^ lo rtla n ò ©bseruvr Page B4 C lassifieds I B ids LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT $500 $ 1800 mo/PT $2400 55500 mo/FT Work from your Home or Office N otice is hereby given th a t Portland C om m unity College, Oregon is requesting sealed proposals from qualified firm s to provide Engineering Services, on as needed basis and as requested by the authorized Physical Plant D epartm ent staff. International Com pany needs Supervisors & Assistants. One-on-O ne training, Vacations. Low Lease $80 per week ! STYLE SOLUTIONS Beauty and Barber Salon Phone: 503.280.4938 TashaT 503.381.7095 2723 NE 7th Avenue A p ril 27, 2005 For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: www.portlandonHne.com/omf/purchaaing C ity 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 PUBLIC NOTICE www. LlveYourLifestyle.com An inform ational pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 A.M ., Pacific Standard Tim e, Tuesday, May 10, 2005, Sylvania Cam pus, 12000 SW 49th Avenue, Portland, OR 97219, College Center Building, Conference Room B (Sylvania Cam pus map: http://w w w pcc.edu/pcc/dm a/sylvaniam ap.htm ). Sealed Proposals will be received at the Procurem ent and Risk Services Office, Room 1513, W ashington County W TC, 18624 NW Walker, Beaverton, OR 97006, for the Engineering Services. Deadline for submitting proposal will be no later than 3:00 P.M., Pacific Standard Time, Tuesday, May 17,2005. A complete description of the project requirements and specific conditions for the Request for Proposal ( RFP) Is available for downloading from the Solicitation Opportunities link on the PCC, Procurement Department website: http://www.DCC.edu/Purchaslng. Interested firm s who are not equipped to dow nload the d ocum ent m ay request a copy of the RFP by contacting Avelina D. G ulm atico at 5 0 3 -5 3 3 -2 8 0 1 . Each proposal subm itted m ust contain a statem ent as to whether th e Proposer is a resident firm as defined in ORS 279A.120. 1-888-244-4166 Portland Development Commission Dated this 28th d ay of April, 2005 Avelina D. Gulm atico, CPPB Procurem ent Leader NE Portland Room for Rent Spacious, good loctn, w/bath, private entry, no smoking/pets. Seeking male, professional/full- time student, as roommate. $450/mo inc. util., cable & internet. 503-449-5065 Marketing & Business Development Manager A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry Range: $5,345 - $7,122 To a p p ly: P le a se s u b m it co ve r letter, resum e and the nam es and a d d r e s s e s o f a t le a s t th r e e references to: Kate Bonsignore Portland State University P.O. Box 751, O ffice o f Student Affairs Portland, OR 97207-0751 (5 0 3 ) 725-5341 (5 0 3 ) 725-5344 In te re s te d c a n d id a t e s m u s t com p lete an ap p lica tion under this title, including th eir resum e and cover le tte r, at w w w .a llie dinsura nce.com to be c o n s id e r e d . W h e n v ie w in g positions on the W eb site, sort "By Location" to view those positions a v a ila b le w ith in th e s ta te o f Oregon. NOW HIRING Team Drivers earn up to $ 1 0 5 0 per week plus a $5 0 0 N«t* *onwwJ«*<cwvtfMny O Yowr 5«df A A llie d In s u ra n c e is a n e q u a l opportunity em ployer com m itted to a diverse w orkforce. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288 0033 Fax: 503 288-0015 e mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com I Sign-On Bonus M E T R O Human Resources D irector, M e tr o p o lita n E x p o s itio n - Recreation Com m ission (located in s id e th e O re g o n C o n ve n tio n Center). $68,912- $107,675, FT, Deadline: 5-16-05. M a n a ge s a v a rie ty o f co m p le x H u m a n R e s o u rc e G e n e r a lis t d u tie s re la te d to la b o r a n d em ployee relations, recruitm ent a n d s e le c tio n , c la s s ific a tio n / c o m p e n s a tio n , and th e adm inistration of m erit-based pay system s. in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t th e F ire S ervice O ffice , Bates Technical C o lle g e (2 5 3 ) 6 8 0 -7 4 6 6 o r w w w .b a te s .c tc .e d u / fire fig h te r under Firefighter Testing 2005. EOE. M inim um Requirem ents: • 2 years o f verifiable class "A” truck driving experience • A t least 23 years o f age Our drivers enjoy: • All new equipm ent • O ff 1-2 days per w eek • Paid Vacations and Holidays • No Touch Freight B e n e fits p a c k a g e in c lu d e s M edical/dental/life insurance, a retirem ent package Apply in person apply in person T h u rs d a y and Frid ay: 9 :0 0 a m - 6:00pm and Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm : at Penske Truck Leasing 1 5975 S o u th e a s t 1 3 0 th A ve ., Clackam as, OR or Call (5 03-656- 2560 and ask for David Low Im m ediate full tim e and part-time openings. S eeking dependable, well groom ed, positive individuals Apartments for Rent N ew hires m ust have acceptable docum entation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed & Thurs at City C enter Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland. B. Am end th e Action Plan FY 200 4 -2 0 05 to reflect th a t the City of Portland w as aw arded a Lead G rant renew al in th e am ount of $ 3,000,000. The fund s will be contracted to the Portland D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n fo r lead h a za rd re d u c tio n in M ultnom ah County, Clackam as County, W ashington County, and Clark County, W ashington. C. Am end th e Action Plan FY 2004-2005 to add new activity: Contract with S treet Roots in the am ount of $20 ,00 0 (CDBG). The funding will be used to rehab new office space large enough to allow S treet Roots, a com m unity new spaper covering issues co ncerning hom elessness, to hire one additional w orker at a living w age job . Benefit: jo b creation. For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n o r to co m m e n t on th e s e s p roposed am endm ents, contact Beth Kaye by mail, phone or em ail at Bureau of Housing and Com m unity Developm ent, 421 SW 6th, Suite 1100, Portland, OR 9 7204,503-823-2388, bkaye@ci.portland.or.usby May 22, 2005. SUB BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Men’s Prison Madras, Oregon Bid Package #1 - Early Site Work Pre-Bid Meeting: April 2 5 ,2 0 0 5 at 11:00am W e are com m itted to providing Equal H ousing Opportunities Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) o rwww.bxwa.com G lenw ood M anor 1687 NW Division St. Corvallis, OR 97330 5 4 1 -7 5 3 -3 4 0 8 t=I EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY GNC Bids Due: May 1 0 ,2 0 0 5 at 2:00pm H Hoffman Construction Company Of Washington of Oregon Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8 8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2 1 0 0 - Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 - CCB LIC# 2 8 7 4 1 7 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://w w w .h offm anco rp .co m EMPLOYMENT These «ire just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b, the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon » v -.J and all its divisions are - proud to be equal opportunity ■’ , employers. Department of Human Services (DHS). the statewide health and human services agency. We help Oregonians be independent, healthy, and safe. We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are committed to recruiting developing and retaining a diverse workforce. HEALTH SERVICES $ 8.00 + starting wage Overtim e/advancem ent potential M edical & Dental, 4 01k avail. D rugtest/B ackground check A. Am end the C onsolidated Plan 2000-2005 and the Action Plan 2 00 4 -2 0 05 to include the Fall 2004 C om m unity Initiatives. Com m unity Initiative grants to serve low and m oderate incom e residents have been aw arded to th e follo w ing public service (PS), public facility (PF), planning (P) and econom ic developm ent (ED ) projects; BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL To provide new playground eq uipm ent for th e Inner N /NE school ($8,579) (PF); CHESS FOR SUCCESS To expand after-school chess program in North Portland. ($12,000) (PS); CHILDREN’SJUSTICEALLIANCE To provide for the Parent/Child Literacy Connection program to im prove literacy skills and establish a culture of reading in N orth Portland. ($ 12 ,0 0 0 ) (PS); COMMUNITY CYCLING CENTER To support the Bike M echanic Apprenticeship Program for Inner N /NE Portland. ($ 12 ,0 0 0 ) (PS); COMMUNITY OF WRITERS To support the city-w ide W ordstock Book Fair S chool Outreach Project, an in-school w ritin g program . ($ 12 ,0 0 0 ) (PS); HUMAN SOLUTIONS To sup p ort th e CR AFT Program th a t prom otes self- sufficiency for victim s o f dom estic violence in East/O uter SE Portland. ($ 12 ,0 0 0 ) (PS); IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (IRCO) To sup p ort the financial and econom ic education for im m igrants city-wide. ($ 11 ,6 2 1 ) (PS) INCIGHT COMPANY. To s u p p o rt th e city-w id e E m p o w e rm e n t S k ills Program. ($12,000) (PS); OREGON MICROENTERPRISE NETWORK To encourage the city-wide training and tradeshow participation for low incom e m icro-entrepreneurs. ($ 6 ,000) (ED). Subsidized units Senior Citizens 62 or Older & The Disabled. Available at this Time. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OREGONIANS by joining the Oregon PARKING FACILITY Operator The City of Portland proposes to am end its Consolidated Plan 200 0 -2 0 05 and 200 4 -2 0 05 Action Plan as follow s: If u n a b le to a p p ly in p e rs o n , p le a s e e -m a il y o u r re su m e to D a v e .lo w @ p e n s k e .c o m or fa x 2 53-804-0109 EOE. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Allied In s u r a n c e Call (5 03 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /TTY (503) 8 46 -48 9 8 fo r inform ation or see our w e b s ite : www.co.washington.or.us. County a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . W om en, m inorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: W ashington County Hum an Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, S uite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Logistics The City of Portland, Bureau of P a rk s & R e c re a tio n s e e k s a M a rk e tin g & B u s in e s s Development Manager to oversee Portland State University a ll b u re a u m a rk e tin g , Zoo Anim al Presenter (ZAP) Teen Position Announcement c o m m u n ic a tio n and b u s in e s s Program Coordinator. Oregon Zoo. d e v e lo p m e n t a c tiv itie s . T h is $16.87 - $22.61 hour, jo b share Portland State University seeks p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r position, PT. Deadline: 5/10/05. tw o Ad visor/C oo rd in a tors for re s e a rc h , b ra n d in g , o u tre a c h Develops and coordinates the ZAP Student Activities and Leadership strategies, product and service T e e n p ro g ra m ; r e c ru its a nd Programs with a b a ckgroun d in under s e rv e d , d e ve lo p m e n t, and n e g o tia tin g o v e rs e e s w o rk in g w ith s tu d e n t m ulticultural urban youth who are b u s in e s s d e v e lo p m e n t o r g a n iz a tio n s d e d ic a te d to hired as interns. opportunities w ith non-profit and academ ic, service, m ulticultural p riv a te s e c to r o rg a n iz a tio n s . To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b and s p iritu a l s tu d e n t g ro u p s . Duties include team managem ent a n n ou n cem en t and application Alm ost 130 student organizations a n d b u d g e t p re p a ra tio n and in s tru c tio n s , v is it w w w .m e tro - em erge each year with about 30% m onitoring. S tron g w ritten and re g io n .o rg / jo b s , o r p ick up a re c e iv in g s u b s ta n tia l fu n d in g v e rb a l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills com plete packet at M etro Human from the student incidental fee required. Com pleted application R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d allocation process. Professional m ust be received by 4:30pm on Avenue, Portland. s ta ff ta rg e t th e ir o n e to o n e M onday, M ay 9, 2005. C ity o f professional advice, supervision, AA/EEO Em ployer Portland is and Equal Opportunity a n d in itia t iv e s fo r e v e n t o r E m p lo y e r. F o r a d d itio n a l p ro g ra m m a n a g e m e n t, inform ation or to apply online visit Entry Level Firefighter - Firefighter/ le a d e rs h ip d e v e lo p m e n t, h ttp :/ / w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s / EMT and Firefighter I Recruitment. c o m m u n ity b u ild in g , s tu d e n t job s/ _______ A jo in t r e c r u itm e n t w ill be learning, and academ ic success co n d u cte d by B a te s Tech n ica l w ith s tu d e n t le a d e rs of I nsurance C o lle g e , in c o o p e ra tio n w ith organizations organized via seven Opportunities to several W estern W ashington fire p rim a ry clu ste r a re a s (S tu d e n t Grow Your Career districts and cities. Applications G o v e rn m e n t, G re e k L ife , Academ ic, Fine and Perform ing A llie d In s u ra n c e , a c o m p a n y will be available beginning M ay 2, Arts, M ulticultural, Spiritual, and c o m m itte d to h ig h q u a lity 2005 from Bates South Cam pus custo m e r service , co ntinue s to Fire Service Office: 2 2 0 1 S. 78th S ervice & Advocacy). outperform the industry and grow S tr e e t, T a c o m a , W a s h in g to n For c o m p le te p o s itio n in Oregon. 98409, o n lin e d e s c r ip tio n s p le a s e v is it www.bates.ctc.edu/firefighter CLAIMS TRAINEES w w w .h rc.pdx.ed u S cree n in g of a n d p a r t ic ip a t in g a g e n c ie s . applications will begin May 2005, W e a re lo o k in g fo r C a s u a lty Ap plications m ust be returned to and continue until fin a lists are C la im s Train ee s(n o e xp e rien ce th e F ire S e rv ic e O ffic e , o r id e n tifie d . P o rtla n d S t a t e necessary) for our office located postm arked no later than May 20, University is an Affirm ative Action, in th e C lacka m a s Town C enter 2005. Faxes or late postmarks will Equal Opportunity institution and, area. not be accepted. For a dd itio n a l in keep ing with th e President's d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who support diversity. $3,578 - $4,397 / month Closes M ay 9, 2005 CLOSES: 5/27/05 Equal O p p o r tunity Em ployer M inority-ow ned and w om en-ow ned enterprises are encouraged to su bm it proposals in response to this solicitation and will not be discrim inated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award of any contract entered into p ursuant to this advertisem ent. The College m ay reject any proposal not in com pliance with all prescribed public proposal procedures and requirem ents, and m ay reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a fin d in g of the College that it is in the public interest to do so. SURVEY TECHNICIAN III Executive Director The Executive D irector leads PDC in im plem enting critical strategies and program s designed to drive e c o n o m ic d e v e lo p m e n t, n e ig h b o rh o o d liv a b ilit y , a n d housing diversity in the Portland region. Full position description a v a ila b le at w w w .p d c .u s / io b s . Please subm it resum e to: Murphy, Sym onds & Stowell Search, 1001 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1100, Portland, OR 97204; LindaK@ M SSsearch.com o f P o r tla n d B u reau o f P u rc h a se s * Microbiologist 2 Microbiologist Salary range: $2,664 $3.698/month Announcement »LEHS5213 • Portland Position closes April 2 8 ,2 00 5 * Compliance Specialist 2 Prehospital Standards Representative Salary range: $2.925 $4.065/month Announcement »LEHS5212 Portland Position closes May 5. 2005 * Principal Contributor 1 Health System Ualson Salary range: $3,546 $4.978/montb Announcement 4LEHS5210 Portland Position closes May 10,2005 W W W To obtain detailed job announcement and application materials, visit the DHS website: www.dhs.state.or.usy'jobs/: call the DHS job line at (503) 945-5742; TTY (503) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 or contact any local Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing the announcement number. ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL PUBUC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) • Senior Right Of Way Agent 2 PERS covers nearly 300 .00 0 members and administers retirement, disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred compensation plans statewide. We strive to serve our members by delivenng retirement and health benefits, effectively and efficiently. The following position is currently open at PERS: • Office Specialist 2 Receive, process, and reconcile forms of individual member accounts. Salary range: $1,863 $2,546/m onth Announcement 4LE050285 Closing date: May 3 .2 0 0 5 You can obtain the job announcement, which may include test questions, and the State of Oregon application form (PD100) from the local Employment Department, the state website www.oregonjobs.org PERS website www oregon.gov/pers or call PERS Human Resources at 5 03 -8 0 3 -7 7 9 4 (TTY 503- 603-7766) Criminal history will be checked prior to hire. EOE/AA. Salary $3,661 ■ $5,242/month Announcement H0C0T5106 Roseburg ■ Designer Salary $3,160 - $4,525/m onth Announcement 40CDT5183 La Grande Salary $3,486 - $4.991/month Announcement 40CDT5034A Salem • Inspector/Surveyor Salary $2,728 - $3,911/month Announcement #0CDT5042 Ona Beach • Associate Designer Salary $2,865 - $4.101/month Announcement 40CDT5030A Salem • Assistant Project Manager Salary $3,661 $5,242/montn Announcement 40CDT5182 Hermiston • Traffic Devices Engineer Salary $3.661 $5,242/month Announcement 40CDT5021 Salem MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Support Unit Supervisor Salary $2,251 - $3,154/month Announcement 40CDT5070 Salem • Principal Contributor 2 Quality Assurance Manager Salary $3,903 - $4,586/m onth Announcement 40CDT5024 Salem PURCHASING/CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation. If great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT. Current recruitments include: ACCOUNT1NG/FINANCIAL • Contract M anagem ent Analyst Salary $3,208 - $4,476/month Announcement H0C0T5135 Salem TRADES • Parts Specialist Salary $ 1,949 - $2,664/m onth Announcement 40CDT5044 Salem • Agreements Specialist Salary $3,160 - $4,525/m onth Announcement »0C0T5041 Salem ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Fiscal Coordinator Salary $3,208 $4.476/month Announcement 40CDT5012 Salem CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ENFORCEMENT • Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer Salary $2,208 $3,060/m onth Announcement »0CDT5068 Burns e g o n • Development Review Traffic Engineer o Working • ODOT. The Way to Qo. Detailed job announcements Include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www.odot state.or us/johs for a complete copy or call 503-9864030 (TTY 50398638541to request by maH. OOOTspmud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request (503) 378 6 2 02 , TTY 1-800-9R3889R b s