sp e c ia l February 16, 2005 Page B3 coverage S ports HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND HOPE VI EM PLOYM EN T AND TRAINING SERVICES C lassifieds Metal Chain-link Fence Erector First Black to Own NFL Team (AP) - A rizona businessm an the cash portion of any franchise Reggie Fowler agreed to buy the purchase. M innesota Vikings in a deal that Fowler brushed aside questions would make him the N FL’s first about pressing for a new stadium black owner. and rejected any thought of mov­ Fow ler declined to say how ing the team. much he would pay for the team. ‘‘We want to focus today on Published reports and a rival bid­ just acquiring the team,” he said at der, put the price at about $625 a news conference. million. The 46-year-old Fowler owns A sked about becom ing the Spiral Inc., a diverse Chandler, league’s first black owner, Fowler Ariz.-based company that supplies said Monday that he thought it grocery stores with bags, cups, was “a great thing” and not that containers, labels and janitorial big a thing. He said race didn’t supplies. figure in negotiations. Arizona b u sin e ssm a n Reggie League rules require 24 o f the 32 Fowler is introduced a s the owners to approve a sale. The NFL n ew ow ner o f th e M innesota also mandates that a general part­ Vikings. (AP photo) ner must put down 30 percent of Boys Basketball P hoto provided by P ortland T railblazers H onorees Nnam di Anyakwo and Fanta Kimara p o s e on eith er sid e o f Trail Blazer S e b a stia n Telfair, along with the Portland Bridgebuilders, during half-tim e o f th e recent Portland Trail B lazers vs. Sa cra m en to Kings g am e. page for the W ashington State House of Representatives. She is also a member of the NAACP Proposals are requested from knowledge of variety of hand qualified firms to provide self- tools: sufficiency advancement services • At least 1 yr. experience focused on em ploym ent installing and repairing metal preparation, motivational training, chain-link fencing: skill-specific training, and/or job • Read and write English to placement services for families com m unicate with sta ff and relocated from Columbia Villa, follow written instructions; • A valid driver’s license and a Portland, Oregon. good driving record: The Housing Authority of Portland • Pass a criminal background (HAP) will accept proposals until check and physical exam. 3:00 PM Pacific Time, Friday, $10.00/hr, full time days, seasonal. February 25, 2005. A pply in person at 6437 SE Division between 7 AM and 3:30 The RFP is available from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through PM. Questions call (503) 823- Friday, at the HAP office located at 135 SW Ash St., Portland, OR 97204, Fifth Floor. Teens Honored for Black History Month The Trail Blazers, in partnership with the Portland Bridge Builders, continue a month-long celebration of Black History by honoring teen­ agers Nnamdi Anyakwo and Fanta Kimara. Anyakwo is a senior at Jefferson High School and is in the top 10 percent of his graduating class. In addition to being involved in many school activities and Bridge Build­ ers, Anyakwo volunteers with Up­ ward Bound, Mount Olivet Baptist Church and Legacy Hospital. He is in the University of Portland Mini MBA Program. Kimara is a member of the Na­ tional Honor Society and is the V ice President of the Imminent Ladies of Virtue Club. With an interest in government and politics, Kimara participated in student government as a Senator and a St. M ary’s Am­ bassador, as well as serving as a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The success applicant must have: NO. P012605 • General construction skills & V ancouver Branch Youth GroupandCommunity AME Z ion's Church Youth Group. W L Jefferson Benson Lincoln Grant Franklin Cleveland Madison Wilson Roosevelt Marshall 13 13 11 l l 3 5 0 12 14 G irls Basketball W L Lincoln Franklin Benson Wilson Jefferson Grant Cleveland Roosevelt Marshall M adison 16 11 11 11 10 0 5 5 5 6 9 7 9 9 7 5 5 5 2 7 3 2 0 7 9 9 9 13 14 16 An optional pre-proposal conference will be held on Friday, February 4, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at the Housing A u th ority of Portland, Lower Level Meeting Room, 135 SW Ash St., Portland, OR 97204. Police Officer $3,510 to $4,480 per month. For ap p lica tio n in form ation , HAP encourages participation of please visit the City of Lake web site at disadvantaged, minority-owned, O sw ego women-owned and em erging www.ci.oswego.or.us Or, call the small businesses in this and all City’s pre-recorded jobline at 503- 635-0256. Application deadline HAP projects. is 5:00 p.m., February 25, 2005. RFPcontact: Jackie Blyn, Contract Equal Opportunity Employer. Specialist, 503-802-8533. You’re Invited What: Whether you are thinking of refinancing or purchasing a home, the FIRST PLACE to start is with CHARLOTTE MARTIN’S CREDIT REPAIR SEMINAR! W ednesday, February 2 3 ,2 0 0 5 - 6:30pm New Zion Revival Church 126 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 97211 P resen ted By: Charlotte Martin. Loan Officer Trail Blazer Donates $47,000 to Youth Trail Blazer Forward Zach Randolph recently d o n a ted $ 4 7 ,0 0 0 to the Portland Parks and Recreation 2 0 0 5 B asketball League, directed toward the*purchase o f n ew je rse y s. He is s e e n (36O)-823-1441 - RSVP (888)-849-0588 - Toll Free CMartin@homeloansource.us here with youth a t the M att D ishm an R ecre­ ational C enter during a celebration p u t on by the parks departm ent. Learn Different Techniques on how to correct And remove items from your credit report, and find out what lenders look for when considering financing for your purchase or refinance! P hoto provided by S am F orench h /N B A P hotos 2 0 0 5 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES CLEANING SERVICES C Put Your Income Tax Refunds to good use this y e a r ^ ^ CARPET CLEANING HOME 0FFICES:BL00MINGT0N, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 TR $ 2 5 .0 0 2 CLEANING AREAS O R M O R E... • PRESPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS M a d a m ’s S u b u rb a n S a lo n Advertise with diversity in 1,1 J j n r i l a t t h © b s e w e r Each A rea • INCLUDES 1 HALL 1 CLEANING AREA............ .................... OFF.: (503) 286 1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 $ 3 5 .0 0 C a ll 5()3-288-(X)33 N ail& Foot S p ecialist/H an d C are ads@ portlandobscrvcr.com • PRESPRAY TRAFFIC AREAS M adam M arion P e ’a, O w ner/N ail Tech 5628 N. 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