Committed to Cultural Diversity March 9, 2005 M etro (Observer SECTION World-renowned dancer Savion Glover is coming to Portland for two perfor­ mances on March 29 and 30 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Oregon Food Bank The Oregon Food Bank will host agardening w orkshop on M arch 9 at 6:30 p.m. at 7900 N E 33rd Drive. T o register, call 503-282- 0555 ext. 268. Not Your O rdinary Tappers, G lo v er's dance com ­ pany, took him on international tours and caught the attention o f President Bill C linton, for whom he per­ form ed in “Savion G lover’s Stom p, Slide and Swing" special on PBS. In 2000, Glover paid tribute to tap greats Jimmy Slyde, Buster Brown, Dianne Walker and Cartier Williams with “Savion Glover in Foot Notes.” Glover’s set for some more fiercely passionate and rhythmic performances with his current tour. He will feature various improvised performances with his six- piece band, as well as selections from his last tour. Tickets for G lover’s March 29 and 30 perfor­ mances range from $23 to $57. Shows start at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-248-4335 or visit or Women Mentors W om en in C om m unity Service is seeking volunteer m entors to serve as advisors, advocates and role m odels forfem ale offenders at C offee C reek C orrectional Facility. M entors provide sup­ p o rt a n d e n c o u ra g e m e n t to w omen transitioning from prison back into the com m unity. M en­ tors m ust be fem ale, 24 or older. T raining is provided on M arch 19. C all 503-570-6614 for more information. Portland Children’s Museum Portland Children ’ s M useum will hold a variety o f art activities for children throughout March, in­ cluding m ediums using mosaic, African arts and culture and gar­ den stepping stones. For infor­ mation, call 503-223-6500or visit nuseunuirg. Used Bookstore Sale The M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Library ’ sTitle W ave Used Book­ store at 216 N.E. Knott St. will hold its 17th anniversary sale during the month o f March. Sales w ill change daily. H ours are M onday through Saturday from 10a.m . to 4 p .m . For m ore infor- mation, call 503-988-5021. Get Fit, Stay Healthy! Sankofaa H ealth Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7 :3 0 p .m . every third T hursday at A lberta Sim m ons Plaza, 6707 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-285-2484. Love the Pooch Problem pooch classes are a must take for anyone w ho m ay be ne w to the w orld o f pet parenthood or is interested in considering adopting a new friend. C om e to the O regon H um ane Society to find out why your dog does those silly little things. M eetings are every first and third Saturday o f the m onth at 11 a.m. For more information, call 503-285-7722. Tapp„ Inltl Star Power Savion Glover to glide through Portland It’s rare that a pair of tapping feet could sound as pleasing to the ear as Savion Glover’s. From being featured on Broadway to the big screen as a dancer and choreographer, Glover has made a lot of noise that he'll continue by visiting Portland on March 29 and 30 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Glover made his Broadway debut at age 12, starring in “The Tap Dance Kid,” and continued on the stage with “ Black and Blue” and “Jelly’s Last Jam,” which co- starred his mentor, the late Gregory Hines. He made his first film debut with Hines and Sammy Davis Jr. in “Tap” as a 13-year-old. As regular on Sesame Street for five seasons, a feature in Kenny G ’s video “Havanna” and a spot in Puff Daddy and the Family’s video “All About the Benjamins,” Glover has made quite a name for himself on the dance circuit. Glover went on to produce and choreograph the ABC special “Savion Glover's Nu York” and starred in the Showtime movie “The Wall.” He also choreographed the HBO movie “The Rat Pack.” photos by L en I rish /D ance M agazine Local Students Widen Horizons Women In NAACP W om en in N A A C P m eets from 10:30a.m . to 1 p.m. the first Sat­ u rday o f each m onth at the A m erican Red C ross Building, 3131 N. V ancouver. For ques­ tions, call 503-249-6263. Business Meeting On Mississippi Avenue Join N orth/N ortheast B usiness A ssociation m eetings on the first M onday o f each m onth from 6 to 8 p.m. at A lbina C om m unity B ank, 2002 N.E. M artin L uther King Blvd. M orning netw orking m eetings are the third W ednes­ day o f each m onth from 7:30 to 9 a. m . at the B1 azers Boys and Girls C lub, 5250 N.E. M artin L uther King Blvd. For m ore inform a­ tion, call 503-249-0487 o r visit w w w AIDS Awareness A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e sponsors a bi-m onthly support and education group for A frican A m ericans living w ith H IV / A ID S at M aranatha C hurch at 4222 N E 12,h St. T he group will m eet every second and fourth Thursday of the m onth. For more in f o r m a tio n , c a ll E ln a th a n Hudson at 503-285-0493 ext. 217. Birth Ready W hether you need childbirth preparation classes, or ju st a refresh er. P rovid en ce H ealth System s has a w orkshop for you. Prepare for pain, take a w eekend sem inar or prepare big sisters and brothers-to-be throughout th e s u m m e r b y v is itin g w w w .providence .org/c lasses or call 503-574-6595. f Monthly Music Walk Premieres A student from Tubman Middle School in north Portland used a tree corer to extract a wood sample for scientific research. Discover careers in environmental sciences D avid S tadth F or the P ortland O bserver An inner city outreach program w orking with Portland Public Schools has been n a­ tionally recognized for its success in b u ild ­ ing bridges betw een natural resources is­ sues, urban youth and the need to en co u r­ age m ore young scholars to pursue careers in the environm ental sciences. The program , organized by the C ollege o f Forestry at O regon State U niversity and supported by three other land m anagem ent and research agencies, recently received the annual d iv ersity aw ard for p artn ersh ip achievem ent from G ale N orton, U.S. secre­ tary o f the interior. “T his is a chance to spark an interest in by This is a chance to spark an interest in natural resource issues among young Portland- area students, and help steer them toward some subjects they might otherwise not have considered. - David Stamper, manager of pre-college programs for the OSU College of Forestry natural resource issues am ong young Port land-area students, and help steer them to­ w ard som e subjects they m ight otherw ise not have considered,” said D avid Stem per. m anager o f pre-college program s for the O SU C ollege o f Forestry. “W e also try to connect them to internships and jo b oppor­ tunities, even during high school, and ulti­ m ately take their interests to the next level a, O SU or a com m unity college.” C a lle d the In n er C ity Y o u th In stitu te th e p ro g ram sin ce 1999 has been o p e ra t­ ing in n o rth east P o rtlan d , m o stly at G rant H igh S chool and three area m iddle schools T h e p ro g ram d ire c to r w o rk s w ith teach ers continued on page R5 This week. Mississippi Avenue is debut­ ing a monthly Second Thursday Music Walk. The inaugural celebration will start at 5 p.m. Thursday at participating businesses on North M ississippi A v­ enue between Skidmore and Fremont streets. Fans of music, food, dance and art can come to enjoy special events at restaurants, studios and clubs with live music throughout the night. Other par­ ticipating merchants along the avenue will be open late for business, w ith some holding their own events such as music, open houses, and art exhibits. Participating businesses and events include: Bold-Sky Café & Studios, Bold- Sky, Belle Epoque Salon, Mississippi Studios. Pasta Bangs, Mississippi Pizza & Pub. Mississippi Commons. Quirks and Quandaries, Gravy, and Amnesia Brewing. I