March 2. 2005 Page A 4 Gaston on State Education Board Urban League chief to advocate for children Vanessa Gaston, president and chief executive officer of the Urban League of Portland has been appointed to the State Board of Education. The panel establishes state standards for public kindergar­ ten, elementary and secondary schools and governs courses of study. “I am honored and excited about being appointed to this board,” said G aston. “Our children’seducation is extremely important and we must identify solutions now that address the academic achievement gap and funding issues. 1 look forward to being part of this process.” Gaston also is a member of the Portland Schools Foundation Board and participates in Lead­ ers R oundtable, a coalition of business, civic, and educa­ tional leaders and elected offi­ cials in Multnomah County that Ask ö Vanessa Gaston focuses on developing joint strat­ egies to promote student suc­ cess. The Urban League of Portland is a nonprofit, community-based organization headquartered in north and northeast Portland that serves the greater Portland met­ ropolitan area. The league helps empower African Americans and others to achieve equality in edu­ cation, employment and eco­ nomic security through a combi­ nation of direct services, out­ reach and advocacy. Dear Deanna! I’m a female that has a problem with the girly stuff. I’m not gay or anything like that, I just prefer to wear men’ s clothing and sports gear. People judge me, call me a lesbian and hurt my feelings be­ cause I want to be comfortable and just be myself. I can’t take it anymore and want it to stop. - Andrea W.; Leesville, La. Dear Andrea: Real P eop le, Real Advice ,t« advice column known for its fearless approach to realily-hased subjects! Just like wearing hoochie clothes, you set yourself up for unwanted attention through your wardrobe. If your feelings are hurt then obviously this mistreatment both­ Boys and Girls Club Gives Thanks Representatives o f Boys and Girls Club and Police Activity League sign a thank you banner related to last year's Safeway Classic Golf Tournament that recently donated $775,000 to local charities including the Boys and Girls Club of Portland, Trillium Family Services, Police Activities League, the Children's Course and Oregon Junior Golf. This year's tournament will be held from Aug. 15 to 21 at the Columbia-Edgewater Country Club. photo by J essica P oundstone ers you. You’re not as comfort­ able being in boys underwear as you pretend to be. Stop trying to be a Jack and go back to being Jill. If you want the harassment to stop, toss out the boxers, buy a thong and be the female you were bom to be. Dear Deanna! My friend and I go to the club every weekend. Because I ride with her, she expects me to buy gas. When we get to the club, she wants me to pay her entry fee and buy drinks. I barely have enough left to pay my cover charge so I sit at a table all night ALBINA MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE Cascade B a M s í „ G i ÍAD AIDS and can’t have a good time be­ cause I don’t have any money left. -Drained Dry; Charlotte, N.C. Dear Deanna! Help me with this dilemma. I’m starting a new friendship and want to know if you kiss on the first date, does that make you Dear Drained: seem easy? I’m going out for the If you can buy alcohol, you can first time with a guy I really like fill up your gas tank and take and I don't want the smooch yourself to the club. Ask your rules to mess things up. -Janice; friend to ride with you and make Phoenix, Ariz. her spend some money for a change. If she gets angry or Dear Janice: develops an attitude, she’s not a Forget easy, if y ou ’ ve never dated true friend. You are being used as him before, you shouldn’t be a one-way ticket to a good time. thinking about putting your lips Leave her dry on the curb and on his body. You don’t know if turn up the volume as you head to he’s infected, has tart breath, diseases or what. The time when the dance floor. kissing should occur is when it feels right for both people and after you’ve gotten to know each other. Don’t get yourself embar­ rassed by trying to plan the kiss. If it’s meant to be it’ll happen. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna 1 @ or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: iv t n t '. askdeanna, com Advertise with diversity in J ^ ìn v tla n ò (D b s c ru e r Call 503-288-0033 S^ms^VnyiSiere! cere Tbc Portland Chapter Links, Inc Delta Si£roa Tbeta Healing Worship Celebration Each year 5,000 students transfer their PCC credits to universities. You canleo! A A r‘ Join us in our war against HIV/AIDS, Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) has broken the silence on HIV/AIDS in the African American communities by educating Christian churches in the North and Northeast community and fighting against the spread of HIV/AIDS. AMA invites community members, pastors, ministers and missionaries to the annual local observance of the national Balm in Gilead’s Black Church Week of Prayer. • Dual-enrollment partnerships u Oregon State University, and Tf • Credits that transfer to almost • University-level freshman • Classes from morning to night a| the metro area antbanytime unit • Financial Aid Callable Please join us in our war against HIV/AIDS with Keynote Speaker, Rev. George Merriweather, Northeast Community Fellowship Foursquare Church Pfusodftificates and two-year degrees in 60 fields, including dental isting, engineering technologies, automotive service and m ultimedia! Register now at Friday, March 11, 7:30 p.m. Allen Temple C.M.E. Church 4236 NE Eighth Ave. Portland, Oregon 503-977-4519 Portland Community College Contact: Dr. LeRoy Haynes, (503) 287-0261. Advertise with diversity in |Jortlanb (Ohseruer Gall 5O3-288-OO33 ails«1 portlantlob sen J lo r t b m b (0 b a e r o c r Established 1970 USPS 959680 _________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 972 1 1 Charles H. Washington M ichael Leighton Ri porter : Katherine Kovacich D is tr ib u tio n M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D ir e c to r : Paul N eufeldt O f f i c i M anager : K athy Linder E d ito b - in -C h if f . P uklishfh : E dito b P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0 Box 313 7 , The Portland Observer w elcom es freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and will he returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. 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