Jlortlnnb (©bscruer March 2. 2005 Page A7 Local Basketball Player Remembered Eddie Barnett was a dedicated basketball player and student at Grant High School this year after transferring to the school from Jefferson. PHOTO BY M ichael S mith / T he P ortland O bserver Debrena Gandy ‘Soul Quest ’ Focuses on Women Family and friends of Eddie Barnett embrace outside the Center for Self Enhancement the day after the former SEI student died during a basketball game at Madison High School. In honor o f W o m en ’s H istory M onth, I T he E m pow erm ent G roup is presenting Soul Q uest E m pow erm ent C onference J and E xpo for W om en o f C o lo r on S atur PHOTO BY M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver Eddie Barnett loved the game T he sudden death o f Eddie Barnett, a ju n io r at G rant H igh School, affected a m ultitude o f those w ho knew and loved him in a big way. “It’s a tragic loss to the com m unity,” said Joe Rollins, a form er m entor o f Barnett through S elf Enhancem ent, Inc. “He was well loved by a lot o f young people in this com m unity. He was outgoing, a comedian, afu n lovingkid.H edidn’thaveoneenem y.” Barnett died on W ednesday, Feb. 23 at 9:59, after collapsing w hile leaving the floor o f a basketball gam e at M adison H igh School. He w as taken to the P rovi dence Portland M edical C enter but could not be saved. It w as reported that Barnett had a heart condition and w as on m edication, but had a m edical w aiver to play on the team. The coaches allow ed B arnett to play in spurts. In addition to being a 5-foot 8-inch guard, Barnett played on the football team last fall. It w as his first year at G rant after transferring from Jefferson High School. “ Basketball was his passion,” Rollins said. “ He loved to play sports.” V arious reports pai nt Barnett as a popu lar student around cam pus with a positive attitude. Students at G rant have experienced the death o f three other students in the last year - tw o in a car accident and one from suicide. G rief counselors w ere at hand for the students to talk with at G rant, M adison and Jefferson H igh Schools. A public view ing w as held M onday at the Little Chapel o f the C him es at 4 3 0 N. K illingsw orth, w ith a public m em orial scheduled for W ednesday m orning on the Portland C om m unity C ollege C ascade Cam pus. A private fam ily funeral w as also planned. day, M arch 5, at the G overnor Hotel. H ighlights o f the event will include a - tribute to pioneeri ng w om en o f color role m odels; a pam pering station, self d is covery zone, boutique and m arketplace; a luncheon fashion show presented by Sheba H ouse o f Elegance; and enter tainm ent by Julianne R. Johnson, vocal ist, and S. Renee M itchell, poet. T he keynote speaker o f the event is best-selling au th o r D ebrena Jackson G andy, w ho w rote “Sacred Pam pering Principles and All the Joy Y ou C an Stand.” H er advice colum n has been featured in E ssence and O prah m aga zines. E n tra n c e to th e c o n f e re n c e is $75 p e r p e rso n . G ro u p d is c o u n t ra te s a re a v a ila b le . C a ll 5 0 3 - 7 3 5 -1 4 7 5 to i r e g is te r. N o r th P o r tl a n d S p o r ts L e g e n d M o u r n e d Jim Winters led Roughriders, Pilots Jim Winters Funeral services were held Friday at Bethel A M E Church in northeast Portland for former U ni versity o f Port land Basketball all-time leading scorer, honorable mention All-American and Hall o f Fam er Jim Winters, w ho died Feb. 20 in his V ancouver hom e after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. He was 73. W inters basketball career began at Portland’s Roosevelt High School, where he led the PIL in scoring ( 1948), was all-PIL first team ( 1949) selection and led the Roughriders to the school ’ s only State Basketball Championship. W inters led the tournam ent in scor ing was nam ed a first team all-Toum a- ment pick. He followed hisolder brother Jackson in attending the University of Portland on an athletic scholarship in m en’s basketball. Playing on four U ni versity o f Port land NA1A national p lay o ff team s during his career betw een the years o f 1949 and 1952, he helped lead the Pilots to three 20 w in seasons before serving three years in the K orean W ar. He returned for his senior sea son in 1955-56, and again helped ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT! Residents of Martin Luther King JR., Neighborhood Please Attend An URGENT King Elementary School Site Council Meeting WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9TH@ 6:001PM IN THE LIBRARY lead the P ilots to a fourth 20 win season, w hile garnering all-A m eri can honorable m ention honors along the way. H i s i mpressi ve 20.2 poi nts per game scoring average during that season still ranks third all time. Basketball fans and alum nus from that era will alw ays rem em ber the m em orable gam es against Seattle University and victories over the Slats Gill led teams lïisk eg ee Airm an Defends A m erica con tin u ed fro m AS and exciting pam phlet about his extraordinary experiences in the W W II. The booklet is available at the m useum . Luther Sm ith can also be found on the Internet under ei ther his nam e or the T uskegee A ir men. T hanks L uther fo r all you did for A m erica. W ithout the heroism show n by you and other great m ili tary fighting men, our country would 20 N.E. 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 (.503) 232-4111 THE FACT IS ALL GREAT THINGS COME FROM THE GHETTO Music, literature, art, invention, philosophy, fashion and m ore. end cash today? Poitdalcd checks cashed and held until payday • Checks cashed (any kind - no ID required) fast service »no lines» low rales iim jiiiiir i loans • fax sendee • 2-day lax refunds • eleetronie lax filing free money orders open mon-lhur. 9am-7pm in . 9am-8pm sat. 9am-7nm sun. ioam-4pm The Pre-arrangement Concept Denyse O. Peterson we give payday advances checks cashed ASH ONNECTION 8 I3 .Z I7 .M 0 N V 6 6 6 9 FREE DVD Player W ESTER N UNIO N Ron Weber is a frequent speaker on African-American history and a regular contributor to the Port land Observer. CofoniaC Cfiapel PLEASE HELP TO KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE! B ill C lin to n , O p rah W infrey, M a donna, M iles Davis, M agic Jolm son, T u p ac, C h e G uevera - all icons w h o sta lle d o u t w ith very little, an d en d e d u p changing th e w o rld W h ile h isto rically th e w ord g h etto has b een associated w ith poverty an d danger W e have learn ed it is tins g en e ratio n ’s m ost prolific so u rce o f in sp u atio n , ein p o w e n n en t a n d art. Ify o u are m agnificent, y o u liave at least a little g h etto ui you If y o u are really m agnificent, y o u ’re w earuig it (B o r r o w e d F r o m T h e M a c y G r a y F a s h io n L in e G H E T T O ) not have becom e the wonderful nation we live in today. CaCdweCC’s THIS IS AN OPEN PUBLIC MEETING AND RESIDENTS OF THE COMMUNITY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A CHILD AT KING SCHOOL TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. COME AND GIVE INPUT AND GET INFORMATION REGARDING THE FUTURE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., NEIGHBORHOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! GREAT PEOPLE TOO o f Oregon State University. After his playing days, he becam e the first A frican-A m erican coach in the Oregon High School ranks by accepting the head basketball post at St. Paul High School. W inters also coached at Franklin, W ashington and Roosevelt High schools. He is survived by his wife Patricia and children Cheryl, Cookie, Jam es II, Robert and Darrell. Dear Family Member: Detivse Peterson represents funeral homes and cemeteries in t! • Portland Metro politan area. Many families have a difficult lime getting through all the associated decisions, questions, grief and financial responsibilities that follow when a loved one- dies. Denyse's responsibility is to provide information. Pre-arranging lessens the burden helore the time of death with challenges such as emotional overspending, indecision, haste and worry. O ur personal planning guide can he a great benefit to loved ones. Overall, pre arranging will benefit families tremendously. The pre-arrangement Dignity Memorial providers are honored to help families in our community with your limerai and burial needs. Representing these fine funeral homes: • Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel • Lincoln Memorial Park it Funeral Hom e • .Sunnyside G iapel it Memorial Gardens • Hennessey, Goetsch it McGee Funeral Directors • Gateway Ijtlle Cha|x-I ol the Chimes • I jn r» ln -\\ illaniette Funeral Directors • Killingsworth Little Cha|M-l ot the Chimes • Ross Hollywood Chapel • Skyline Memorial Gardens it Funeral Home ThclistKlwjyloxnilnKiKy' with first approved loan $200,00 or more. Call for details (503) 287-M O N Y (MLK Jr. location only! \tivcriisc in <ri'1 JJortlanb (Observer 5O3-2XX-OO33 For m ore inform ation or to schedu le an ap poin tm ent, please call D en y se P eterson at (503) 232-4111.