Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2005, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page B2
March 9. 2005
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L aw & J ustice
Rally for
Civil Unions
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Same-sex couple
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Police release a group o f gra ffiti photographs hoping to identify the vandals known only
by their “tags. ’
Police Seek Help Against Vandals
The Portland Police Bureau, in
cooperation with Crime Stoppers,
would like your help identifying
vandals known only by their
S om etim es referred to as
“taggers,” the vandals draw or
paint graffiti on walls, billboards,
street signs, fences, public utility
property, transit property, trains,
and anywhere else it is likely to be
seen. This activity affects neigh-
borhood livability by creating an
eyesore wherever it is applied. It
also costs private property own­
ers, and members of the community
money to clean it up. Sometimes
property is damaged beyond repair
and must be replaced, also at great
Certain “tags” have appeared
often in Portland lately. “TOR­
MENT” has been seen almost 40
times in neighborhoods of south-
east, northw est and northeast
Portland. It has appeared up and
down Northeast Alberta Street.
“DELK” is a tag seen over 60
tim es around tow n including
southeast portland near South­
e a st 12th and H a w th o rn e .
are “tags” that have been reported
a dozen or more times and often
on page B5
Graffiti Removal Kits Available
Graffiti removal kits containing
environmentally-friendly solvent
and other graffiti removal supplies
are available to be checked out at
nine Portland Fire stations.
Community volunteers will be
asked to concentrate their efforts
on using solvent to wipe out graf­
fiti on surfaces like metal light
poles, backs of street signs, and
newspaper boxes. In addition, vol­
unteers can use provided scrapers
to get rid of stickers, which are
widespread, unsightly and difficult
to remove.
The participating fire stations
are at 1715 N.W . Johnson St.,
7134 N. M aryland Ave., 926 N.E.
W e id le r S t.,
1905 N .E .
Killingsworth St., 8720 S. W. 30th
Ave., 2915 S.E. 13,h Place, 5211
S.E. Mall St. 5916 N.E. Going St.,
and 1500 S.E. 122nd Ave.
Kits are available for checkout
every day, between 8 a.m. and 5
p.m., except when fire personnel
are called out on emergencies.
( A P)— Gay rights activists from
around the state converged on the
Capitol Thursday for a rally and a
day of lobbying lawmakers to pass
equal rights measures for same-sex
“O ur time has com e,” Roey
Thorpe of Basic Rights Oregon told
a c ro w d o f
aro u n d 500
people at the
C a p ito l’s
“ W e will
never go aw­
ay. W e will
n e v e r give
up,” said Tho­
rpe, executive
director of the
state’s major gay rights organiza­
The event was held on the one-
year anniversary of Multnomah
County creating a political uproar
by beginning to issue marriage li­
censes to same-sex couples.
The legality of the 3,042 licenses
issued before a judge halted the
practice is up in the air because
voters in November passed a state
constitutional amendment banning
gay marriage.
Gay rights backers are lobbying
lawmakers to create “civil unions"
that would provide the equivalent of
marital benefits for gay couples, such
as rights to spousal death benefits
or visiting rights in hospitals.
Sen. Ben Westlund of Bend, one
of the few Republican gay-rights
voices in the Legislature, told the
rally he’s “passionately supporting
civil union legislation” along with
Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown,
Gay rights supporters also are
pushing for passage of a bill that
would outlaw discrimination based
on sexual orientation in employment,
housing and public accommoda­
Democratic Gov.Ted Kulongoski
says adoption o f the anti-discrimi­
nation measure is a high priority of
his, and he also backs civil unions.
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TriMet Injury Claim was a Hoax
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A police
sketch o f
a sus-
Security cameras
show woman
was not on bus
__ _
Peeping Tom
A peeping tom has been active
in northeast Portland for the past
several weeks.
The Sexual Assault Detail of the
Portland Police Bureau has re­
leased a sketch o f the suspect,
described as white male in his early
20's, approximately 5 feet 8 inches
to 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a thin
to medium build. He wears dark
colored sweatshirts and on one
occasion wore a knit cap.
Police said the man appears to
be selecting homes in the Beau­
mont neighborhood.
A woman who tried to fraudu­
lently claim damages against TriMet
has been sentenced to three years
probation, 20 days in jail and or­
dered to pay $617 in restitution and
court fees.
TammieE. Holloway pled guilty
to perjury in Multnomah County
Circuit Court in connection with a
TriMet bus accident during the
morning of Aug. 29,2003.
Holloway claimed to be on the
Soliciting Sex Near School Leads to Arrest
Portland Police arrested Antonio
Negrete Jr., 24, on six counts of
com pelling prostitution and six
Madam ’s Suburban Salon
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N a il A r t $2 QQAr nn
number 72-Killings-worth/82nd Av­ witnessing the accident.
Cameras on TriMet buses and
enue bus when it was stopped at
the left turn signal on Martin Luther MAX trains have been used suc­
cessfully to prosecute
K ing Jr. B lvd at
several fraud cases.
Killingsworth when the
“T riM e t’s in v e st­
car in front of the bus
of putting cameras
rolled back and hit the
and MAX
front of the bus. The
big divi­
bus driver braked and
T riM et
tw o people received
minor injuries.
H o llo w a y sta te d
have proven useful in
that she hit her fore­ Tammie Holloway
showing exactly what
head on a pole. How­
ever, cameras on the TriM et bus happens during an accident and
showed that Holloway was not on assists us in assuring that people
the vehicle during the incident - can’t fraudulently take advantage
she was actually across the street of an accident for their own gain.”
counts of attempted sodomy for arrest Negrete.
The Portland Police Bureau says
attempti ng to pay children for sexual
it sees an increase in both arrests
The investigation began several and complaints of predatory sexual
behavior by adults each
weeks ago when officer
year as the spring-like
from the School Police
w eather brings ch il­
Division received infor­
mation that a suspect
dren and young adults
was driving around at­
to congregate outside
n e a r s c h o o ls and
tempting to pay chi ldren
to engage in sexual ac­
Parents and guard­
Officers broadcast a
ians are asked to talk to
suspect alert and on Feb.
theirchildren about the
25 received information Antonio Negrete Jr. need tobe vigilant, walk
from a Roosevelt High
in pairs, and report
School student that the man had just suspicious behavior.
approached him near the school.
Anyone with information in this
The victim provided police with a investigation is asked to call the
description of the suspect and his Portland Police Bureau School Po-
car, which allowed police toquickly lice Division at 503-823-2166.
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