y r i i 6,2005__________________________________________ Dear Deanna! My boyfriend and I have prob­ lems with his baby mam a put­ ting their baby in the middle of our relationship. W hen we make plans, she brings the child over and he baby sits. If the child gets sick she calls him in the middle o f the night. The final straw cam e when we planned to go out-of town and she left him a message to get the baby from daycare. W e d id n ’t see her for two days. He needs to choose between our relationship or the baby. - F e d Up; St. Louis. MO œi’1 'JUortlanh © bseruer _________________________ PaseA3 Ask G Dear Fed Up: The junk in your trunk isn’t so good that you can m ake a man tinue to walk with God so she’ll pick you over his child. If you see your faith and obedience. w ant the baby m am a to stop playing gam es hit her with re­ Dear Deanna! My m other’s verse psychology. The father Help me fast! should voluntarily start spend­ having an affair on my father ing so much time with the baby and I’m in the middle. I’ve lied that the m other will becom e a for my m other and covered for little lonely. This will slow her her but I think sh e 's about to get up on th o se b o g u s d ro p -in s. busted. My d a d ’s real suspi­ D on’t force him to choose be­ cious and h e’s going to question cau se y o u ’ll co m e up em pty me soon. I’m loyal to both my handed and dry as the G rand parents and I do n ’t want to hurt neither one. My dad’s a good C anyon. man and if he asks me, I can ’t Dear Deanna! look him in the eye and lie about W hen I m et the w om an I ’m it. Help! —Anonym ous; India­ with, I w asn’t saved. Now I’ve napolis, IN given my life to the Lord and she doesn’t understand why I w on’t Dear Anonymous: have sex w ith her. I asked her to L et y o u r m o th er know sh e ’s marry me but she said no. I w rong and shouldn’t be doing d o n 't feel as if I can continue this to your dad. Y our m other is this relationship because my sal­ unfit because she’s teaching you vation is more im portant. W hat adultery, fornication and lying. should I do? —Dennis; M em ­ If your dad asks, do n ’t lie — tell everything you know. Pray for phis, TN your m other because when that Dear Dennis: d ram a harvest com es in that Y ou’re doing the right thing by sh e’s sowing it’s not going to be avoiding fornication which is a pretty. She’s going to reap what sin. It’s not worth it to send she sowed in such a way that your soul to Hell over lust— a only the Lord can save her. m om ent o f passion with som e­ one who isn ’t your spouse. Lead Ask Deanna is written by Deanna her to the Lord and help her M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: b eco m e saved. G od d o e s n 't askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264 want you to be unequally yoked S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 so d o n ’t sw eat the m arriage re­ Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: jection. Pray for her and con- www.askdeanna.com photo by N icole H ooper /T he P ortland O bserver Jermaine Thompson, YO Center resource room coordinator, helps Azucena Hernandez with her resume. Money Runs Out for YO Center continued from Front in the fall, he plans on attending P ortland C om m unity C ollege. counselor som eday and is now M urphy looks forw ard to som e­ taking her G .E.D practice tests. day having his own business, "The case managers help us but wants to work with people. The center serves 1,900 young out so much,” she said. Ross’ career objective is to become a adults ranging from 14 to 21 years counselor because “people al­ old and 1,300 African Americans. ways come and talk to me about Most are school dropouts. More their problems, I might as well get than 300 hom eless youth are served at the center in partner­ paid for it.” T rem aine M urphy started ship with O utside In, an organi­ out the New Year in jail. Now he zation known for hom eless youth is an intern at the YO C enter advocacy. The Yo C enter building on working as the assistant for case m anager Marilyn G ordon, and MLK and M orris Street is situ­ ated in w hat many consider an ideal location for com m ercial in­ terests. W ith all the gentrification in north and northeast Portland, some fear the center will become a restaurant or health club. “ It would be a shame if there’s not another com m unity resource located in this building, because it is a central location,” G ardner said. But according to a source at the A rchitects Forum , the ow ner of the property, Howard G lazer plans to lease the property to a non-profit organization, specifi­ cally one that benefits north and northeast Portland. The YO center is sponsoring a youth opportunity fair on June 21, to give honor to staff, youth and agencies that supported YO. This will also be an opportunity to pro­ vide information on the other eight agencies. It’s going to be a block party to “end on a great note,” Gardner said. The YO center also is having a jo b fair with 30 com panies on Wednesday, April 6 from 3 to 6 p.m. for those aged 16-21. For more in­ formation, call 503-528-7500. NEW S E A S O N S IN TR O D U C IN G OUR NEW SIGNATURE Putted Pork. Sartdidch We’re passionate about the products we use in our kitchens - wild, line-caught Pacific Northwest salmon, Oregon raised pork and lamb, organic milk and cream, and local, organically grown produce. This week, we’re introducing our signature Pulled Pork Sandwich, a traditional Southern favorite. It’s available in our deli and made from naturally raised, locally grown pork that’s seasoned, slowly roasted until fork tender, and finished off in our homemade barbecue sauce. We top it off with our slaw and serve it on a freshly baked organic roll from our in-store bakery. In the true Oregon tradition you can enjoy this sandwich and help fight hunger at the same time. For the next seven days we’ll donate $1 from each Pulled Pork Sandwich that we sell to Share Our Strength. We’ll also be serving this delicious sandwich at our Share Our Strength benefit barbecue this weekend. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 1 :00AM -5:00PM _____________ rke- fruendtiest- sfare iti Pnati. E A S Y & C O N C O R D IA N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r th P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 .2 8 8 3 8 3 8 Advertise wil F U N TO S H O P • LO C A LLY O W N E D & O P E R A T E D O R E N C O S T A T IO N R A L E IG H H IL L S SELLW OOD SEVEN CO RNERS C o r n e ll & N E 6 1 s t A v e . H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 2 4 5 0 3 .6 4 8 .6 9 6 8 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n - H ills d a le P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 5 0 3 .2 9 2 . 6 8 3 8 1214 SE T a co m a P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 5 0 3 .2 3 0 .4 9 4 9 1 9 5 4 S E D iv is io n S tr e e t P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 5 0 3 4 4 5 .2 8 8 8 diversity in latti* (OhsCtUCV Call 503-288-0033 ads«' portlandob server.com