Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 02, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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    March 2. 2005
Page B2
You’re Invited!
Please join us at an open house
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
4:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Helensview High School Cafeteria
8678 NE Sumner Street ♦ Portland, Oregon*
Hear about project progress to date
♦ See the project plans
♦ Ask questions and comment on work to date
♦ View a drive-through simulation of the new connector
0MSI Features
of the Nile’
This map shows the
course of the Nile
River from its source
in Ethiopia to the
Madam’s Suburban Salon
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Pasquale Scaturro and Gordon Brown examine a map o f the Nile River, where they completed a 3,250-mile journey.
Explorers survive
outstanding feats
on Nile river trek
T w o A m ericans have m ade history by
c o m p letin g one o f the last g reat advenr
tures o f the m odern age - the first co m ­
plete descen t o f the N ile R iver from its
source as the B lue N ile in E thiopia to the
shores o f A lex an d ria w here it spills into
the M ed iterranean Sea. Pasquale S caturro
o f C olorado and G ordon Brown o f C alifor­
nia reach ed the m outh o f the N ile on A pril
28, 2004, 114 days a fte r lau nching th e ir
epic 3,250-m ile jo u rn ey .
The Omnimax Dome Theater at the Oregon
M useum o f Science and Industry will feature
th is h is to ric e x p e d itio n b e g in n in g on
March 4 and continuing through June.
For four m onths, the tw o explorers and
their local support crew s traveled the river in
two 16-foot inflatable rafts and a kayak, all
the w hile film ing their experiences w ith an
IMAX cam era and tw o digital videocam s.
“The Nile is the m ost m agnificent river in
the w orld,” Scaturro said. “It has rapids,
w aterfalls, jungle, canyons, deserts, hippos,
crocs, long flat beautiful sections, and hugef
beautiful sandbars. There is no other river in
the w orld that can com pare. And no other
river in the w orld is as closely associated
with a particular culture and society as - the
Nile. W ithout the N ile there w ould be no
Egypt, no pharaohs, no pyram ids. The his­
tory o f the w estern world is inextricably tied
to the N ile.”
■ • « • *...............
T ickets are $8.50 for adults (ages 14 to 62)
and $6.50 for children (ages 3 to 13) and
seniors (ages 63+). The film plays at 11 a.m .,
1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday through S un­
day, w ith additional show s at 7 p.m. and 9
p.m. on T hursday through Saturday.
Blues Legend to Perform
421 SW 6th Ave
located between
and Stark
website: www.avalonnowerspdx.com
e-mail: avalonnowers@msn.com
C ori Stewart-Owyier
C A N N O N 'S
B.B. King, the five-time
Grammy award winner and
the undisputed “ King of the
Blues” will perform at Chi­
nook Winds Casino Resort
on Friday, March 18 and
Saturday, March 19.
Since his first recordings
in 1940, B.B. King has re­
leased more than 50 albums,
many of which are consid­
ered blues classics. Over the
years, he has had number
one R&B hits with “Three
O ’Clock Blues,” and “You
D on’t Know Me.” Hisclas-
sic songs like “Payin’ The
Cost T6 Be The Boss,” “Caldonia,” "How Blue Can You Get” and “Why
I Sing The Blues” are concert and fan staples.
B.B. King was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame in
1984 and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
Tickets for B. B. King range from $30 to $60. Show times are 8 p. m. on
Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19. For more information, or to
obtain tickets, call l-888-MAIN-ACT(624-6228)orTicketsWest, 1-800-
992-TIXX (8499). Chinook Winds Casino Resort, located on the beach
in Lincoln City.
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pecialty :
R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q
• Sandwiches • Salads
• Chicken • Pork Rihs
• Beef Ribs
M onday
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11 am - 8 pm
1 la in -9 pm
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11 am - 10pm
Try our new healthy
& vegetarian menu items
* * * N ew L ocation * * *
5410 N.E. 3 3 rd
With your continued financial support along
with that of your fellow community radio
contributors, we can meet our goal one pledge
at a time. We hope to hear from you!
Jennifer Lopez
and Marc
Anthony perform
at the 4 7th
Annual Grammy
Awards Feb. 13
in Los Angeles.
J Lo Says Marriage
is No Secret
(A P) — Jennifer Lopez has
co n firm ed that she and M arc
A nthony are, indeed, husband
and wife.
“Yes, w e’re m arried," Lopez
tells People m agazine. “I mean,
com e on, everyone know s. It’s
not a secret.”
It was the first public acknow l­
edgm ent o f her union with the
salsa singer - an unusually long
delay considering the cerem ony
w as last June at her Beverly Hills,
Calif., home.
The couple perform ed a duet,
though, at the Feb. 13 G ram m y
A w ards show. Lopez says she
w as ailing from sw ollen glands
and a sore throat during the per­
form ance, which caused her to
cancel a London trip to prom ote
the British release o f her film
“Shall W e D ance?”
T hough the trip cancellation
prom pted som e speculation of
pregnancy, Lopez says she’s “not
on a tim etable” to have a baby -
though she hopes to becom e a
m other som eday.
N ow , the 34-year-old says,
she’s entered “phase tw o” : a less
public, a “ little bit suburban” life
w ith A nthony - and a far cry
from her “ Bennifer” days with
form er fiance Ben A ffleck. But
Lopez counts the high-profile
rom ance as a learning ex peri­
“ I take responsibility for the
fact that I d id n 't make adjust­
m ents,” she says. “Now I’m a
little m ore careful. I travel in a
certain way. I leave at a certain
time. I learned.”
L opez’s new album, “Rebirth,”
was released Tuesday.