March 9. 2005 FOCUS page C3 in For Colored Girls' PHOTO COURTES Y I saiah B ouie / S ix 21 pix Group performs at Interstate Firehouse A passionate and fearless story of what it is to be of color and female will captivate audiences in a staged reading o f ‘For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide — when the Rainbow is Enuf,’ by Ntozake Shange. The production is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. on both Sunday, March 20 and Monday, March 21 at north Portland’s I nterstate Firehouse Cul­ tural Center. Olivia Admire, Terese Brazzle, Shawnti Eaden, LaVeme Green, S h aro n M a rtin i, C ow anda Matthews, and Lorri Williams, star in the IFCC event. “For Colored Girls,” was first per­ formed in 1974 to acclaimed suc­ cess at Joseph Papp’s Public The­ ater and on Broadway. The Obie A w ard-w inning production has excited, inspired, and transformed audiences all over the country. IFCC’s Storyteller/ Readers The­ ater is reintroducing audiences to Shaw nti E aden (from left), LaV em e Green, Cowanda M atthews, Terese Brazzle, Lorri Williams an d Olivia Adm ire star in a Stroytellerz R eaders Theater production o f ‘For Colored Girls ’ a t the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland. the words that have defined the ence, and while there are wonderful hopes, fears, needs and desires of literacy programs and support for the modem black woman as part of young readers, this project is spe­ W omen’s History Month. cifically designed to include our Storytellerz’ goal is to bring the­ inner city community, from youth ater to everyday folks who do not believe they would ever be able to perform, either because o f a lack of formal theater training or the inabil­ ity to learn lines. Nevertheless, they wish to be on stage bringing their love of the theater to an audience that does not necessarily embrace In Laughlin, Nevada the experience of live theater. Literacy is the key to our exist- to seniors, and to encourage them cans of food. not only to read, but to enjoy theat­ The Interstate Firehouse Cultural rical plays as well. Center is at 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 For information visit www.ifcc- for seniors and students plus three or call 503-823-4322. D irect F lights TO Âauyûfaiâ Riverside Resort Hotel 6c Casino ROOM & AIR PACKAGES F ro m $ 2 1 ^ to $2 3 9 * (Price Includes All Texes & Fees) From PORTLAND, OREGON To LAUGHLIN, NEVADA C om ing to Portland C enter Stage Cynthia Jones an d Felicia V. Loud sta r in ‘Crowns, ’ an award­ winning play b a se d on photographer M ichael Cunningham an d journalist Craig M ayberry’s acclaim ed ‘Crowns: Portraits o f Black W om en in Church Hats'. The play e v o k e s th e lives a n d stories o f 54 ‘h a t q u een s, ’ ranging in a g e from 2 2 to 78, who are captured in th e ‘cro w n s’ th ey w ear to church ea ch Sunday. The production is o n e o f se v e n plays a n n o u n c e d recently for th e com pany's 1 8 m year. •tT -p During æ*2 R tsoftl1 APRIL 1-866-228-2734 Flights Every Weds - Sat 3 Nights Sat - Weds 4 Nights •P » a « S ARE PER PERSON, BASED O N DOUBLE OCCUPANCY SINGLE OCCUPANCY SSO ADDITIO NAL CHARGE. INCLUOES ROUNDTRIP AIREARE. G R O U N 0 TRANSFERS A N D HOTEL LODGING AT THE RIVERSIDE RESORT. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, ARE NO T RETROACTIVE . A N D MAY NO T BE AVAILABLE O N CERTAIN DEPARTURES OR AT TIME O f BOOKING DUE TO LIMITED SPACE SEE OPERATOR PARTICIPANT CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. TICKETS ARE N O N REF U N O ABLE. CHANGE A N D CANCELLATION PENALTIES APPLY. PRICE INCLUDES A l l TAXES A N D FEES ALL CHART! R FLIGHTS OPERATED FOR S K Y Q U E S T BY RYAN INTERNATIONAL AIRI INES. M C DO NNE! L DOUGLAS MOB? JET AIRCRAIT