Page A7 February 23. 2005 Black History Month Era of Trains Divided by Race Pullman porters were black, conductors white A Pullman porter assists a woman boarding a train in Portland. From the late 19th century to the mid-20lh, Pullman trains were used as the primary long-dis­ tance transportation in the United States. Every train with Pullman cars had a white Pullman con­ ductor. while the Pullman por­ ters were all black men. The occupation of a Pullman porter appeared to be cosmopoli­ tan and glamorous, as the men were able to travel frequently to become “the eyes and ears of civil rights leaders,” said Larry Tye, in his book, “Rising from the Rails.” In reality, the repetitive work gave them 20-hour workdays at $70 a month. Much o f a porter’s income P hotos from SP& S C ollection /P rovided by O regon H istorical S ociety A railroad dining car servicing Spokane, Portland and Seattle holds three African American workers. came from tips, so being at the beck and call o f every passen­ ger was a necessity. After a 12- year battle, a group led by labor activist A. Philip Randolph es­ tablished w hat’s become known as A m erica’s first successful black trade union in 1935, The B rotherhood o f Sleeping Car P orters. A SSI ST E I) L I V I N G in the neighborhood you call Famous Black Americans Find the name o f each famous black American in the word search puzzle below. 1 N 0 L E H T S G T D R E N R A G L L 0 R R E 1 N S S V Sojourner Truth V U K N 0 M S U 0 HenryTanner J C 0 D 0 N A T K CharlesDrew 1 N G C 0 L E M 0 E rnestjust 1 A U B L 1 G B K K L E L V 1 F P J R D Z U R T E H U N 0 S B R F Y J D E S L E R V J J U L M F W B H E V V L E A B F A 1 Y T E T N Q C Y Duke Ellington L Jesse Owens 1 N W H c Clyde McPhatter N A B X K H M N N S X L w J Benjamin Banneker G T Bill Pickett T Y P R L U B E Y V P W EBDuBois Jackie Robinson Martin Luther King HarrietTubman MA Rainey Allison Davis NatKingCole Erroll Gam er Joelxniis ThelonkHisMonk Scottjoplin NJOyyOUR INDEPENDENCE, TAKE COMPORT IN Q IR CARE 1 U R 0 0 J 0 0 S 0 R M S R N N M A A ” t ’s easy to call Irvington Village home. We're an assisted living resi dence right in your neighborhood, less than 20 minutes from everything you love about Northeast Portland—sporting events, concerts, Museums and more. C 7 1 Q 0 Y C L N u S S 0 L A R R T P M N E N K U J W M S W U R 0 Z X E T F 0 B F J 1 L E G Z Z E X J Lively Alberta Street is just four blocks from our building. Shop, visit with friends and family, eat at your favorite restaurant. When you live at Irvington Village. You are still part of the extraordinary community we call home. 1 B E T C U R T At Irvington Village you live your life your way, without the responsibilities and chores of home ownership. Our staff is caring and supportive. We make sure you have the assistance you need so your family can enjoy being with you instead of taking care of you. K 0 K T T A D 1 M W B N W J Z A P E T R H T A N Z R A E D R G L T E U P R Y 0 B K H N W S V 1 T 1 T C G J N P M A Y N 0 C N Q R H M Q E M 1 J S X A B H N J K S U X H E G T W E R D Y A L L 1 S 0 N Enjoy our new residence. Read in our cozy library. Throw a party in the community room. Visit family in the courtyard while the grand-children play in the neighboring playground. K F N N A E E M U R M E N P W N 1 Y K S V A K D Enjoy our friendship. Share delicious home-cooked meals. Participate in musical programming. Cheer on your favorite team with fellow fans. Take up a new hobby. S E L R A H C E S H H Y D A V 1 S 0 B J R E L L D U N D N 0 S N 1 B 0 R E 1 K C A J J Take comfort in knowing you made sure you have the care you need. C «WMKST0W0M ft* other. It’s no wonder Oregon Business 420 N.E. Mason St. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 546-9292 Developed and managed by Covenant Retirement Communities Fill Out, C/z/t Out & Send To: 11,11 jLlortlanb (Observer Portland Teachers Credit Union is all about our members, and each A Covenant Assisted l.lvltig Community Subscribe’ 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Why are we successful? Because of You. 1OO IRVINGTON VILLAGE Attw. Subscriptions PO Box 3137 Portland OR 97208 has ranked us as one of “100 Best companies to Work For in Oregon” five years running. See for yourself why were so successful. An Equal Opportunity Employer. s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) PORTLAND TEACHERS N a m e :_____________________________________________________ A ddress :___________________________________________________ CREDIT u n io n ffiBlSSBSir *íea l Val«®- T elephone :________________________________________________ or email k