A p ril 6. 2005 www. port landobserve r.com Committed to Cultural Diversity M etro iri!' ^orttan i» © bseruer C o ni ni u n it y a l e n cl a r Urban League Urban League of Portland will hold a free financial literacy workshop on Thursday, April 7 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at King El­ ementary School. Advance Directives The Portland Chapter of the Older W omen’s League will hold a free workshop on completing advance directi ves from 9 :45 a. m. to noon on April 9 at the Port­ land Impact Center on 4707 SE Hawthorne Street. For more in­ formation, call 503-721 -0848. Radical Women Radical women and independent activist will picket Oregon Right to Life’s annual conference at the W ittenberg Inn, 5188 River Road North in Keizer, Oregon on April 9 from 8 a.m to 11 a.m. Speakers will present at 10:00 am. For more information on event organizing or transporta tion contact Kris at 503-240-4462 Business Meeting Learn how you can get involved in upcoming activities for Radi­ cal W om en on W ednesday, April 13at6:30p.m . at the Bread and R o ses C e n te r, 819 N. Killingsworth, $4 donation. To arrange childcare, rides, work exchanges or for more informa- don call 503-240-4462 Women Mentors W omen in Community Service is seeking volunteer mentors for female offenders at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. Mentors provide support and encourage­ ment to women transitioning from prison back into the com ­ munity. Mentors must be female, 24or older. Training is provided. Call 503-570-6614for more infor­ mation. Portland Children’s Museum Activities Portland Children’s Museum will hold a variety of art activities for children throughout the month, including mediums using mo­ saic, African arts and culture and garden stepping stones. For more information, call 503-223- 6 5 0 0 o r v is it th e w eb at www.portlandchildrensmuseum.org. Used Bookstore Sale T he M ultnom ah C o unty Library sTitle Wave Used Book­ store at216N.E. KnottSt. will hold its 17* anniversary sale all month long. Sales will change daily. Hours are Monday through Sat­ urday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Honoring Buffalo Soldiers: by N icole T he H ooper P ortland O bserver T hink o f a com m on W estern co w b o y m ovie and fo r m ost people, people like John W ayne or C lint Eastw ood com e to mind. But before the age o f film , many A frican A m erican men braved their lives on the frontier - men know n as Buffalo Soldiers. The Bonnie Kahn W ild W est G allery will host “ A Love o f L ib­ erty: 100 years on the W estern F rontier,” this w eek, honoring Buffalo Soldiers through photo­ graphs. Kahn felt that this was an im ­ portant exhibition because she believes that history is rew ritten on a daily basis. It’s up to the people that have the oral history to d iscu ss A frican -A m erican s and their vital part in the west from exploration to w ar that most people d o n ’t know about. “T his is an opportunity to ed u ­ cate on the role that blacks played and continue to play,” Kahn said. View the Battle o f W ounded K nee; ch ase P ancho V illa to M exico, view Siberia after W orld W ar I. T hese are scenes w it­ nessed in the unpublished pho- tos o f Sam uel W aller, a Buffalo Soldier fighting on the A m erican Frontier from 1890 to 1927. He spent over 40 years with the U.S. Army photographing these his­ toric events. W aller’s work gives us rare glim pses o f the dynam ic role of an A frican A m erican soldier during this tim e. The name Buffalo Sol­ diers cam e from Native Americans because o f their curly hair. In ad ­ dition, the soldiers were known for their courage and 18 m edals of Honor in the Indian W ars. African-Americans were a large part o f the civil w ar as m ajor w ar­ riors. The buffalo soldiers were not to be m essed w ith; they were dynam ic and incredible soldiers. T he three le c tu re rs w orked w ith B onnie Kahn to prepare this e x h ib itio n . O ne o f the lectu rers is A n th o n y P o w e ll, W a lle r’s gran d so n , w ho w ill exh ib it 50 of the 4 0 0 0 p h o to g rap h s taken by P ow ell at the studio. In a d d i­ tio n , h e ’ll b rin g rare m em entos from the b a ttle s in w hich W aller p a rtic ip a te d . At this special event, a pin d e­ signed by nationally know n artist P hotos provided by B onnie K ahn W ild W est G allery Frank Salcido and backed by the These are ju s t a few o f many buffallo soldiers that served. Lew is & Clark B icentennial will also be released in honor o f Y ork and begin its tour o f the country. On April 9, Powell will join two other historians in a special lec­ ture to accom pany these w orks. Ron Craig, a writer/filmroaker will discuss York, the A frican A m eri­ can slave who traveled with Lewis and Clark. Y o rk 's influence and jo u rn e y w ith the e x p lo re rs is rarely discussed. C raig 's goal was to “take him w here he co uldn’t go in his own lifetim e-including the W hite H ouse.” Carl Flipper will tell stories o f his great granduncle H enry O. Flipper, from being the first black graduate of the U.S M ilitary A cad­ em y in F877, the first A frican A m erican officer in the regular Army to his posthum ous pardon by President C linton. The photo exhibit on T h u rs­ day A pril 7,h will be at the Bonnie K ahn’s W ild W est G allery LLC on 1524 NW 23rd A venue at 5 p.m and is free. The lecture on S atur­ day April 9 will be at the C oho T heater on 2257 NW Raleigh at noon, cost is $5. The seating is very lim ited and a R.S. V.P. is sug­ gested for the lecture. Free Admission at Children’s Museum Hospice Training Day of the Young Child offers music, art A free comprehensive course of training to prepare people who are interested in becoming hos­ pice volunteers will be held from 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 19 to May 10 (with various exceptions). To pre-register, call Cynthia Cohen at 503-215-5774. In celebration of the Day of the Young Child, Portland Children’s Museum is opening its doors to the community with free admission all day,Sunday, April lOfrom 11 a.m. to 5 p .m . The exciting schedule o f family activities for the third annual event includes: W orldSounds music by children on the m useum 's plaza on the hour from noon to 4 p.m.; performances spon­ sored by Spirit Mountain Community Fund; Spanish/English story times; and special pro­ grams in the museum ’s art studios. "Identity," this year’s exhibit by students of Pacific Northwest College of Art ’ s after-school outreach program, will also be on view in the m useum 's lobby all day. “Day of the Young Child celebrates all kids in all families,” said Bronwynn Bailey, even, coordinator. “Every year we open our doors at no charge on this day so every family in our community can enjoy the fun and learning op­ portunities the museum has to offer.' Admission to the museum may be limited to accommodate museum capacity. Portland Children's Museum is partnering with Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children to present this year's Day of the Young Child. The museum joins organiza­ tions around the country to mark Week of the Young Child, April 3 to April 9, focusing atten­ tion on the needs of young children and their families and recognizing that every child's edu­ cation is a community responsibility. Get Fit, Stay Healthy! Sankofaa Health Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Thursday at Alberta Simmons Plaza, 6707 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For more informa­ tion, call 503-285-2484. AIDS Awareness A lbina M inisterial A lliance sponsors a bi-monthly support and education group for African A m ericans living with HIV/ AIDS at Maranatha Church at 4222 NE 12th St. The group will meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month. For more in fo rm a tio n , ca ll E ln ath an Hudson at 503-285-0493ext. 217. Women in NAACP W omen in NAACP meets from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Sat­ urday o f each m onth at the American Red Cross Building, 3131 N. Vancouver. For ques­ tions, call 503-249-6263. Lecture and exhibit comes to Portland April 10 at Portland Children’s Museum. I i