February 23, 2005 W B lack H istory M onth Page A ll c o v e ra g e . Black History Month Duke Ellington Remembering the Vanport Flood After a deadly flood on the Columbia River in 1948 when a dike broke, almost 20,000 residents o f the now defunct city o f Vanport were displaced, with 15 people confirmed dead. Vanport, the largest public housing project ever built in the United States, was a revolutionary community, crossing color lines and ridding its area o f segrega­ tion. Mrs. Lizzie Phillips (above) and her children were one family left without a home. As a pianist, composer, and bandleader, Duke Ellington was one of the creators of the big band sound, which fueled the “swing" era. He continued leading and composing for his jazz orchestra until his death in 1974. He was considered amongst the world’s greatest composers and musicians, playing over 20,000 performances. ‘Amistad’ Movie at Mount Hood CC A screening of the movie “Amistad,” originally scheduled for Black History Month at Mt. Hood Community College has been rescheduled for W ednesday, March 2. “Amistad” is about a Cuban schooner found off the coast of Long Island, N. Y. in 1839. It was a slave trading ship with 53 Africans on board. There was a mutiny and two officers had been killed. The Af­ ricans sought to turn the boat back to their home in Africa, but were not successful and were instead taken into American custody. A trial was held to decide whether the Africans would be free to return home or whether they would be treated as prop­ erty and face a life of slavery. The film will be shown in Room 1575 from 7 to 9 p.m. and is free to the public. For further information contact Chris Gorsek at 503-491-7321. For every Portland police officer, there is a story... My story... Captain Dorothy Elmore, “I began my career here in law enforcement as I was preparing for a course of study in law. I have always held a strong determination to focus my career on upholding and improving equality in all aspects of life. I discovered right away that law enforcement was an excellent path for pursuing this goal.' 99 Join us and write the next chapter. Contact Officer Larry Anderson at: 503-823-0473, 1-888-735-4259. For additional information or to apply on-line, please visit our website at: www.portlandpolice.com Integrity • Compassion • Accountability • Respect • Excellence • Service 1 I I