March 2. 2005 Committed to Cultural Diversity Jerry Rice, possibly the greatest receiver in NFL history released by Seattle Seahawks M etro 9 see Sports page A6, inside JJortíanó (Ohemier SECTION B o ni in u n i t y it 1 e il d ;i r C Boy Scout Collection L ocal B oy S co u ts an d C ub Scouts will be participating in a door-to-door donation drive on Saturday, M arch 5. M ore than 90 cents o f every dollar received from the sale o f these item s will go tow ard training and em ploy­ ment o f people w ith disabilities and special needs. For m ore in­ formation, cal1503-225-5767. Opportunity Students build options after graduation Tillamook Preschool Open T illam o o k C o o p e ra tiv e P re ­ school will be holding its open house on Saturday, M arch 5 from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. at 935 N .E. 33rt Ave. For m ore inform ation, call 503-234-1691. by K atherine K ovacich T he P ortland O bserver M arshall H igh S chool S en io r L id iy a B osovik hopes to study business adm inis­ tration at Portland State U niversity after graduating w ith her class o f 2005. B ut for m any other high school students, taking a d v a n ta g e o f h ig h e r e d u c a tio n is a pipedream . R ising costs o f tuition, lack o f support and sim ply being unaw are o f available o p ­ tions hold back a lot o f youth from attaining the training and expertise th e y ’ll need to survive in m odern society. Bosovik is headed tow ard the realization o f her am bition thanks to an O regon-based program nam ed A SPIR E (A ccess to Student assistance P rogram s In R each o f E veryone). The program provides m entoring and re­ sources to help students access education and training beyond high school. B osovik checks into the A SP IR E center on the M arshall cam pus often, filling out financial aid form s and college applications on com puters, getting help on college ac­ ceptance essays and figuring out w here to attend. She said having the center on cam pus really helps her get things done, avoiding Multiple Sclerosis Forum “M ultiple Sclerosis Treatm ent: The F uture is C loser” w ill be presented at the P rovidence St. V incent M edical C enter at 9205 S.W . B arnes Rd. in the Southern A uditorium on T uesday, M arch 8 from 7 to 9 p. m . For m ore infor- m 503-216-7138.] Children's Museum Art Portland C hildren’s M useum will hold a variety o f art activities for children throughout M arch, in­ cluding m edium s using m osaic, A frican arts and cu ltu re and g ard en ste p p in g sto n e s. For m ore inform ation, call 503-223- 6 5 0 0 o r v isit w w w .p o rtlan d childrensm useum .org. Used Bookstore Sale The M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Library’s Title W ave Used Book­ store at 216 N.E. K nott St. will hold its 17th anniversary sale during the month o f M arch. Sales will change daily. H ours are M onday through Saturday from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . F or m ore infor­ mation, call 503-988-5021. Get Fit, Stay Healthy! S ankofaa H ealth Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m . every third T hursday at A lberta Sim m ons Plaza, 6707 N.E. M artin Luther KingJr. Blvd. Call 503-285-2484. Love the Pooch Problem pooch classes are a must take for any one w ho m ay be ne w to the w orld o f pet parenthood or is interested in considering adopting a new friend. C om e to the O regon H um ane Society to find out w hy your dog does those silly little things. M eetings are every first and third Saturday o f the m onth at 11 a.m. F or m ore information, call 503-285-7722. Women In NAACP W om en in N A A C P m eets from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Sat­ u rday o f each m onth at the A m erican Red C ross Building, 3131 N. V ancouver. For ques­ tions, call 503-249-6263. Business Meeting Join N orth/N ortheast Business A ssociation m eetings on the first M onday o f each m onth from 6 to 8 p .m .a t A lbinaC om m unity Bank, 2002 N.E. M artin L uther King Blvd. M orning netw orking m eetings are the third W ednes­ day o f each m onth from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Blazers Boys and Girls C lub, 5250 N.E. M artin Luther King Blvd. Call 503-249-0487 or visit w w w AIDS Awareness A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e sponsors a bi-m onthly support and education group for A frican A m ericans living w ith H IV / AIDS at M aranatha C hurch at 4222 N E 12"1 St. T he group will m eet every second and fourth T hursday o f the m onth. Call Elnathan H udson at 503-285- 0493 ext. 2 17. Aquatic Fitness P rovidence has a full schedule o f fitness classes including w a­ ter exercising at the Providence Aquatic C enter,4805 N.E. Glisan. 503-215-6301. I photo by K atherine K ovacich /T hf . P ortland O bserver Adult mentor Bethy Hewes (from left) helps seniors Lidiya Bosovik and Aisha Keita figure out their options for attend- ing college. continued on page B5 Landmark Investment $1 million deposit at Albina bank to help community A lbinaC om m unity Bank, a m i­ n o rity fin an c ial in stitu tio n on N ortheast M artin L uther King. Jr. B oulevard, has announced a $1 m illion certificate o f deposit in­ vestm ent by M icrosoft Corp. T he deposit is a positive devel­ opm ent for P ortland’s only co m ­ m unity developm ent bank certi­ fied by the U.S. D epartm ent o f the Treasury and its diverse consum er base. “T his is a landm ark investm ent in A lbina’s history,” said Bob M cK ean, bank president and chief executive officer. “W e are now able to accelerate the support A lbina lends to com m ercial rede­ v e lo p m e n t e ffo rts, a ffo rd a b le housing initiatives, sm all-busi­ ness startups, and local nonprofits in Portland’sethnic com m unities.” M ic ro so ft’s co m m itm en t to A lbina is a product o f its D iversity Investing Program, w hich was cre­ ated in 2000. The initiative div er­ sifies the co rp o ratio n ’s invest­ m ents w ith certificates o f deposit to m inority-ow ned banks across America. T he deposits enable financial in stitu tio n s to accelerate their com m unity developm ent efforts, provide m ore affordable products and loans, o r expand their institu­ tional capacity to serve m ore cus­ tomers. M ic r o s o f t’s in v e s tm e n t in A lbina is unique because the co m ­ pany w as w illing to exceed the Federal D eposit Insurance Corp.- insured am ount o f $100,000 and sacrifice som e return on its d e­ posit to support econom ic d ev el­ opm ent in the local com m unity. “ M icrosoft’s $ l m illioncertifi- continued on page B6 TriMet Fares Go Up in April transportation agency has Increase covers also T he focused on operating buses m ore efficiently to bring dow n the cost of higher cost o f operations. T hose steps include m aking transm ission and fuel prices axle adjustm ents, reduced engine Most Portland transit riders will beginning paying 5-cents more for fares on buses and Max trains beginning in April to help cover record-high diesel prices. T riM et purchases more than 6 m illion gallons o f diesel annually and high prices have created a $3 m illion budget deficit. The fare increase, approved by the TriM et board last w eek, will result in $1.5 m illion in revenue. idling and checking tire pressure more frequently, w hich is saving the agency $ 600,000 annually. T he new fares effective April 1 will include a tw o-zone cash fare will increase from $ 1.35 to $ 1.40; all-zone cash fare from $1.65 to $1.70; y o u th/student cash fare from $ 1.05 to $ 1.10. Fares w o n 't change for H on­ ored C itizen and L IF T fares, and the youth/student m onthly pass. People Power at Woodlawn Woodlawn Elementary in northeast Portland gets new paint, weed removal and a general clean-up of the school grounds thanks to the volunteer efforts of more than 35 local Pacific Power employees. The recent endeavor was a partnership with Hands on Portland, a volunteer organization that provided tools, supplies and project supervision. For more information, visit } A