Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 2005, Image 7

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    March 30. 2005
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Latina Paintings
M etro
Exquisitely detailed portraits
and still-life works featured at
Onda Arte Latina Gallery
JJortlanh ffibseruer
See El Observador, page B5 inside
o in m u n ity
a l e n cl a r
Foster Girls
A presentation on the great
women of the Middle Ages will
be presented for free on Mon­
day, April 4 from noon to 2 p.m.
atTerrellHall 122 at the Portland
Community College Cascade
Campus. For more information,
call 503-978-5249.
Pet Identification
The Oregon Humane Society,
1067 N.E. Columbia Blvd. will
offer pet ID tags for free, ID
microchips for $ 15, and informa­
tion on finding a lost pet, along
with refreshments during a clinic
on Saturday, April 2 from noon
to 3:45 p.m. For more informa­
tion, call 503-416-2985.
The Jefferson
Dancers and
artistic director,
Steve Gonzales at
the 12th century
Si ¡vacane Abbey
in the Luberon
region o f France.
P hoto by
M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland O bserver
Trillium Charter School
Trillium Charter School is now
accepting applications for the
2005-2006 school year. Applica­
tion deadline is April l.Form ore
information, visit the web at
or call 503-285-3833.
Radical Women
Radical women and independent
activist will picket Oregon Right
to Life’s annual conference at
the Wittenberg Inn, 5188 River
Road North in Keizer, Oregon on
April 9 from 8 a.m to 11 a.m.
Speakers will present at 10:00
am. For more information on
event organizing or transporta­
tion contact Kris at 503-240-4462
Business Meeting
Learn how you can get involved
in upcoming activities for Radi­
cal W om en on W ednesday,
April 13at6:30p.m .at theBread
and R oses C e n te r, 819 N.
Killingsworth, $4 donation. To
arrange childcare, rides, work
exchanges or for more informa­
tion call 503-240-4462
Women Mentors
W omen in Com m unity Service
is seeking volunteer mentors
for fem ale offenders at Coffee
C reek C orrectional Facility.
M entors provide support and
e n c o u ra g e m e n t to w om en
transitioning from prison back
into the com m unity. M entors
m ust be fem ale, 24 or older.
Training is provided. Call 503-
570-6614 for more information.
Portland Children’s
Museum Activities
Portland Children's Museum will
hold a variety of art activities for
children throughout the month,
including mediums using mo­
saic, African arts and culture
and garden stepping stones. For
more information, call 503-223-
6500 or visit the website at
Used Bookstore Sale
T he M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty
Library ' s Title Wave Used Book­
store at 216 N.E. Knott St. will
hold its 17,h anniversary sale all
month long. Sales will change
d a ily . H o u rs are M onday
through Saturday from 10a.m. to
Hospice Training
A free comprehensive course of
training to prepare people who
are interested in becoming hos­
pice volunteers will be held from
6 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from April 19 to May
10(with various exceptions). To
pre-register, call Cynthia Cohen
at 503-215-5774.
Parenting Classes
Newborns don't come with in­
struction manuals but parents
and parents-to-be can attend
classes through P rovidence
Health Systems to learn about a
variety of topics from pain and
childbirth to breastfeeding to
infant CPR and much more. For
a schedule of events, call 503-
574-6595 or visit the website at
efferson Dancers Impress
From M arch 8 to M arch 14, the d a n c ­
ers w ere sq u ired aro u n d P rovence p e r­
f o rm in g in M a r s e ille s , A r le s , and
E guilles. They perform ed at St. C harles,
a p e r f o r m in g a r ts h ig h s c h o o l in
M a rse ille s, at lycee P asq u et, a school
w ith a m agnet program for the p e rfo rm ­
ing arts in A rles, and in the S alle DUB Y
T h e a te r in E g u illes.
T he c o n c e rt in E q u illes w as to b e n ­
e fit PA IS, an o rg a n iz a tio n that aids
tour taken in
south of France
The Jefferson D ancers recently re­
turned from a very successful tour in the
south o f France.
needy w om en and ch ild ren . T he a u d i­
ences at every perform ance w ere am azed
at the tech n ical e x p e rtise o f the d an cers
as w ell as the v e rsa tility in th e ir p e rfo r­
m ances.
As is true in the United States, most
com panies feature one style o f dance and
the Jefferso n D ancers perform m any
styles including A frican, tap, ballet, jazz,
modern and hip hop.
A udiences were so im pressed and the
local dignitaries are already m aking plans
to have the dancers return.
A rea residents can see the internation­
ally acclaim ed Jefferson D ancers at their
annual perform ances on May 4, 5, 6, and
7 at the N ew m ark T heater in the Portland
C enter for the Perform ing A rts in dow n­
town Portland.
Perform ances are scheduled at 7:30 p.m.
each evening and there will be a m atinee
perform ance at 2 p.m. on M ay 7.
Vancouver Health Career Day Set
Area schools to converge on college campus
Washington State University Vancouver will
host the third annual Health Career Day on
Thursday, April 7 for anyone interested in a
career in health care.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet
with admissions representatives from local pro­
fessional schools and colleges.
The event will be from 10 a.m. to noon in the
Student Services
Building, rooms
129 and 130. The
public is welcome
to attend. No reg­
istratio n is re ­
will be available to
share information
on a number of ar­
eas, including allopathic medicine, optometry,
biosciences, Oriental medicine, chiropractic
medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, phar­
macy, medical technology, physical therapy,
naturopathic medicine, physician assistant, nurs­
ing, podiatry, nutrition, master of public health,
occupational therapy, veterinary medicine.
Some of the schools scheduled to attend the
event include Life West Chiropractic College,
National College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, Oregon
Health Sciences University, Oregon State Uni­
versity. Pacific University, Southern California
College of
Optometry, University of Portland, University
of Puget Sound ,
WSU Department
of Food Science
and Human Nutri­
tion, WSU Van­
couver, W estern
States Chiroprac­
tic College, Ross
U n iv e rs ity ,
Armstrong Atlan­
tic State Univer­
sity, Western University ot Health Sciences,
Kansas City University of Medicine and Bio­
sciences, Des Moines University and Rosalind
Franklin University.
WSU Vancouver is located at 14204 N.E.
Salmon Creek Ave., east of the 134th Street exit
from either 1-5 or 1-205.
Representatives will
be available to share
information on a
number of areas.
Symposium on Lupus Coming
A Lupus Education Symposium on Saturday April
16 will be held from 1 p.m. to5p.m . at Good Samaritan
Medical Building. 1040 N.W. 22nd Ave., in the first
floor Auditorium.
Topics covered are Lupus and your kidneys. Lupus
and the skin and pain management.
Admission is free - to reserve a seat or tor more
information contact the Lupus Foundation ot America,
Pacific Northwest Chapter. 877-774-2992.
Lupus is an autoi mmunc disease that affects women
of color - especially in the African American com m u­
Showcasing Local Artwork
Art on Alberta has selected
P o rtla n d -b a se d a rtist Jaso n
Seale to create 20 kinetic metal
banners that will adorn light poles
on Northeast Alberta Street.
Seale has extensive experience
on page B5
Jason Seale's kinetic
metal banners will be
featured on light poles
along Alberta Street
to promote Arts on