Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2005, Page 3, Image 3

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March 9. 2005
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Ask o
Page A3
realized she’s messing with him
too. I told both o f them w hat’s
going on and instead of the issue,
they talked about me. I lie when I
get nervous so when the other
cousin asked if 1 had told on her,
I lied and now she’s ignoring me.
Can I fix this or do I leave it alone?
- N o More Drama; Toledo. Ohio
Dear Drama:
Real P eople, Real Advice
advice coin inn known fo r
its fearless approach Io
reality-based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
Community College Support Urged
Portland Community College student Danielle Bryant (left) and PCC Foundation Board Trustee Freddye Prophet build awareness of
the college's budget woes and educational mission at the State Legislature in Salem. About 100 students, college representatives
and business partners recently descended on the Capitol to send the message to lawmakers that support is crucial for continuing
the college's quality programs, especially in light o f cuts in the Governor's budget proposal.
Streetcar Opens AIDS Project
to Waterfront Manager Hired
The first extension of the
Portland Streetcar the South
Waterfront district opens this
weekend with celebrations
and free fares.
Dignitaries, business own­
ers and citizens will gather
Friday, March 11 toofficially
greet the new Portland Street­
car to RiverPlace. The cer­
emony will be held at 11 a.m.
at Southwest River Parkway
and River Drive.
The event will be kicked
off by the arrival o f tw o
streetcars with dignitaries
and a vocal perform ance by
Julieanne Johnson who will
highlight the them e o f the
grand opening “Take Me To
The R iver.”
The public will be able to
ride the entire streetcar line from
n o rth w e st
P o rtla n d
RiverPlace free all weekend
On Saturday, vendor booths
will line River Drive along with
a Full Sail Beer Garden, wine
tasting and food booths. En­
tertainment and performances
will run all day.
K athleen Saadat has gone to work
as com m unities o f color initiative
m anager for the C ascade A ID S
S a a d a t w ill o v e r s e e th e
organization’s efforts to improve
its cultural com petence and facili­
tate better relationships with com ­
m unities o f color, especially the
Latino and A frican A m erican popu­
Saadat has held highly regarded
posts as a form er state director o f
affirm ative action, form er m em ber
and co-chair o f the Portland Rain­
bow Coalition, executive director
o f the O regon C om m ission on Black
Affairs, and is a senior fellow o f the
O regon chapter o f the Am erican Lead­
ership Forum.
She has also received many awards,
recognitions and honors for her civil
liberties work on behalf o f women,
gays, lesbians and com m unities o f
There’s a guy I like and we really
care for each other. The only prob­
lem is that I’m in my late 20s and
he’s in his teens. H e’s very mature
for his age. I really like him and
don’t know what to do. He can
barely go out because his mom is
strict and he’s always at school.
I’ve never felt this way for someone
as young. Can you please help me
because 1 don’t know what to do?
—Ms. Shy; Online E-Mail
Dear Ms. Shy:
This must be a family tree with a
rotten apple or a classic episode
o f Jerry Springer. Y ou’ve done
enough to both cousins by hav­
ing two faces and gossiping. You
should be concerned about the
violence and the safety issue in­
stead o f w ho’s zooming who. Y ou
need to fix it by telling the truth to
whoever you lied to and seek help
for that little nerve problem if
you’re going to be in people’s
Dear Deanna!
I don’t take my 3-year old sons to
church with me. However, I end
up losing my religion and arguing
with my family after church. My
family feels they should at least
be there in the nursery. 1 think
they’re a distraction if in the con­
gregation and the church nursery
is a waste of time. W ho’s right on
this issue? —Lois; Tampa, Fla.
Save yourself some jail time with
two words. Statutory Rape. It’s Dear Lois:
against public law and his mother’s Take those kids to church and let
law for you to date her son who’s a them make noise now because if
minor. H ecan’tdrive.m ake money not, you’ll find yourself crying at
or provide emotional support which their jail cell later. If you attend
leaves you with a young stud with church, pay tithes and offerings
milk breath. Wake up and date men then you should go ahead and
in your league. As a last resort see utilize the nursery for your chil­
what happens when he becomes dren. Don’t be foolish. The nurs­
legal. However, don’t be surprised ery has structure that will begin
if he selects girls his age instead of the process of giving you’re your
toddlers a foundation of Christ.
Again, let those boys make their
Dear Deanna!
joyful noise unto the Lord.
I have two cousins messing with
the same guy. One has been with Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
him 5 years and they have kids but M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
I accidentally found out he beats askdeanna! @ yahoo.com or 264
her and threatens her. Ididn’tknow S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
about the other cousin until I was Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
telling her about the beatings and I www.askdeanna.com
Advertise with diversity in
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Cull 5O3-2X8-OO33 ads@portlani1ob server.com
G e t y o u r q u e s t io n s a n s w e r e d th is
w e e k e n d . S a m p le t a s t e s o f c u r r y ,
p ic k u p s o m e p r e - m a d e s a u c ­
e s f r o m o u r s h e lv e s , o r c h o o s e
a c u r r y e n tr e e o r s id e d is h f r o m
o u r D e li.
J o in u s !
S a tu rd a y & S u n d a y
1 1 :O O a m -5 :O O p m
<■ - » R ¡3
The friendfiesF store in toton..
N E 3 3 r d & K illm g s w o r t h
P o r t la n d O P 9 7 2 1 1
5 0 3 .2 8 8 3 8 3 8
C o r n e ll & N E 6 1 s t A v e .
H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 2 4
5 0 3 .6 4 8 .6 9 6 8
1214 SE T a c o m a
P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2
503 230 4949
7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n H ills d a le
P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5
5 0 3 2 9 2 .6 8 3 8
1 9 5 4 S E D iv is io n S tr e e t
P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2
5 0 3 .4 4 5 2 8 8 8