Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 16, 2005, Page 15, Image 15

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    February 16. 200S----------------------------------------
R eligion
Faith Groups Honor Local Pastor
Dr. Reverend LeRoy Haynes Jr.
active in ministry and justice
Individuals representing the faith
com m unity and com m unity organi­
zations from around the state will
com e together T uesday, Feb. 22 for
the annual com m unity aw ards and
celebration dinner for Ecum enical
M inistries o f Oregon.
Special recognition will honor
ecum enical and interfaith leaders in
the state, including local A frican-
A m erican pastor Dr. Rev. LeRoy
H aynes Jr. T he them e o f the event
is “ Be a light that will shine before
o th ers.”
H aynes is the o rg an iz atio n ’s
“E cum enist o f the Y ear," presented
Islam Symposium
to be held Sunday
In light o f Black History Month,
th e Y o u th A u x ilia ry o f th e
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in­
vites local residents to a public sym ­
posium entitled “Islam and Today’s
African American”.
The event will be held Sunday,
Feb. 20 at 2:30 p.m. at O rom o Evan­
gelical Lutheran Church, 4219 N.E.
Martin Luther King Blvd.
The free symposium will cover the
current status o f racial equality in
America, what role Islam has played
in the battle for racial equality, and
w hat can be done to em pow er the
African American com munity now
and in the future.
The presentations will be made by
distinguished speakers, including
Vanessa Gaston, President o f the
Urban League o f Portland. A ques­
tion and answer session will follow.
Acomplimentary lunch will be served.
in recognition o f outstanding e f­
forts to prom ote theological ed u ca­
tion and dialogue, com m unity m in­
istry and ju stice advocacy.
H aynes is senior pastor o f Allen
T em ple C hristian M ethodist Epis­
copal C hurch in northeast Portland,
president o f the N orth Portland
Bible College and presiding elder of
the A laska Pacific R egion C onfer­
He is active in increasing H IV /
A ID S aw areness in hiscom m unity.
He co-founded the “A nnual Balm
G ilead H IV /A ID S Black Church
A w areness W eek” in Portland and
founded the "A llen T em ple H IV / is vice president o f the A lbina M in­
AIDS Education Project." His work isterial A lliance and a form er board
has been recognized by the C as­ m em ber o f Portland O rganizing
cade AID S Project with the
Project. He was secretary
“A ngel A w ard.”
for EM O for tw o years and
A s chairperson for the
c o n tin u e s to se rv e on
A lbina Ministerial Alliance
E M O ’s Board o f D irec­
Ad Hoc C oalition for Ju s­
tice and Police A ccount­
The event will be held
ability, H aynes led co m ­
at T he Hilton Hotel, 921
m unity accountability and
S. W. Sixth Ave. Registra­
reconciliation effo rts on
tion and reception for the
both the K endra Jam es and
event begin at 6 p.m. and
Jam es Jahar Perez police Dr. Rev. LeRoy dinner w ill be served at 7
shootings. In 2005, he was Haynes Jr.
p.m . T ickets are $50 per
nam ed recip ien t o f T he
person and table sp o n ­
Skanner n ew sp ap er's “ D rum M a­ sorships are available for$5(X). For
jo r for Justice A w ard.”
more inform ation, call Bob Baker at
H aynes is also involved with 5 O 3 -2 2 1 -IO 5 4
many com m unity organizations. He @em oregon.org.
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Praise and Worship in the Arts
G eorge M erriw eather, senior pastor o f N orth­
east C om m unity Fellow ship C hurch in N ortheast
Portland, is enthusiastic about dance.
O nce forbidden by m any churches, dance is an
acceptable form o f w orship is on the rise in many
local congregations.
“ D ance is an integral part o f w orship at our
church. T hroughout the Bible, dance is used as a
way o f celebrating victories and the faithfulness o f
G od,” M erriw eather said. W orship dancing adds
an exciting and inspiring dim ension to our w orship
The church will host “Igniting the Flam e, Living
a Lifestyle o f W orship,” on T hursday, Feb. 24 and
Friday, Feb. 26.
The em phasis o f this w orkshop conference is to
ignite the hearts o f believers, teaching them how to
enter into the intim ate presence o f G od through
w orship and dance.
P a sto r M e rriw e a th e r is e n c o u ra g in g local
churches, w orship leaders and all o f those inter­
ested in w orship to attend. T here is also a special
and businesses including St. A n­
drew Catholic Church, Oregon Food
Bank and G row ing G ardens.
Participants will explore how they
can w ork together to m ake healthy
food available to all, including
people w ith low -incom es. A nother
key topic will be how to better sup­
port the local farm ers and b u si­
nesses that bring nutritious food to
our table.
“ Food insecurity is a reality for
too m any residents o f north and
J Boyd Picture
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Northeast Community fellowship Dance Team.
session for youth on Saturday, Feb. 26.
For m ore inform ation, call the church at 503-
288-2583 or visit the conference W eb site at
northeast P ortland." said event c o ­
organizer Lou Boston, a m em ber o f
th e P o rtla n d -M u ltn o m a h F o o d
Policy C ouncil representing the
faith com m unity. “ It is a m oral im ­
perative that those w ho sit at the
table o f plenty should ensure that
those w ho are not as fortunate share
the table with us.”
T he Rev. John Pitney w ill share
creative m odels o f co n g reg atio n s
doing food m inistries that both
support local agricu ltu re and feed
the hungry.
Food fo r the gathering, m ostly
from local sources, is being d o ­
nated by Big C ity Produce and
Supernatural Foods; both are busi­
nesses with a strong com m itm ent
to the north and n ortheast co m m u ­
nity and to creating healthy local
food system s.
T here is no cost for the event,
but goodw ill donations are w el­
come. To register, call D anaat5O 3-
221-1054, extension 203.
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L ocal C hurch H osts F ood and F arm ing Justice E vent
Com m unity members, farmers,
representatives o f local congrega­
tions and organizations and local
businesses will gather at St. Andrew
Com munity Centerin northeast Port­
land Saturday, Feb. 19 for “From
Farm s to Families: A C om m unity
G athering to Address Food Access
for A ll.”
The event is sponsored by E cu­
menical M inistries o f O regon's In­
terfaith Network for Earth Concents,
local congregations, organizations
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