B lack H istory M Page A 8 onth .Wfe zaZ February 9, 2005 Focus Jazz Student Featured Performer Advertise with diversity in Œl’vJJovt la nö (Ob6crucr Call 5O3-28S-OO33 ads@portlandob s e n er.com KMHD’S VALENTINE’S DAY FUNDRAISER EXTRAVAGANZA Featuring Valerie Day & The knights of Swing w/special guests... M onday F ebruary 14, 2005 7 PM— 11 PM D oors open at is ¿ i. 6 pm T he M arriott H otel 1 4 0 1 SW N aito P kwy v \ Leroy Vinnegar Jazz Institute presents rising star T w enty year-old bassist, vocalist and com ­ poser Esperanza Spalding is quickly becom ing one o f Portland" s hottest jazz exports. T he Berklee College o f M usic senior returns to Portland as the featured artist in the first ever Leroy V innegar Jazz Institute Y oung A rtist Jazz Concert on W ednes­ day Feb. I 6 a t 7:30p.m . at The O ld Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Ave. Spalding will lead a group that includes form er m entor T hara M em ory and several o f the new vanguard o f Portland jazz players including saxo­ phonist M ary Sue Tobin, pianist Dan G aynor and drum m er C harlie Doggett. Spalding entered the professional m usic world at the ripe young age o f 15, only a couple m onths after picking up the acoustic bass “alm ost by accident” in a school band room. Invited by veteran Portland blues vocalist “Sw eet Baby” Jam es Benton to perform with T he Original Cats at Portland jazz venue Billy Reeds, Spalding confesses to not know ing how she m ade it through her first gig. “I could play only the blues in F ,” she remembers. W hat began as an audition turned into a w eekly gig that served as a training ground and fostered a grow ing love for the bass. W ithin a year, Spalding was perform ing as a bassist and vocalist with a half dozen different groups throughout the Portland area, including two ja zz septets, a trio, and a fusion group called N oise for Pretend that released tw o w ell-re­ ceived album s on the independent label Hush Records. The mission o f the Leroy V innegar Jazz Insti­ tute is to preserve and promote the art form, cultural heritage and social history o f jazz music in the Northwest through education, outreach, and historical documentation. Tickets are $ 10 in advance and $ 12 on the day o f show and are available at the Portland State University box office orby calling 503-725-3307. Esperanza Spalding * Grammys to Honor Ray Charles VA1ÜUF. DAY AND THE KNIGHTS OF SWING D ance per couple : $50 , D inner B uffet & D ance per couple : $115 D inner , D ance & R oom per couple : $230 VIP LEVEL ROOM INCLUDES ROSE BUDS AND CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES T ickets A vailable at M illennium E ast or W est OR CALL 503.491.7271 Music legend Ray Charles performs in Zurich, Switzerland on Nov. 19, 2001. (AP photo) BLACK HISTORY (A P ) — R ay C h a rle s , p o s th u m o u s ly n o m in a te d fo r se v e n G ra m m y s - in ­ c lu d in g a lb u m o f th e y e a r fo r “ G e n iu s L o v e s C o m ­ p a n y ” - w ill b e h o n o re d in a trib u te at S u n d a y ’s a w a rd s sh o w . B o n n ie R a itt an d B illy P re sto n w ill p erfo rm in a seg m en t h o n o rin g C h a rles, T h e R e c o rd in g A cad em y an n o u n c ed T h u rsd ay . T h e fam e d sin g e r and m u sicia n d ied Ju n e 10 at his B ev erly H ills, C a lif., h o m e o f ac u te liv e r d ise ase . H e w as 73. The 4 7 th A nnual G ram m y Aw ards, to b e p re ­ se n ted at th e S ta p le s C e n ­ ter in L o s A n g eles, also w ill in c lu d e a trib u te to S o u th ­ e rn r o c k f e a tu r in g T im M c G r a w , K e ith U rb a n , G re tc h e n W ils o n , so m e m e m b e rs of L y n y rd S k y n y r d , D ic k e y B e tts (A llm a n B ro th e rs B an d ) an d E lv in B ishop. Q u e e n L a tifa h w ill h o st th e sh o w , w h ic h w ill a ir o n C B S K O IN C h a n n e l 6. K a n y e W e st, w h o le a d s all a r tis ts w ith 10 n o m in a ­ tio n s , w ill a p p e a r w ith J o h n L e g e n d , M a v is S t a p l e s a n d th e B lin d B o y s o f A la b a m a . P re v io u s ly a n n o u n c e d p e r f o rm e r s in c lu d e M c ­ G ra w , G re e n D a y , A lic ia K ey s a n d U 2. Black Panther Photo Exhibit Reed C ollege w ill be show ing photos by R uth-M arion B aruch and Pirkle Jones through Feb. 20 at the D ouglas F. C ooley M em orial Art G allery. Pirkle Jones w ill speak at 6 :30 p.m . on W ednesday, Feb. 9 in room 19 o f the B iology building, w ith an 8 p.m. recep ­ tion follow ing. Laugh Factory C om edy returns every second W ednesday o f the m onth at the upscale B acchus R estaurant, thanks to EEI International. For m ore inform ation, call 503-223- 5236 or visit w w w .eei-intem ational.com . Reel Music and Cinema T he Reel M usic Festival, featuring m usic cinem a, is show ing through Feb. 13 at G uild T heatre, 829 S.W . 9 Ave, and W hitsell A uditorium , 1219 S.W . Park. For details, visit w w w .nw film .org. Trippin’ through Town Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. THE FAIRFIELD FOUR CONCERT 8 p.m . T onigh t - February 2, h au l A uditorium G r a m m y A w a rd w in n e r s th e F a irfie ld Four, o n e o f th e c o u n t r y 's m o s t a c c la im e d g o sp e l g r o u p s fo r o v e r 50 y e a r s , a r e m a s te r s o f a n a c a p p e lla s ty le th a t r e p r e s e n ts A fric a n A m e r ic a n h e r ita g e lik e fe w o th e rs . CORNEL WEST LECTURE £ / BOOK SIGNING 7:30 p.m . February 18 h a u l A uditorium A u th o r o t R ace M a tters a n d th e n e w D em o cra cy M a tte rs TIM SEIBLES BLACK PANTHERS 1968: Photographs by Ruth-Marion Baruch & Pirkle Jones EXHIBITION T hrough February 20 D ou glas F. C ooley M em orial Art G allery All events are free & open to the public; seating is lim ited. Visit web.reed.cdn/black history,m onth/ or call the Reed events lin e at 503/777-7795. POETRY READING 8 p.m . February 24 Vollum Lounge JAMES GIBSON LECTURE 7 p.m . February 28 Vollum L ecture H all reed Reed College 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, Oregon On the Radio Spike Lee Power Behind the Camera (A P ) — F ilm m aker Spike Lee says black representation is stron­ ger than ever on screens, big and sm all, but the true pow er in en ter­ tainm ent lies behind the cam era. “ W e have to get in gatekeeper positions,” he said. “W e have to get those dual law and M BA d e­ grees and w ork up the corporate ladder because everybody c a n ’t be an actor, everybody ca n ’t make a record.” Glacier Run T he O regon Z oo presents G lacier n, a sim ulator ride w orth bundling up for. For m ore inform ation, visit w w w .orgonzoo.org. Time to Jam Jam Night, P ortland’s ever-popular com edy/variety show , is at Christian P erform ing A rts C enter, 8131 N. D enver Ave. Show s continue every Friday Night starting at 9 p.m. w ith d inner by M ondem aj C atering next d o o r to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m . D inner is $ 13 and tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. For dinner reservations, call 503-286-2590. For inform ation about the show , call 503-735-4184 or visit w w w .jam -night.com . Madame Butterfly Portland O pera presents P u ccin i’s “M adam e B utter­ fly,” on stage Feb. 5 through 12. T ickets range from $35 to $ 127. T ickets can be purchased by calling 503- 241-1802 or visiting w w w .ticketm aster.com . The Middle Passage Floyd R. C ruse presents N abeeh M ustafah’s “The M iddle P assage,” a pow erful play about issues af­ fecting all com m unities regardless o f background. Perform ance is on Sunday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at M iracles Club. T ickets are $ 12 general. $7 m em bers, students and seniors. For more inform ation, call 503-284-0985. G roove to soul and hip hop w ith K evin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 FM /K B O O . C heck out the C om m unity Potpourri talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M o n ­ days, W ednesday and Fridays at 1480 A M /K BM S. C ount your blessings w ith M elodies from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays through Fridays at 1290 A M / KKSL. T une in to A frican A m erican H ealth R adio W ednesday nights on 1290 A M /K K SL. Blues m usicians W alter T rout and the R adicals will perform on Feb. 14 at 8 p.m . at the Roseland Theatre. T ickets are $ 13 advance, $ 15 door. For m ore inform a­ tion, call 503-221-0288. Local Artists Featured at Abbey Café Wine and Cheese The A bbey C afé, 441 N. K illingsw orth St., invites m usicians to sell their C D s and perform on Friday s and Saturdays. For m ore inform ation, call 503-286-4847. The 2nd A nnual Portland S how case o f W ine and C heese will be held at the O regon C onvention C enter on Friday, Feb. 18 at 6 :30 p.m. O ver 250 varieties o f w ines and gourm et cheeses, live entertainm ent and auction item s will be show cased. T ickets are $35. For more information, call 503-232-0077. Gypsy Classes C aravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, A frican dance and more. V isit w w w .gypsyearavan.us. Make Art on Alberta Walter Trout and the Radicals Jewish Film Festival M ake art and enjoy art on A lberta through Portland C om m unity C ollege. A variety o f classes from art m aking to art appreciation are available. For m ore information, call 503-731 -6622. The N orthw est Film Festival presents the 13,h Jew ish Film Festival through Feb. 29 at the G uild Theatre and W hitsell A uditorium . A dm ission is $7 general, $6 m em bers, students and seniors. For m ore inform a­ tion, visit w w w .nw film .org. Have a Ball Write Around Portland Kids wi 11 have a ball at O M S I' s new Innovation Station by exploring the hum an side o f technology. For m ore i nform ation, visit w w w .omsi .edu. W rite A round P o rtlan d ’s free creative w riting begins on Feb. 21, at various locations around the city. For m ore inform ation and locations, visit w w w .w rite around.org orcall 503-796-9224. Amusement At Oaks Park C elebrating 99 years o f fun. O aks Park in southeast Portland offers rides, picnic grounds, roller-skating and family gam es in the shade o f 100-year-old oak trees on the banks o f the W illam ette River. R ides and roller­ skating are open daily. F or m ore inform ation, call 503- 233-5777. Little Shop of Horrors Mt. H ood C om m unity C ollege in G resham presents “Little Shop o f H orrors” from Feb. 25 to 27 and M arch 4 to 6, w ith Sunday m atinees at 2 p.m . on Feb. 27 and M arch 6. All other show s are at 8 p.m . T ickets are $ 15 general, $10 students, seniors and staff.