W B lack H istory M Page A 4 February 16, 2005 onth Black H istory M onth P B S F eatu res L egen d ary M alcolm X Documentary shows many facets of leader He was a political philosopher and visionary, husband and father, dynamic orator and militant minis­ ter. In his lifetime, Malcolm X was many men. Bom Malcolm Little, he later became “Detroit Red” and “New York Red” - a hustler, drug pusher, pimp, con man and the head of a Boston robbery ring. After spend- M alcolm X w as know n for his confrontiation o f white oppression. ing time in prison, he emerged as Minister Malcolm - Malcolm X, the fiery, eloquent spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Finally, he became El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, an internationally rec- A S S IS T E I) L I V I N G • J in the neighborhood you call ognized leader and advocate for oppressed peoples. He was both loved and despised, revered and feared - until an a ssassin 's bullet cut him dow n at age 39. American Experience marks the 40th anniversary of his death with “Malcolm X - Make It Plain,” airing on PBS on Monday, Feb. 21. This in-depth film portrait goes straight to the heart, mind and message of one of the modem era's most com­ plex figures. Actress Alfre Woodard narrates the special. This film chronicles Malcolm X ’s remarkable journey from his birth on May 19,1925 in Omaha, Neb., to his assassination at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City on Feb. 21,1965. His com pelling story is told through the m em ories o f people who had close personal and w ork­ ing relationships with him: promi- n e n t f ig u r e s su c h a s M aya A ngelou, O ssie Davis and Alex He was both loved and despised, revered and feared - until an assassin s bullet cut him down at age 39. H aley; N ation o f Islam associ­ a te s , in c lu d in g W a lla c e D. M uham m ad, the son o f Elijah Muhammad; and family members, including his wife, Betty Shabazz, and his oldest daughter, A ttallah Shabazz. Included is extensive archival footage o f M alcolm X, speaking in his own w ords at m eetings and rallies, and in media interviews. At a time when black civil rights leaders preached harm ony and integration, M alcolm preached a m ilitant gospel o f self-defense and nationalism that terrified many whites and disturbed, yet also inspired, black Am ericans. A fter his travels to A frica and M ecca, he returned with a deeper understanding of Islam and a new w illingness to accept w hite a l­ lies. “The white man and the black man have to be able to sit down at the same table,” he said in his last year. “Then they can bring the is­ sues that are under the rug out on top o f the table and take an intelli­ gent approach to getting the prob­ lem solved.” In 1965, under attack from the Nation of Islam and under surveil­ lance by the FBI, Malcolm X was assassinated while delivering a speech. Who killed him and why remains a mystery to this day, 40 years after his assassination. Celebration of Emancipation [y W VOIR INUtltNUfcNŒ IAKECOMRJRI INCUR CAKE $jrand " t ’s easy to call Irvington Village home. We're an assisted living resi dence right in your neighborhood, less than 20 minutes from everything you love about Northeast Portland—sporting events, concerts, Museums and more. 7 - " Enjoy our new residence. Read in our cozy library. Throw a party in the community room. Visit family in the courtyard while the grand-children play in the neighboring playground. HR IRVINGTON VILLAGE --- -- O f th e e m a n c ip a tio n o f P o u r M illio n * o f B o n d sm en in th e U n ite d S tate* o f A m e r ic a , ------ IX T M ------ ------ AT THE------ * V ? COUNTY 7 / .I A N F A R Y COURT 1 st, IS « © , A T « HOUSE, O ’C I A X S K . !*• M .» íg j.V : ------ bt ----- I, ■ A Covenant Assisted Living Community ORATION, POEM, MUSIC, Vocal and Instrumental, 420 N.E. Mason St. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 546-9292 Enjoy our friendship. Share delicious home-cooked meals. Participate in musical programming. Cheer on your favorite team with fellow fans. Take up a new hobby. Take comfort in knowing you made sure you have the care you need. ^ c k b r a iio n . *fh.c C olo red P e o p le o f O regon t r i l l c e le b ra te th e Lively Alberta Street is just four blocks from our building. Shop, visit with friends and family, eat at your favorite restaurant. When you live at Irvington Village. You are still part of the extraordinary community we call home. At Irvington Village you live your life your way, without the responsibilities and chores of home ownership. Our staff is caring and supportive. We make sure you have the assistance you need so your family can enjoy being with you instead o f taking care o f you. , ^ m a n cip a tio n ■Ml 111 111, Developed and managed by Covenant Retirement Communities A N D O T H E R L IT E R A R Y E X E R C IS E S . me « J* \ O M A T IQ N ÄK -------BT THB-------- z s L=J This is a card used to invite “the colored people o f Oregon ” to a Grand Emancipation Celebration at the Multnomah County Courthouse on the sixth anniversary o f the Emancipation Proclama­ tion, the document signed by President Abraham Lincoln on Jan. 1, 1863, that declared free all those slaves residing in territory in rebellion against the federal government “as a fit and necessary war measure for suppress­ ing said rebellion.’’ R ig h t R ev eren d B IS H O P W ARD, IQUM. HOOStHQ opportunity PHOTO PROVIDED BY O R EG O N Of the A M m u i Metbedm K»«Uoopwl MUaion. H istorical S ociety MEET CITY OF PORTLAND PROJECT MANAGERS The City o f Portland is hosting an outreach event directed to consultants in the following profes­ sional services fields: training, public outreach, community involvement, events planning, meeting management and facilitation, writing/editing, mediation and conflict resolution, marketing, strategic planning and graphic design. Meet project managers with the City o f Portland and managers from five other Portland-area agencies. Location: Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th, Second Floor Rm. C. Date/Time: Thursday, February 24, 2-4pm RSVP and more information: 823-6860 or 823-5057 Owners of minority, women and emerging small businesses are encouraged to attend. Professional Services Marketing and Outreach City of Portland, Bureau of Purchases 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Room 750 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 823-6860 Gregory J. Wolley, Program Coordinator gwolley@ci.portland.or.us www.portlandonline.com/omr/purchases KS&iL,. ■ TMK Fn»l.Ja A M ■«■•«►»OTirXTI-X-Tr XWVXTBD. w» V, * r Mma. rantna». *’ - > ' / Powerful Voice to Visit Sunday Lewis & Clark College hosts noted author For m ore than three decades, Nikki G iovanni has been writing from her heart about civil rights and equality. She describes her- selfas a black A m erican, a daugh­ ter, a m other and a professor of English.” G iovanni will lecture and read from her w orks at Lew is & Clark C ollege on Sunday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m . in A gnes Flanagan Chapel. “Nikki G iovanni has modeled a life o f achievem ent and accom ­ plishm ent for the literary w orld,” said Tim m ie Roach, president o f Lewis & C lark’s Black Student U nion. “H er w ritings are not bound by any one genre and her voice has rem ained fresh through the years. I adm ire her ability to connect so directly w ith her read­ ers,” G iovanni is the author o f more than tw o dozen books, including poetry, ch ild ren 's books and es­ says. She has received 21 honorary doctorates and num erous other aw ards, in clu d in g g o v e rn o rs’ Nikki Giovanni aw ards in the arts from Tennes­ see and Virginia. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Fisk U ni­ versity. “The Nikki Giovanni Po­ etry C ollection” com pact disc w as a fin a lis t fo r th e 2003 G ram m y A w ard in the category o f spoken word. The college’s Black Student Union sponsors G iovanni's lec­ ture and reading. G eneral admis- sion tickets are $8 in advance at the college bookstore or by call­ ing 503-768-7885. A separately ticketed recep­ tion for G iovanni at 6 p.m., im ­ mediately before the lecture and reading, will take place in the college’s Frank M anor House. The cam pus is located at 0615 S.W . Palatine Hill Rd. For more inform ation, call 503-768-8125. \d\crtisc w uh diversity in r i " J J o r tla n h ( D b s c r u r r ( .ill si H 28S (X)33 ads@portlandobserver.com t