXX: State of the Union,” re­ leased by Sony’s Colum bia’s Pic­ tures release, is rated P G -13 for se­ quences of intense action violence and some language. Running time: 101 minutes. One and a half stars out o f four. Darius Stone (Ice Cube) is coerced into becoming a super field agent under their new “XXX” program in “XXX: State o f the Union." (AP photo) Poetry Lifeline, Inc. 2005 Young Writers Summer Institute June 20-July 15 held at Concordia University Campus New Abstracts at Firehouse Teen Stars as Super Hero Tajja Isen portrays the cartoon super hero Atomic Betty, a sweet and intelligent little girl who is basically your average 12-year-old; she has crushes on classmates, is a good student, and has a strong feeling of loathing for the family cat. In real life, Isen is a 13-year-old African- American girl known as an accomplished singer "and voice-over actress who embodies the same 'energy and excitement of her animated charac­ ter. In her new role, she is set apart from the rest by her secret identity as Galactic Guardian De­ fender of the Cosmos. While the citizens of Earth carry on with their every day lives, Atomic Betty zips across the galaxy on daring and valiant missions, from saving a race o f space monkeys from a giant caterpillar invasion to rescuing a kidnapped ambassador from a ruthless king. She's a hero to the universe, but on her home planet Earth, Betty's just one of the gang. But that’s the way The impressive young talent Tajja Isen lends her voice to "Atomic Betty. ” she likes it - if her Mom and Dad knew she was out zooming through the cosmos without a license, she'd be grounded for sure. Atomic Betty airs On Cartoon Network on Sundays at 8:30 p.m., with repeats Fridays at 9:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. Artists from two different sides of the world are being featured at Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter's galleries be­ ginning Thursday, May 5, with a First Thursday reception from 5:30p.m. to7:30 p.m. Junko lijima, featured in the main gal­ lery, immigrated to the United States when she was 17 years old from Japan. Her talents are best classified as that of an object maker, a creator, and producer of objects that have always been a large part of her life. Katherine Pappas Parks, featured in the entry gallery, has enjoyed a large part of her career as an established artist and professor in Chicago and Detroit. She has lived in Portland for the last six years and has exhibited her work while teaching painting as an adjunct associate profes­ sor at Portland State University. Park’s paintings have been described as magical realism. Northeast Alberta Street has a new farmers’ market coming each Saturday starting May 21 and con­ tinuing into late November. Local farmers will supply the Alberta Farmers market on the cor­ ner of Northeast 15* Avenue and Alberta with affordable and deli­ cious fresh produce. Look for sea­ sonal fruits and vegetables, wild mushrooms, fresh eggs, hot food, plants and live music. The goal of market is to serve a diverse and vibrant northeast com ­ munity with fresh, affordable and delicious produce while creating a community hubcomplete with mu­ sic For more information, call Sarah, the market manager, at 503-OR- GANIC. Jason W. Ruecker L o a n O ffic e r My first priority is your best interest! 5 0 3 .2 2 3 .2 1 6 2 FAX: 5 0 3 .2 2 3 .2 1 6 3 Toll Free: 8 0 0 .2 8 0 .4 1 8 7 Cell: 5 0 3 .8 0 3 .5 1 7 7 926 NW 13" Avenue. Ste. 140. Portland. OR 97209 Jason. ruecker@f(a<»tar. com COM^tUS K r r p tn g you In T o n d i SWWKW Prepaid Cell Phone Service Airvoice $39.99 Free Activation +61 hit in if you mention ad! 503-286-6070 3I7 NE killingworth, Ptld • Poetic Journey— Poetry w riting • Her-Story— M em oir w riting and Jo u rn alin g experien ce for girls • Once Upon a Time— W riting the next best am erican novel • PoRAPtry— C o m bining hip hop and spoken w ord into a fascinating new genre! E ach youth w ill c reate and show ­ case th e ir p ro fessionall pro d u ced C D at a “ new release p a rty ” at the end o f the w orkshop. Attention College Bound Students! G et the co m p etitiv e edge! Plan to attend Y ou're In!, an intensive a cad em ic w riting se m in a r w here technical w riters and ad m ission o fficers help rising ju n io rs o r seniors d e v e lo p the ad m issio n granting or aw ard w inning sch o larsh ip essay! Classes are filling fast! E arly B ird registratio n en d s M ay I. F or m ore in form ation o r to reg ister for a w orkshop/sem inar, visit the S u m m e r Institute link at the w w w w eb site o r em ail in fo @ p o etry lifelin m for an application. SPINAlCOLUMN Home Purchase Refinance (treat Service O ffice: 5 ex citin g w riting w o rk sh o p s fo r talented young w riters, age 12-17. U n d er the g u id an ce o f p ro fessio n al, pub lish ed w riter- instructors, youth w ill have the o p p o rtu n ity to im m erse th em selv es in w riting w o rk sh o p s d e sig n e d sp ecifically to o p tim ize the skills and talents o f young w riters including: ____________ THE____________ F L J W S T B A A N K H Farmers Market Coming May 21 O pp o rtu n ity fo r youth to ex p lo re the creativ e process and en h an ce artistic d e v eleo p m en t. An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Part 6. HEADACHES: Why Chiropractic is nature’s long-lasting pain reliever. :lal ways seem to he plagued nerve-related and therefore, stand W hat’s more, drugs have seri­ with headaches. They come a very good chance of being re­ ous side effects. The only side lieved by Chiropractic. effects of C hiropractic are relief up over my head and seem to stop from pain and a healing o f the at my eye. What can Chiropractic : Why should / go through a cause o f pain. To find out how possibly do to help me? full course o f Chiropractic Chiropractic could help relieve . About 70% of all people when drugs often relieve my head­ your headaches or for answ ers experience headaches of to any questions you might have one sort or another. The type you aches? Q Q A describe is quite typical. The pain can range anywhere from moder­ ate to nauseating. The top three nerves in the neck go up over the back of the skull in a very similar pattern to what you describe. Any type of pressure or irritation on these nerves can cause extreme pain. Your problems could be I : Dnigs work primarily on re­ about your health, please call us lieving pain, but not on treat­ at the telephone num ber listed directly below. ing the cause of the headache. A Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287-5504