Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2005, Page 14, Image 14

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B osko C D R elease - Jus Fam ily
Productions presents B osko in an
album release party featuring Cool
Nutz, M aniac Lok, S iren's Echo and
DJ C hill on Friday, M arch 11 at
B erbati’s Pan. T ickets are $10 ad­
vance, $15 day o f show.
S id ew ay z S p eech C D R elease -
Sidew ayz Speech will perform at a
C D release show at C o n a n ’s on
Friday, M arch 11.
R e b irth B ra ss B an d - New O r­
lean s’ R ebirth B rass Band will per­
form on S aturday, M arch 12 at 9
p.m. in L o la 's R oom at the
Crystal Ball Room. Tickets
are $ 12 advance, $ 15 day
o f show.
every second W ednesday o f the
m onth at the upscale B acchus R es­
taurant, thanks to EEI International.
w w w .pcs.org.
A W in t e r ’s T a le -
Shakespearian play “A W inter’s
T ale” will be perform ed at Portland
C om m u n ity C o lle g e ’s S ylv an ia
C am pus Perform ing Arts C enter at
7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday,
M arch 11 and 12. T here is a Sunday
matinee on March 13 at 2 p.m., which
will be interpreted for the hearing
impaired. Tickets are $7 general, $5
students, seniors, PCC staff
and children. For m ore infor­
mation, call 503-977-4949.
B.B. K in g -L e g en d a ry
b lu es m u sicia n B.B.
King will perform on
M arch 18 and 19 at 8
p.m . at the C hin o o k
W inds C asino Resort
in Lincoln City. For more
information, call 1-888-
K R S -O n e-K R S -O n ew ill
perform on M arch 12 at
B erbati’s Pan. T ickets are
$15 advance, $18 day o f
show .
M y F a ir L a d y - Portland
C e n te r S ta g e p re s e n ts
“ My Fair L ady” through
Saturday, M arch 12. T ick­
ets are $15 ages 30 and
under, $20 to $55 general.
For m ore inform ation, call
5 0 3 - 2 7 4 -6 5 8 8 o r v is it
tion - T here will be a St. P atrick ’s
Day celebration at Pioneer C o urt­
house Square from M arch 17 to 19
from 11 a.m . to 9 p.m. A dm ission is
free until 4 p.m. and $5 from 4 p.m. to
H om ow o A frican A r t s - H om ow o
A frican A rts and Culture
will present dance and drum
dem onstrations on M arch
21 and 23 at 10:30a.m. at the
Portland C h ild ren ’s M u­
seum. Space is lim ited and
free w ith m useum adm is­
sion. For more information,
call 503-223-6500.
S u c k a p u n c h - H iphop
artists Suckapunch will
perform with Fogatron,
DJ D eena B and DJ Izm at the
D oug Fir L ounge on Friday,
March 18at9p.m .C over is$10
at the door.
Tall Jazz - Tall Jazz with
M arilyn K eller on vocals
will be giving a benefit con­
cert for Trinity L utheran
S chool’s Band Program on
W e d n e s d a y , M a rc h 3 0
at 7 p.m. at 5520 N.E.
K illingsw orth St. T ickets are $ 10 at
the door, free to children 12 and
under. For m ore inform ation, call
St. P atrick ’s Day C elebra-
Laugh Factory - C om edy returns
B illy R eed ’ s
R estaurant t B ar
Trippin ’ through Town - Take a trip
through tim e to find the hottest
poetry, hip hop and soul influenc­
ing P ortland on W ednesdays at the
O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave.
On the R a d io - G roove to soul and
hip hop w ith K evin Berry from 7 to
9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 FM /KBOO.
Check out the C om m unity Potpourri
talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M ondays,
W ednesday and F ridays at 1480
A M /K B M S. C ount your blessings
with M elodies from H eaven from 6
to 10 p.m. M ondays through F ri­
days at 1 2 9 0 A M /K K S L .T u n e in to
A frican A m erican H ealth Radio
W ednesday nights on 1290 A M /
L ocal A rtists Featured at A bbey
C afé - T he A bbey C afé, 441 N.
K illingsw orth St., invites m usicians
to sell their C D s and perform on
Fridays and Saturdays. For more
information, call 503-286-4847.
w w w. billy reeds, coin
Watch for more coming dates
Lets Do it a g a in !
Wed 3/9/05 $3 cover
Cool Breeze
Sat 3/12/05
H ave a Ball - Kids will have a ball at
O M S I’s new Innovation Station by
exploring the hum an side o f tech­
nology. For m ore inform ation, visit
w w w .om si.edu.
A m usem ent A t O aks Park - C el­
ebrating 99 years o f fun, O aks Park
in southeast Portland offers rides,
picnic grounds, roller-skating and
fam ily gam es in the shade o f 100-
year-old oak trees on the banks o f
the W illam ette River. Rides and
roller-skating are open daily.
Tim e to Jam - Jam Night, Portland’s
ever-popularcom edy/variety show,
is at Christian Perform ing Arts C en­
ter, 8131 N. D enver A ve. Show s
continue every Friday N ight start­
ing at 9 p .m . w ith d in n e r by
M ondem aj C atering next d o o r to
the show a t6 :3 0 a n d 7 :3 0 p .m . D in­
ner is $13 and tickets are $7 for
adults and $4 for children under 12.
F or d inner reservations, call 503-
286-2590. For inform ation about the
show , call 503-735-4184 or visit
www.jam -night.com .
With your continued financial support along
with that of your fellow community radio
contributors, we can meet our goal one pledge
at a time. We hope to hear from you!
Johny Martin Live Jazz
Thu 3/10/05 $3 cover
Sun 3/13/05 No Cover
Fri 3/11/05 $3 cover
M ake Art on Alberta - Make art and
enjoy art on A lberta through P ort­
land Com m unity College. A variety
o f classes from art m aking to art
appreciation are available. For more
information, call 503-731 -6622.
$3 cover
Chata Man
Cool Breeze
G ypsy C lasses - C aravan Studios
offers classes in belly dance, A fri­
c a n d a n c e a n d m o re . V is it
w w w .g y p sy carav an .u s.
2X08 N E M L K
Kenny Lee
Blues Open Jam
March 9, 2005
in ®*'i Fortiani» (©bseruer
Mon 3/7/05
No Cover