ilK^o rtlan b ©bscruer Page B6 el March 9, 2005 O bservador Prison Fire Kills 133 in Dominican Republic (A P ) - Rival gangs fighting for control o f a provincial D om inican Republic prison set pillow s and sheets ablaze M onday, starting a fire that killed at least 133 people after rescuers w ere thw arted by a jam m ed entrance, officials said. O nly 26 inm ates w ere rescued from the public ja il in H iguey, 75 m iles northeast o f the capital on the island’s eastern tip, said N ational Police C h ief M anuel de Jesus Perez Sanchez. F our inm ates suffered bullet w ounds, but he had no details. G uards could not rescue prison­ ers from the blazing cell block be­ cause the entrance w as jam m ed. N ational Police spokesm an Gen. Sim on Diaz said. He did not know why the entrance w as jam m ed. By late M onday m orning, rescu­ ers had pulled 133 bodies from the cell block, Perez Sanchez said. H iguey fire ch ief N estor V era said, "M ost o f the prisoners w e’re Two prisoners show relief for having survived a fire at a ja il in Higuey, Dominican Republic on Monday. (AP photo) seeing are dead or badly w ounded." He said bodies w ere "piled up on top o f each other.” T he dead included tw o inm ates from Puerto Rico, he said. Arm y helicopters w ere ferrying the w ounded to hospitals in the capital, Santo D om ingo, he said Gen. Ram on de la C ruz M artinez, the national director o f prisons. The toll o f dead and injured was 159, although officials said earlier there were 148 prisoners in the jail. Dominican Republicjails are notori­ ous for being overcrow ded, as the U.S. State D epartment reported last week. The Dominican Republic’s35 pris­ ons were built to hold 9,(XX) prison­ ers but last year held more than 13,500, the State D epartm ent said in its an­ nual report on human rights. “ Som e prisons were totally out o f the authorities’ control and were, in effect, operated by arm ed in­ m ates,” the departm ent said. T he violence began Sunday night when one inmate shot and wounded a m em ber o f a rival gang, and dozens o f prisoners began fighting over which gang would control the pris­ oners, de la Cruz Martinez said. The gang that controls the prison sells food, cigarettes and drugs to the other prisoners. T he fight w as broken up by guards, but at about 12:30a.m. many prisoners began rioting, setting fire to pillow s and sheets in their cells, D iaz said. Latin American Art Featured “ E ig h t V ie w s o f L a tin A m erica,” will be featured at Onda A rte Latina and C ross C urrents G allery at 2215 N.E. A lberta St. through M arch 29. T he exhibit will feature photo­ graphs from C hery le Easter, Larry Easter, M ichael Feely, Bruce Hall, Latin America Plagued With Deadly Prison Riots (A P ) - D eadly priso n riots have plagued several cou n tries in Latin A m e ric a , w h ere c rim in a ls are c ro w d e d in to u n d e r-e q u ip p e d p r is o n s w ith p o o r ly tr a in e d gu ard s. H ere are so m e rec en t e x ­ am p les o f priso n rio ts in L atin A m erica: - F eb. 8: G angs b attle in a P eru ­ vian p riso n , leaving five inm ates dead. T he prison is d esig n ed for 1.800 inm ates but holds m ore than 7,000. - Jan. 21: Prisoners seize control o f a prison colony in central Brazil, killing tw o inm ates and holding Local A frican A m erican pastor Rev. Dr. LeR oy H aynes Jr. and C ongressm an Earl B lum enauer will speak at an interfaith m em orial service will honor those w ho have died during the w ar in Iraq. “A rlington N orthw est: T he C ost o f S ecurity” w ill be held on Sunday, M arch 20 at 2 p.m. at the First C ongregational U nited C hurch o f C hrist at 1137 SW Broadway. T hose in attendance will be given the opportunity to honor and grieve the lives that have been lost in Iraq. A tem porary m em orial will be set up w ith a list o f nam es. For m ore inform ation, to volunteer o r to donate, call 503-650-4447. G o s p e l r e c o r d in g a rtis t M ic a h S ta m p le y is se t to d e b u t “ T h e S o n g b o o k o f M ic a h " on M a rc h 2 9, f e a tu r ­ in g h is f i r s t s in g l e “ W ar C r y ,” a c a ll fo r C h ris tia n “ s o ld ie r s ” to g o o u t in to th e ALBINA MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE Cascade B a G i LAD , Delta Si^rpa Tbeta ( A P) - The H om e D epot Inc., the n a tio n ’s largest hom e AIDS Project Tbe Portland Chapter LinRs, Inc Healing Worship Celebration i mprovem ent store chai n, is launchi ng a partnership with four national H ispanic o rganizations to recruit m ore S pan ish ­ speaking em ployees - a strategy that proponents say can help retailers find talented w orkers and boost sales at the sam e time. Industry observers say the m ove - like the c o m p a n y ’s previous hiring partnerships with senior citizen and military groups - will help A tlanta-based H om e D epot tap into a valuable cu sto m er niche. By 2008, the com pany says, Hispanics are expected to have roughly $ 1 trillion in annual purchasing power. L aos pe l lin g e r Micah Stampley Service Honors War Victims to Debut Album '.1 Spanish-speaking Workers Wanted three guards hostage for 12 hours. aside for gang m em b ers are k illed -Septem ber 2002: Prisoners at La A ug. 18: R ival inm ates at a S al­ in a p riso n rio t in San P ed ro Sula, V ega in the D ominican Republic set vad o ran priso n fig h t w ith k n iv es H onduras. O ffic ials b lam e it on a fire to m attresses, starting a blaze an d stic k s, k illin g at le a st 31 short circ u it. G an g s alleg e that that kills 30 inm ates. The prison is people. P rison o ffic ia ls say m ore rival in m a te s th rew g aso lin e into built for 50 but holds about 4(X) men than 3 ,0 0 0 p riso n ers are b eing the ce lls and set th em ab laze as in nine cells. D om inican prisons at h eld in a fac ility m ean t fo r 800. o ffic ia ls sto o d by. the tim e w ere built to hold up to - M ay 2004: A three-day upris­ - April 5 ,2 0 0 3 : Prisoners battle 7,000 inm ates but had a population ing at a prison in Rio de Janeiro, gang m em bers at the El Porvenir o f som e 16,500. Brazil, leaves 30 inmates dead - some prison farm in northern H onduras, -D ec. 15,2001: Rioting inm ates beheaded and dism em bered. It is leaving 69 people dead. O fficials sta rt a fire th at sw eeps th ro u g h a B razil’s bloodiest prison riot since initially blam e inm ates, but a g o v ­ p riso n in P a ra g u a y ’s C iu d ad del 1992, w hen 111 inm ates died at the ernm ent report says guards co m ­ E ste, k illin g at least 25 p eo p le. It now -closed C arindiru prison. m itted m ost o f the slayings. The ap p a ren tly is to u c h ed o f f w hen a -M a y 1 7 ,2 0 0 4 : A t least 103 o f prison is built for 150 inm ates but ja ile r sh o o ts a p riso n er w h o a t­ 186 p riso n e rs in a ce ll b lo c k set holds 550. ta ck e d him in an escap e bid. R eligion tzsiAcls ¿ A b s e n c e w o rld a n d se e k th e ir m in is try a n d m is sio n . T h e alb u m h as so n g s o f e x ­ p lo r a tio n an d r e d e m p tio n , w o rs h ip a n d w h o le n e s s , th e a r tis t sa id . S ta m p le y r e c e n tly s h a re d th e sta g e w ith C e C e W in a n s, R ic k y S k a g g s , M ic h a e l W . S m ith an d M ercy M e at a N a sh ­ v ille f u n d -r a is e r c a lle d “ A n E v e n in g fo r R e s to ra tio n : M u ­ sic C ity C o m e s T o g e th e r fo r T su n a m i R e lie f.” A fter releasing five chart­ topping album s, glorious g o s­ pel singer LaShun Pace was silenced by grief and illness. A fter four years, sh e’s back with the trium phant album “ It’s My Tim e.” Her first single from the w ork, “For M y G ood,” was num ber one on the C hristian Singles chart for a total o f ten w eeks, rem aining at num ber o n e f o r tw o c o n s e c u tiv e weeks. P ace’s latest release p rim a­ rily w as a healing tool for the m usician, as in the last ten years, she has endured seri­ o u s h e a lth p r o b le m s , th e LaShun Pace breakup o f her m arriage and the death o f her oldest daughter. song “T h ro u g h H er E y es.” It’s The album is m ade up for tears and through her faith and her m usic that prayer, and includes the voice o f she has been able to overcom e P ace’s 11-year-old daughter for the these hardships. Lane College Concert Choir From Join us in our war against HIV/AIDS, Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) has broken the silence on HIV/AIDS in the African American communities by educating Christian churches in the North and Northeast community and fighting against the spread of HIV/AIDS. AMA invites community members, pastors, ministers and missionaries to the annual local observance of the national Balm in Gilead’s Black Church Week of Prayer. Jackson, Tennessee (O ne o f the 100 H istorical A frican-A m erican C olleges) Perform s In C oncert Please join us in our war against HIV/AIDS with Keynote Speaker, Rev. George Merriweather, Northeast Community Fellowship Foursquare Church Friday, March 11, 7:30 p.m. Allen Temple C.M.E. Church 4236 NE Eighth Ave. Portland, Oregon Contact: Dr. LeRoy Haynes, (503) 287-0261 or Bishop Grace Osborne (503) 281-5850 Susan L ynch, G ustavo Rapoport, Bryan W o lf and Richard W olfson. T he show includes w orks from Argentina, Chile, Cuba, G uatem ala, M exico and Puerto Rico. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 4 9 3 -1 9 0 9 or v is it w w w . W hen W here W ednesday M arch 23, 2005 7:00 pm M aranatha Church 4222 N E 12th Avenue Portland OR Cost: Free Will O ffering Sponsored By: Allen Tem ple C M E C hurch C o-S p on sored By: Albina Ministerial Alliance (AM A) For more inform ation, please contact Allen Tem ple C M E C hurch at (503) 287-0261 Graceful Performance “P o rtra its o f G ra c e ,” a p e rfo r­ m an ce m ad e up o f m o re th an 250 p eo p le, in c lu d in g m u ltip le ch o irs and a 3 0 -p iec e o rc h e stra w ill take p la ce M arch 16 th ro u g h M arch 19 at 7 :3 0 p.m . ea ch n ig h t at B e a v e rto n C h r is tia n C h u r c h , 13600 S.W . A llen BI vd. C h ild c a re w ill be p ro v id ed for c h ild re n u n d e r five. T ic k e ts are free. F or m o re in fo rm atio n , call 503-646-2151. 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