Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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il!l ^Jnrtlanb (©bscruer
March 30. 2005
el O bservador
Onde Arte Latina
Features Paintings
Javier Ramos, one o f the most important painters in the
Mexican art town o f Aijic, will have his exquisitely detailed
portraits and still-life works featured at Onda Arte Latina
Gallery at 2 21 5 NE Alberta Street. The exhibit opens on
Last Thursday, March 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. and continues until
April 26. For more information, visit www.ondagallery.com.
Rally Recalls Police Shooting
Death of Mejia
Poot going on
four years
On Friday, April l.theCom m it-
tee for Justice for Jose Santos Vic­
tor Mejia Poot and the Latino Net­
work Red Latina are hosting a com-
munity rally on police account­
ability and other issues raised by
the police shooting of Mr. Mejia.
The gathering will take place at
City Hall, 1221 SW Fourth Street,
Portland, beginning at 5 p.m.
Mejia Poot was shot and killed
in a psychiatric hospital by Port­
land Police Officer Jeffrey Bell fol­
lowing an attempt by Mejia Poot
to leave the hospital. Mejia Poot
had been misdiagnosed as men­
tally ill and placed at Gateway Psy­
chiatric Hospital.
past four years have sandbagged
Two days before his death, the possibility of a credible inde­
Mejia Poot suffered an epileptic pendent review ,” said M artin
seizure while boarding a Tri-Met Gonzalez, spokesperson for the
bus, was beaten by Portland Po­ Committee for Justice for Mejia
lice and taken into custody after Poot.
failing to come up with 2 0 cents of
Maria Lisa Johnson, executive
director for the Latino Network,
the total bus fare.
Organizers are calling on the said “Mayor Tom Potter is engag­
City of Portland for the creation of ing the city on setting priorities for
an Independent Civilian Review the budget, and we believe that
C o m m ittee to rev iew po lice investing in the training of all po­
shootings. Four years after the lice officers to respond to crisis
death of Mejia Poot, there is no and de-escalate conflict should be
independent report issued on that top priorities.”
The Latino Network intends to
Although the Police Assess­ present a letter to Mayor Potter
ment Resource Center is expected a d d re ssin g
th o se
to issue a report in May that might issues on April 1,2005.
Marchers from The Portland
include the Mejia Poot case, orga­
nizers contend that is not enough. Peaceful Response Coalition are
“The reality is that city bureau­ expected to join the rally at City
crats with their actions over the Hall around5:30 P.M.
Bill Restricts
(AP) - A new bill being proposed
in the Oregon Legislature would re­
quire driver’s to show proof of U.S.
citizenship or legal residency as part
of their application for a driver’s li­
Oregon is currently one o f nine
states that do not have the proof of
legal residency rule, which has be­
come increasingly popular since the
Sept. 11,2001, terrorist attacks.
Proponents of Oregon’s House
Bill 2608 point out that the 9/11 hi­
jackers had easily acquired driver’s
licenses from multiple states.
But critics say requiring proof of
citizenship or legal residency to ob­
tain a driver’s license poses hard­
ships for immigrants. It would make
it difficult to cash a paycheck or open
a bank account. And it would force
immigrants todri ve without a license
or insurance.
Nielsen Goes After Minorities
Details plan to boost participation
(AP) - Nielsen Media Research
outlined several steps recently to
better reflect the television viewing
habits o f blacks and Hispanics, in­
cluding paying families more to
measure what they watch.
Nielsen also said it agreed with a
task force ’ s recommendation that it
purposely oversample minorities in
the com pany’s research.
The company that has a mo­
nopoly on measuring TV viewing
habits appointed a panel last year
to recommend changes after con­
cerns were expressed about its new
technology (electronic m eters,
rather than paper diaries).
Some blacks and Hispanics say
the new system undercounts them
and, as a result, threatens the future
of their favorite shows. The Fox
netw ork’s corporate parent has
supported these protest efforts.
T he ta sk fo rc e c o n c lu d e d
Nielsen’s new People Meter tech­
nology was superior to the old di­
ary system, but that the company
needed to do more to make sure
minorities participate.
Nielsen said it agreed with the
recommendation to pay more, and
to reward individuals in a house­
hold instead of the family as a whole.
Nielsen w on't say how much fami­
lies are paid— it’s considered to be
a nominal fee — and it also gives
A “Jazzy”
Tribute to A
Life Lived Well
gifts like backpacks or books to
thank participants.
The company also plans to re­
ward families who have a participa­
tion. While the People Meters elec­
tronically reflect what a TV set is
tuned to, participants need to punch
in codes to tell the company who in
the household is watching.
Because minority homes tend to
have higher “default" rates— mean­
ing the data is no good because the
codes aren’t punched in — Nielsen
said it would purposely sample more
minority homes than it normally
T hat’s expected to be contro­
versial among its clients, spokes­
man Jack Loftus said. But Nielsen
promised that it would weigh these
numbers to make sure the final
sample accurately reflects the popu­
lation, he said.
‘Cynthia Rotunno, executive di­
rector o f the D on’t Count Us Out
coalition, said the task force had
done outstanding work and made
stro n g re c o m m e n d a tio n s that
should be quickly put in place.
“Given the history o f Nielsen
and its status as an unregulated
monopoly, we continue to believe
that the timely and continued imple­
mentation of these recom m enda­
tions requires independent over­
sight,” Rotunno said.
Enjoy an evening of
great music, great fun,
and great company at
file J a z z
3 3 N W 2nd Avenue.
Date: F rid ay, A p ril. 9th 2005
l ime : 9:00 P M
The Andy Stokes Band
I ) J O .G . O n e
21 X O ver
Cost: $15.00
Proceeds » ill go to
purchasing d efib rillato rs
fo r athletic events.
Salvadorans Commemorate Romero’s Death
(AP) - Activists from around the
world gathered in thisCentral Ameri­
can country Thursday to remember
Bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, a
human rights proponent who was
gunned down 25 years ago.
The bishop had spoken out
against alleged repression by the
Salvadoran army at the beginning
of the country’s 12-year civil war
between a right-wing government
and leftist rebels.
Romero was slain down on March
Hundreds o f people march through the streets to honor slain
24,1980, while celebrating a Mass
Roman Catholic Bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero in San Salvador,
at a Catholic hospital where he lived.
El Salvador, Thursday, March 24.
Rom ero’s assassin was never
Processions and memorial ser­ nounced recently that they had
brought to trial, and a Roman Catho-
lic human rights office has called on vices took place amid hopes that begun the process of beatification
the Salvadoran government to re- the Vatican will proclaim Romeroa for Romero, the last formal step
saint. Church leaders in Rome an­ before possible sainthood.
I open the investigations.
Light Poles to
Local Artwork
from Metro
in designing and crafting struc­
tural and landscape metal works
as well as creating unique furni­
ture designs and interior ele­
“It is my personal mission to
evolve the craft of designer and
artist and experiment in the cre­
ative environm ents we live.”
Seale said. "My work is inspired
by nature and community.”
Four of the banners will con­
tain “kinetic” reeds, branches,
spirals, an d d ru m s-th at will pro­
duce movement and sound dur­
ing windblown days.
Art on Alberta is a non-profit
organization whose mission is to
promote the Alberta Street Art
D istrict’s distinct culture and
id e n tity
th ro u g h
p u b lic
art. visual art and education ac-
tivities. M
Children carried photographs of
the cleric in a procession that be­
gan at the chapel and concluded at
his tomb, housed in the central ca­
thedral in El Salvador'scapital, San
Margaret Dexheimer, 52, and her
h u sb a n d , L u th e ra n M in iste r
Guillermo Dexheimer, 48, both of
Saint Paul, Minn., carried a bou­
quet of flowers and a IO-foot-tall
painted portrait of Romero during
their second visit to El Salvador to
commemorate the bishop’s death.
“Even though Msgr. Romero
was killed a long time ago. people
still remember him, even young
people,” said Jennifer Lau, 33, edi­
tor o f a Canadian religious maga­
Personal Editorial
Opinion: Politics, Religion & Community
F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n c o n ta c t:
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926 NW 13" Avenue. Ste. 140, Portland. OR 97209
Hear on KKPZ, 1330 AM dial, 7:30 Sunday mornings;
Political Scientist,
and worldwide via WWCR & WINB Radio
Rev. John Pearce
“Black Man”
“I will make mention of Rehab
( E g y p t) & Babylon to them that
know me. Behold Philistia ( Pal­
estine); Tyre; with Ethiopia; this
man was bom there. And of Zion
it shall be said, this and that man
was bom in her: A nd the highest
h im s e lf sh all estab lish h e r
| P S A L M 8 7 }.” Note The Black
Em pire Zion: Jebusite.Canaanite,
Hittite & Amorite families |G en
10:6-20and II Samuel 5:6). All the
above nations were people of
color. Biblically, years later Israel
linked to Zion thus: “ And thus
saith the lord ( Jod to Jerusalem,
thy birth and thy nativity is of the
land of ( anaan; thy father was an
A m orite. and thy m other was a
H ittite (Ezekial 16:3).” In Africa, Blacks having no voting rights -
I was told th at the ancient W est “Let My people Go!” Consis­
African father, A dudu wa, was the tently. that nation unjustly attacks
son of E th io p ia 's N im rod; from African Americans in high places
like the CEO of Sallie Mea -"Let
here. Blacks filled Africa.
Scholars say, H am ites w ere My People Go!” When this sup­
B la c k N ew sw eek m a g a z in e pression by the few of the many
d a te d J a n 1 1 , 1988, verified that declares a never ending War On
the human fam ily started with a Drugs - Drugs that are brought
civilized African Origin (DNA over on our major airlines (CNN
stu d ie s). S cientists have long News (-“Let My People Go!"
When this so called war, by
said that the oldest "bone find­
ings” were found in Ethiopia & law. automatically gives a wartime
Palestine. Note, Satan hates God nation rights to attack Black
& the Mind thereof, thus its even youngsters in our streets, disre­
clearer to why he hates G o d 's garding civil rights -“Let My
first thought o f a civilized man. People Go!” Is this a ploy of
the “ Black M an.” W as A m erica suppression starting w ith our
doing S atan 's bidding when en ­ young, desensitizing the popu­
slaving A fricans?
lous via TV media. “CO PS," in
to raise a new generation of
W hen a nation openly cam ­
without rights? - Let My
paigns, “Turn Back The clock;"
meaning, turning the clock back to
Madam ’s Suburban Salon
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