*H- *♦ >» *u B lack H istory M Page B6 onth February 16, 2005 Future Music Center Gains Support tive o ffic e s an d an 80 stu d en t d o rm ito ry fo r ru ral yo u th . O n ce co m p leted . E th o s E x ecu ­ “T h e re ’s a lim ited sp ace and a tive D irec to r C h a rles L ew is said huge d e m a n d ,” L ew is said. In one the ac ad em y w o u ld reach 5 ,(XX) w eek, 3 0 0 ch ild ren co m e th ro u g h y o u th a w eek w ith 2 0 high tech the sm all sp ace o f E th o s, w hich m u sic classro o m s, a th eater w ith has rec en tly had to turn som e 3 5 0 p erso n ca p ac ity , a d m in istra ­ o ffic e s in to c la ssro o m s o u t o f c o n tin u e d fr o m M etro n eed . L ew is notes th at th ey h av e a few g ran t a p p lica tio n s o ut and h av e w on fin an c ial su p p o rt from the K reske F o u n d atio n and the P o rtlan d C h ild re n ’s In v estm en t F u n d am ong m any o th ers - but th ey still have a long w ay to go. LIVE MUSIC Again! @ B il l y R e e d ’ s R estaurant Í B ar 2X08 NF M L K 56?J -493-8127 photo by K atherine K ovacich /T he P ortland O bserver Jeff Iding, 9, practices piano with his instructor Allison Couch at northeast Portland's Ethos, Inc. Bringing Music Back to Children co n tin u ed fr o m M etro “ H e ’s doing an e x c e lle n t jo b ,” in front o f a crow d is now flourish­ said his instructor, A llison Couch. ing,” Lewis said. “He started off “ I th in k it h elp s to cre ate d isc i­ playing Hot C ross B uns’ and is p lin e ,” J e ff’s m o th er, S tep h an ie now playing seven m inute classi­ L ucas said. “ H e ’s ex p e cted to cal pieces. p rac tice and do h is h o m ew o rk “A couple kids have been taking ev e ry d a y .” lessons for aw hile, trying out dif­ M eanw hile, Skye K noche prac­ ferent instrum ents every session," tices “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" Lew is said. Because Ethos offers on the violin as a 7-year-old. She free instrument rental to underprivi­ describes her instructor, Laurita leged children, experim enting with Jauregui, as “really nice.” and finding an instrument that “fits” “She loves to learn,” said m other isn’t an expensive ordeal. M aya Knoche. “S he’s m ore atten­ Jeff Iding is a 9-year-old piano tive to music and recognizes vio­ player and has been tickling the lins in music more now .” Knoche ivories for tw o years with Ethos. “It said the first tim e her daughter ju st seem ed like the right instru­ m issed a music class because o f ment for m e,” he said. “ It’s nice to illness, she was visibly upset. be around pianos.” B eyond b eing in the sp ace on Iding prefers w arm ing up his K illingsw o rth S treet, E th o s has m usic lesson by p laying the can started after-sch o o l p ro g ra m s on location. can. Lew is w ent on toexplain that it’s been statistically proven that m u­ sic b en efits sch o lastic ac h ie v e­ ment. Children with a musical back­ ground tend to score 105 points higher on the SATS and have an increase in spatial I.Q. levels than those w ithout. “Som etim es m usic can be a bet­ ter w ay to teach m ath than math is,” Lew is said, explaining how music th e o ry u ses fra c tio n an d b eat co u n ts. E thos has volunteer opportuni­ ties that include helping w ith in­ strum ent repair, teaching or super­ vising a “M entors for M usic” pro­ gram , painting and cleaning. As n eeds ch an g e, so do v o lu n teer opportunities. For m ore inform a­ tio n , send an e m a il to volunteer@ ethos-inc.com o r call 503-241-8824. Grass Roots Business Help Offered co n tin u ed w »»»»'. hillyreeds.com Watch for more com ing dates LcZ.s l)o it again! Open Jam with Kenny and the Sundowners practical in the review o f the inform ation so they need to articulate w hat their need is and how th ey ’re going to utilize funds.” H ard copies o f these R equests for Proposals are available at the Black United Fund O ffice at 2828 N.E. A lberta St. or can be dow nloaded from the Portland Bureau o f H ousing and C om m unity D evelopm ent w ebsite at w w w .portlandonline.com . Proposals m ust be turned into the Black United Fund O ffice by 4 p.m. on M arch 15. For m ore inform ation, call Shelia H olden at 503- 784-7899. G ov. T ed K ulongoski w as re­ cently jo in ed by state agency di­ rectors, legislators, and his A ffir­ m ative Action C om m ittee for the signing o f Executive O rder 04-07, w h ic h r e a ff ir m s th e S ta te o f O regon’s com m itm ent to affirm a­ tive action, cultural com petency and the right o f all persons to work and Vaccination Clinics Offered The deadline for school children to get up-to-date w ith their vacci­ nations w as W ednesday, Feb. 16. The M ultnom ah C ounty Health Department will offer School Exclu­ sion Im m unization C linics on Sat- urday.Feb. 19from 10a.m. to2p.m . at O ur Savior L utheran C hurch at 111(X) N.E. Skidm ore St. and on Saturday. Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at C om m unity Im m unization C linic at 727 N.E. 24'*’ Ave. T here is also an ongoing clinic T u e sd a y s, W e d n esd ay s and Thursdays at C om m unity Im m uni­ zation Clinic from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4 :3 0 p .m . T here is a $20 office visit fee per person, although no child will be refused service if unable to pay. For more information, call 503-988-3816. advance on the basis o f m erit, abil­ ity and potential. “A ffirm ative A ction is a valu­ able tool that may enable the state to m itigate the effects o f past and present discrim ination, intended or unintended, on the basis o f race, religion, national origin, age, sex, m arital status or disabilities,” said K ulongoski. "T he Executive O rder I am signing today continues to m ove us forw ard to m ake state gov­ ernm ent the m ost inclusive em ­ ployer in O regon and to ensure equal em ploym ent and retention 1 Public N o t ic e ] New Government Loan Program For Seniors 62 & Older Eliminates your mortgage payments & pays you while you own & live in your home! Benefits of New Government Reverse Mortgage Program: Call me TODA. Y for • No mortgage payments more information or • Tax-free money • You own your home seminar dates. • Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid not affected FREE recorded Hotline: • No income or credit l-(888) 208-7945 qualifications ext. 84 • Use money any way you choose For more information on this exciting new government program, call me directly at: Johny Martin Thu 2/17/05 $3 cover Sun 2/20/05 No Cover Ken DeRochie Band Kare okie Fri 2/18/05 $3 cover Mon 2/21/05 No Cover Peninsula Little League 2005 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-15) vist our website at: www.eteamz.active.com/peninsulalittleleague Saturday, February 5, 2005 Early Bird Sign-ups ($10.00 discount, 2/5/05 only) Saturday, February 12, 2005 Saturday, March 5, 2005 Softball Program j Level J M inor I M ajor I Junior Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N Portland Blvd 10:00 am - 2 pm A ges 7 -9 1 0 - 12 13 - 15 & Portland Observer 4747 NE MLK Jr Blvd 503-288-0033 Q uestions contact: Mark Washington ~ Hours: 10 a m - 5 pm (M on - Friday) 503-901-1722 Participation F ee - $85.00 (per player) $150.00 Family M axim um (2 o r m ore children) T he fee includes prepay o f fundraiser. Items to bring to sign-ups: Birth C ertificate P ro o f o f A ddress D octor/Insurance Inform ation Player Fee ONLINE Registration NOW AVAILABLE! Go to our website listed above and click on Register Now! Baseball Program Level A ges T-Ball 5 -6 Farm 7 -8 M inor 7 -9 M ajor 1 0 - 12 Junior 1 3 -1 5 Q uestions contact: Michael Mangum ~ $03-957-6274 Managers, Coaches & Umpires Needed C oaches Clinic TBA Call 503-993-0846 for m ore inform ation! CahCweCC’s Colonial ChapeC 20 N.E. 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 232-4111 D e n y s e O. P e te rs o n The Pre-arrangement Concept Dear Family Member: Denyse Peterson represents funeral homes and cemeteries in the Portland Metro­ politan area. Many families have a difficult time getting through all the assoeiated decisions, questions, grief and financial responsibilities that follow when a loved one dies. Denyse’s responsibility is to provide information. Pre-arranging lessens the burden before the time of death with challenges such as emotional overspending, indecision, haste and worry. O ur personal planning guide can he a great benefit to loved ones. Overall, pre­ arranging will benefit families tremendously. Fhe pre-arrangement Dignity Memorial providers are honored to help families in our community with your funeral and burial needs. Representing these fine funeral homes: Caldwell’s Colonial C hapel Sunnyside C hapel it M em orial G ardens Lincoln M em orial Park i t Funeral H om e H ennessey. G oetsch it M cG ee Funeral D irectors Gateway little C hapel o f the C him es lin co ln -W illam ette Funeral Directors KilliiiRsworth Lillie Cha|x-I o f the C him es Ross Hollywotxl C hapel Skyline M em orial G ardens i t Funeral H om e T O L L -F R E E : l-(8 7 7 ) 723 -3 82 8 ext. 116 Webslt»: www.ReverseMortgageFacts.lnfo Email: qulckloan@hotmail.com \dvertise w ith diversity in i,!‘ 4 opportunities for all citizens in pub­ lic service.” The order directs the G o vernor’s Affirmative Action Director to work with state agencies to ensure the principles o f equal opportunity and affirmative action is widely com m u­ nicated and practiced, and that ex ­ ecutive service and m anagem ent service em ployees have cultural com petency training and assess­ m ents to uphold their responsibili­ ties to create a work environm ent where all individuals are w elcomed, respected and valued. $3 cover DJ Chata Man Governor Orders Affirmative Action Called valuable tool in state government Sat 2/19/05 Wed 2/16/05 $3 cover fr o m M etro smal ler am ount o f sim ilar grants may also be available again in the spring o f 2006. “A small business in a com m unity is som ething tangible that you can pass on, it’s a legacy,” Burch said. “This is the first tim e that we have had a real strong em phasis on sm all local businesses. W e are going to be working with them to make sure they get full benefit out o f the funds and that they have a clear and present need for the funds,” H olden said. "W e’ve m ade it a lot sim pler than the typical process but are being very Chata Addy and Susuma Carolyn Corthell, MSW Reverse Mortgage Specialist (ÛhôCVUi'V 1 For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Denyse Peterson at (.503) 232-4111. I 1