-W B lack H istory M onth F e b ru a ry 9, 2 0 0 5 Page A S Black History Month Marion Anderson Rose in Stature in Europe Marian Ander­ son was consid­ ered one of the greatest singers in U.S. history. Escaped constraints of black life in America enabling her to deepen her under­ standing o f the languages she sang, to m ake professional connections, and to escape m any o f the co n ­ straints o f black life in A m erica. A fter A m e ri­ can producer Sol H u ro k h ea rd A nderson sing in Paris, he began to M arian A nderson w as bom Feb. represent her in 27,1897, in Philadelphia. Recogniz­ the U nited States, ing her talent for m usic and her w here his b u si­ need to study with professional ness practices e f­ teachers, m em bers o f her com m u­ f e c tiv e ly m a d e nity raised funds for her musical her the equal o f training. w hite concert art­ In that era, A m erican classical ists. O n Dec. 30, m usicians rose in professional stat­ 1 9 3 5 , h e p r e ­ ure at hom e by studying and per­ sented A nderson at Tow n H all in form ing in Europe. A nderson made N ew York. The concert w as a grand her first jo u rn ey to Europe in late success and a N ew York T im es O ctober o f 1927. In 1930, she was critic hailed A nderson as “one o f aw arded a fellow ship that allow ed the great singers o f our tim e.” her to study in Berlin. H er tim e A w are o f A nderson’s grow ing abroad w as im m ensely im portant re p u ta tio n . P re sid e n t F ra n k lin to herem otional and artistic growth. D elano Roosevelt invited her to sing for guests at a W hite H ouse d in n e rp a rty in 1936. A nderson becam e the first black singer to ap p ear on the stage o f N ew Y o rk ’s M etropolitan O pera w hen in January 1955 she sang the role o f the sorceress Ulrica in V erdi’s “Un B a llo in M aschere.” The follow ing year, she published a successful auto­ biography, “My L o rd , W h a t a M o rn in g .” As she neared the tw ilight o f her m usical career, A nderson becam e m ore active in politics. She perform ed at an inau­ gural ceremony for President Dw ight D. E isenhow er’s second term and for the inauguration o f President John F. Kennedy. The State D epart­ ment nam ed her a goodw ill am bas­ President Franklin Delano Roosevelt invited her to sing for guests at a White House dinner party in 1936. g sador to Asia; in 1958, she was ap ­ pointed a delegate to the 13th ses­ sion o f the United Nations. At the historic M arch on W ash­ ington for Jobs and Freedom in A ugust 1963, A nderson again sang at the Lincoln Memorial. The follow ­ ing D ecem ber, she was aw arded the Presidential M edal o f Freedom . A nderson won the U nited N a­ tions Peace Prize in 1977, and her 75th birthday was m arked by a gala concert at Carnegie Hall, w here she received N ew York C ity ’s H andel M edallion and a congressional reso­ lution o f congratulations delivered by First Lady Rosalyn Carter. M any more honors were bestow ed upon A nderson including the E leanor Roosevelt H um an Rights A w ard, and in 1991, she received a G ram m y Award for Lifetim e A chievem ent. A nderson died April 8, 1993, in Portland, w here she had m oved to be with her nephew Jam es De Priest, Oregon Sym phony C onductor L au­ reate. New Stamp Honors Famed Opera Singer Pioneering Banker Dies He later graduated from the P ort­ land School o f M usic and obtained State Bank was to offer o pportu­ a real estate license in 1964. Booker nities for m inorities to w ork and w as also a m em ber o f the M oose obtain financing in the banking Lodge in C am as, W ash. industry, som ething that w asn ’t Beyond his w orkaholic nature, com m on in the 1970s. He believed B ooker w as an avid fan o f disco in tra d itio n a l b u sin e ss e th ic , dancing with his w ife on Saturday where each client was treated with nights. the utm ost im portance and es­ Booker is survived by his w ife, teem. B ooker ran A m erican State Susan; m other-in-law Lily; three Bank for 32 years, w hen he sold daughters, Amy, April and Cheryl; his assets to A lbina C om m unity one son M ichael; daughter-in-law , Bank in 2000. Rose and sons-in-law Ehrin and Before his banking career, he John. A memorial service was held served in W orld W ar II w ith the on Feb. 4 in the G atew ay C hapel o f U.S. Army in England and France. the Chim es. con tin u ed fro m F ront T he U.S. Postal Service c e l­ attention on her, particularly her ebrates Black History M onth with artistry,” he said. the M arian A nderson stam p, the D eP reist lik en ed A n d e rso n ’s 28th in the Black H eritage co m ­ success to that o f Jackie Robinson, m em orative stam p series. the first black m ajor league baseball Fam ed for her contralto voice, player. A nderson was honored during first- “ W hen h isto ry co llid es w ith day-of-issue cerem onies in DAR w hat you ju st w ant to do, your C onstitution Hall, the W ashington career, then w hat happens depends venue w here the singer w as once on how m uch grace resides within denied a chance to perform because you,” he said. “It w as the com bina­ o f her skin color. tion o f talent and grace that en ­ Form er Oregon Sym phony C on­ abled both Jackie and, in the case o f ductor Jam es DePreist, A nderson’s my aunt, not only to be able to nephew attended the cerem ony. handle obstacles, but to be able to "T here is no one m ore richly handle them in such a w ay they deserving o f such an honor,” corn- becam e inspirations. men ted De Pre i st, c u rre nt 1 y d i rector "The pow er o f my aunt resided o f c o n d u c tin g at T h e Ju llia rd in the pow er o f her art," D ePreist School in N ew York. concluded. “ I hope that it will give an oppor­ The initial snub at C onstitutional tunity for there to be a focus o f Hall in 1939caused first lady Eleanor Lean Ground Beef Visit Safeway's Web site at www.safeway.com Available at Safeway: I W ESTERN U N IO N 13 14 P ter Febn ■»-> 9 thru Tunda* M rjir> ’S ?00S A prices wv om en am 80% 20% Fat 3-b. 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N olan called the stam p "a po w ­ erful rem inder o f her unprecedented contribution to m usic and to her great sacrifice for ju stice .” in thia ad are available at your local Safew ay stores N o sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sales in retail quantities only Quantities of som e items may be limited and subject to availability Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors W e reserve the right to correct all printed errors O n Buy O ne G et O ne Free (“B O G O ") offers, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free Lucerne Large Eggs Tide Laundry Detergent Dozen. Grade AA 81 to 87-oz. Powder O r 100-oz Liquid. Selected varieties. 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