Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 23, 2005, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pase 86__________________ ___________________________
c H in m o r
ffl?l JJortlaub © h s e ru e r_________________________ March 23.2005
LeBron Sets NBA Record
Youngest to score more than 50
The best perform ance o f LeBron Jam es’
already rem arkable career left the y o u n g ­
est man to score 50 poi nts i n an N B A gam e
feeling unsatisfied.
Jam es scored a C leveland franchise-
record 56 points, but the C avaliers cam e
up short and lost 105-98 to the T oronto
Raptors on Sunday.
“ I d o n ’t eare about individual stats,
especially w hen you lose. I w as disap­
pointed to have as good a gam e as I had
and still com e out w ith a loss,” Jam es said.
At 20 years, Jam es eclipsed Rick Barry
as the youngest player to score 50 points.
Barry w as 21 years w hen he scored 57 for
San F rancisco against the N ew Y ork
Jam es easily surpassed his previous
career best o f 43 points, se, Nov. 24 against
D etroit. H ow ever, he com m itted a key
turnover w ith 16 seconds left and m issed
a pair o f 3-point attem pts in the final 14
seco n d s.
Jam es finished 18-for-36 from the field
and 14 -fo r-15 from the line. He also had six
3s, 10 rebounds and five assists. But
T o ro n to ’s bench did in the C avaliers,
outscoring C leveland’s reserves 34-1.
Cleveland Cavaliers forward
LeBron James drives to the
hoop over Toronto Raptors
center Loren Woods Sunday on
his way to scoring 56 points,
the youngest man to score 50
points in an NBA game.
(AP photo)
Cavaliers Fire Silas As Coach
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Many Different Chitterling Dishes
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Auto Injury Clinic
(Corner of M L K Blvd and Russell St.)
Cleveland Cavaliers coach Paul Silas
was fired after his team dropped from
first place to fighting for a playoff spot.
(AP photo)
(A P) - N BA great Paul Sila., w as hired to
m entor the N B A ’s next superstar. W hile he
succeeded w ith LeB ron Jam es, his failure w ith
the rest o f the team cost him his jo b .
Silas w as fired as coach o f the C leveland
C avaliers on M onday, his team fighting for a
p lay o ff spot after leading its division earlier this
year. Longtim e N BA assistant Brendan M alone
was appointed interim coach.
The dism issal cam e with 18 gam es left and the
team clinging to the fifth p lay o ff spot in the
Eastern C onference. Jam es seem s to have been
the only player w ho saw the m ove com ing.
“Y ou could kind o f tell the w ay the air was,
how things were going around here, there w as
I f y o u haven 7 been in a recent auto m o b ile
accident, y o u p ro b a b ly k n o w som eone w ho has.
Cover is Dream Come True
W e a re experts a t h e lp in g people w ith p ro b le m s
an d in ju rie s associated w ith accidents
going to have to be a change,” said Jam es, w ho
scored a franchise-record 56 points Sunday. “ I
d id n ’t know it w as going to be this soon.”
Silas told T he A ssociated Press he w as in­
form ed at a m orning m eeting w ith general m an­
ager Jim Paxson and new o w n er D an G ilbert.
S ilas’ son, assistant Stephen Silas, also was
“T hey d id n ’t think the team w as perform ing
as well as it should be and they w anted to m ake
a change,” Paul Silas said.
Paxson criticized S ilas’ ability as a coach and
“W e’re 64 gam es into the season and w e still
d o n ’t have a consistent rotation, substitution
pattern, those type o f things,” Paxson said. “W e
d id n ’t see that changing.”
G ilbert took o ver the team ju st three w eeks
ago and said the organization w ould be ev alu ­
ated from top to bottom .
Portland Trail Blazer
Theo Ratliff gives
children pointers on the
court as part of a clinic
for the Children's
Cancer Association
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Shaquille O'Neal kisses the top o f his head on a Wheaties
cereal box t the delight o f the Miami Heat's junior cheering
squad. (AP photo)
(A P )— Shaquille O ’N eal’s taste
in breakfast cereals might be chang­
T he longtim e fan o f F rosted
Flakes, w hich he once called “the
best cereal ever created,” is the
latest athlete to grace the cover o f
a W heaties box.
The Shaq box, w hich features a
p ictureofthe 12-time NBA All-Star
in a red M iam i Heat uniform on the
front and a sm aller photo in his
w hite hom e uniform on the back,
began hitting superm arket shelves
last week.
“Sexy man, sexy m an,” O ’Neal
said, after unveiling a 7-foot replica
o f the box.
“ It’s actually an honor,’’O ’Neal
said. “I rem em ber as a youngster,
going to the stores, seeing all those
greats like Kareem and M agic on
the box and then saying to my
m other and father, ' I ’m going to be
on the cover o f that one d ay .’ And
then they’d sm ack m e and say, ' Shut
u p .’”
But he m ade it.
“It’s a big day for m yself and for
my fam ily,” O ’Neal said. “ I think
th is’ll be even bigger for my ch il­
dren. I’m going to go hom e and tell
them , Look. D ad d y 's a superstar.
I’m on the cover o f cereal.’”
Helping Out With Cancer
Prem ier A uto G roup and the
Portland Trail Blazers have teamed
up in defense o f seriously il, ch il­
dren by supporting the C h ild ren ’s
C an cer A ssociation w ith d o n a­
tions and public service work.
Trail Blazer T heo R atliff helped
k ick o f f the p a rtn e rsh ip at the
Area Little League Teams Forming
Mary Dunn, president o f the P enin­
sula Little League in north Portland,
and G ordon Young, president o f the
Riverside Little League in northeast
Portland, are encouraging players to
get ready for the new spring season.
A M arch 12 sign-up deadline has
already past and players are scram bling
to get spots on a team . Practices w ere
scheduled to begin in m id-M arch. At
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this point, children are put on a w aiting
list for the P eninsula L eague but the
Riverside League still has openings.
Y oung is especially encouraging fe­
m ale players to sign up. O pening gam e
day for both program s is April 2.
For m ore inform ation, call 503-988-
0846 or visit w w w .eteam z.active.com /
peninsulalittleleague. For the Riverside
program, call 888-487-6086.
R ose G ard en w ith a “T h e o ’s O n-
co u rt C lin ic ” fo r im p acted y outh
and g av e th e k id s a b eh in d -th e-
scen e s to u r o f the T rail B lazer
lo ck er room .
The Blazers and auto group also
m ade a public service announce­
m ent for the association.
Germany Honors Ali
(A P )— M uham m ad Ali w ill receive a prestigious G erm an
h o n o rin D ecem b erin reco g n itio n o fh isco m m itm en tto th eU .S .
civil rights m ovem ent and his w ork as a U nited N ations peace
am bassador.
T he form er heavyw eight cham pion will receive the O tto
Hahn freedom medal Dec. 17,the G erm an S ocietyfortheU nited
N ations said. H e w as cited for his “lifelong com m itm ent to the
A m erican civil rights m ovem ent and the global cultural em an ­
cipation o f black people, as well as his w ork as a U.N. peace
am bassador,” the organizers said.