Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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    21archl, 200S______________________ ®*,e Jo rd a n it © bseruer____________________________
Àlito Review: 2006 Dodge Charger
The D odge C harger - o n e o f the
biggest nam es from the m uscles car
era is back. The C harger com ing off
the line and out o f garages this year
will create a new reputation for the
Dodge legend, featuring a m odem
design to back up its 21 “ century
m uscle car pow er, sports car han­
dling and cutting edge technology.
With a 250-horsepow er high out­
put V-6 engine or the optional 340-
horsepow er HEM I engine pow er­
ing large 18-inchrearw heels,theall
new 2006 Dodge C harger races into
the car m arket with bold, provoca­
tive styling and substance w ithout
losing the convenience o f a m od­
em sedan.
The C harger features rear-w heel
drive with near 50/50 w eight distri­
bution and advanced technologies
that offer superb ride and respon­
sive handling in all surface and
traction conditions. “It’s a car that
evokes pow er and perform ance
under the hood, yet provides ev­
eryday functionality and conve­
nience,” said Craig Love, V ice Presi­
dent — R ear-w heel-drive Product
Team , C hrysler G roup. “W e have
the proven technologies and the
legendary HEM 1 engine that allow
us to produce a m odem rear-w heel-
drive m uscle car.”
The M ultiple D isplacem ent Sys­
tem (M D S) on the D odge C harger’ s
HEM1 engine seam lessly deacti­
vates four cylinders in ju st 40 m illi­
seconds - quicker than a blink o f an
eye - when full V-8 pow er is not
needed, im proving fuel econom y
by up to 20 percent. T he HEM1
engine with M DS com pleted more
than 6.5 m illion custom er-equiva­
Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $44,520; Engine: 2.5 liter intercooled light pressure turbo, 5
cylinder Alloy Engine; Transmission: Geartronic 5-speed automatic w/adaptive shift logic and
winter mode.
lent m iles through the C hrysler satin silver accent rings.
G ro u p ’s developm ent and durabil­
A silver trim bezel surrounding
ity testing.
the shifter and additional silver
T he C harger offers the clever accents in the cen ter stack add ju st
functional use o f interior space that the right touch o f brightness to the
has becom e a tradem ark o f the com fortable interior. The tw o-tone
D odge brand and adds the con v e­ interior features ad ark er uppercolor
nience o f four doors. It features an and a lighter low er color, gi ving the
exciting, m odern and unique d e­ cabin an open feeling m ind-set. It is
sign, both inside and out, that stands sporty, functional and sim ple, fea­
out from the crow d.
turing a sleek instrum ent panel and
T he D odge C harger interior has V ip er-in sp ired tu n n eled g auges
a driver-oriented cockpit designed highlighted w ith w hite faces and
with a perform ance m ind-set. It is satin silver accent rings.
sporty, functional and sim ple, fea­
Production o f the 2006 D odge
turing a sleek instrum ent panel and C harger begins this spring at the
V ip er-in sp ired tu n n eled g au g es B ra m p to n A s s e m b ly P la n t in
highlighted with w hite faces and Bram pton, O ntario, Canada. The
D odge C harger will jo in the D odge
M agnum and C hrysler 300 vehicles
already built there.
The D odge C harger will be avail­
able in North American markets early
this sum m er and in select m arkets in
Latin A m erica and the M iddle East
in late 2005.
The target m arket for D odge
C h a rg e r in c lu d e s tre n d se ttin g ,
young affluent males with incomes
from $65,000 - $90,(XX). Customers
looking forthe thrilling ride and han­
dling characteristics of a sports car,
but with the added convenience o f a
functional, five passenger vehicle,
will be able to experience the best of
both with the 2006 Dodge Charger.
Police Seek Help Against Vandals
con tin u ed
fro m B2
in their ow n hom es as well. S om e­
tim es people use m ore than one
S o m etim es v an d als are ca u g h t
in the act, o th e r tim es th ey are
ca u g h t th ro u g h tip s o r p o lice in ­
v estig a tio n . By p u b lic iz in g th ese
appear together.
“T aggers” are know n to keep
notebooks full o f their ow n tags as
they practice and change their sty le.
T hey som etim es draw their "tags”
co m m o n “ta g s” p o lic e h ope to
find th e p eo p le re sp o n sib le and
h o ld th em a c c o u n ta b le fo r the
d am ag e th ey h av e d o n e. A n y o n e
w ho sees v an d a lism in p ro g ress
is en c o u rag ed to call p o lice right
aw ay.
Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash
rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case,
or any unsolved felony, and you
may remain anonymous. Call Crime
Stoppers at 503-823-4357.
Two young women from Grant High School help place salmon
carcasses provided by fish hatcheries in targeted watersheds
in order to supplement stream nutrient levels.
Local Students
Widen Horizons
o f Portland is planning next su m ­
m er to d o som e dredging o f silt in
an d stu d en ts, p ro v id in g natural various areas to im prove w hat w as
reso u rce ex p lo ra tio n o p p o rtu ­ historically asite for salm on m atu­
n ities, unique p ro jects, m entors, ration an d m igration.
and fu n d in g for field e x p e d i­
B ut m a n a g e m e n t o f f ic ia ls
tio n s, eq u ip m en t an d su b stitu te w anted som e baseline data on
te a c h e rs.
w hat bird and m am m al species are
Students have responded p o si­ now using the area and m ight be
tively. At Jesuit H igh School, affected by this project - and the
D anielle Jackson said that the pro­ students are providing that. In
gram has piqued her interest in this context, the program is m ore
watersheds. “T he M cKenzie River than ju st a student exercise, it
is my favorite,” Jackson said, not­ produces original research and
ing that she is considering study­ data being used by land m anage­
ing hydrology at OSU.
m ent agencies.
O riented around field trips, the
“T he IC YI experience en co u r­
program is hands-on and offers ages high school teachers to in ­
contextual learning. Both high corporate natural resource m an ­
school and m iddle school students agem ent issues into their class­
are w o rk in g in the C o lu m b ia room cu rricu la,” N orton said in
Slough on a salm on restoration m aking the recent aw ard. “Thank
project. In this instance, the city you and keep up the good w ork.”
con tin u ed
fro m M etro
Black Caucus Opposes Judicial Nominee
( A P) — A North C arolina judge
defended him self T hursday against
accusations that h e’s unqualified
for a federal appeals court.
U .S . D is tr ic t C o u r t J u d g e
T errence Boyle has been trying to
get prom oted to the 4th U.S. Circuit
C ourt o f A ppeals that covers M ary­
land. North C arolina, South C aro­
lina, V irginia and W est V irginia
since 1991, when President G eorge
H.W . Bush first nom inated him.
D em o crats have blocked his
nom ination, w ith senators and lib­
eral groups saying he has been
reversed too m any tim es and that
he has been hostile to civil rights,
w o m en 's rights and em p lo y ee’s
“W hat is m ost rem arkable are
the num ber and range o f cases that
bear out J udge Boy le' s u nd isgu ised
bias against civil rights, crim inal
justice, and disability statutes and
case law," Rep. Mel W att, D-N.C.,
and chairm an o f the C B C , said in a
letter to the Judiciary Com m ittee.
Boyle disagreed with those as­
“I hope that I’m clearly in the
m ainstream and have done my best
© b s e r tr e r
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to apply the law, hear cases on an
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ag en d a o r p red isp o sitio n about
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that I am evenhanded, that the cases
I have decided have been decided
on the facts as I understood them at
the tim e.”
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