Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 2005, Page 2, Image 2

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said developed nations know
A sks tuitions to
fight destitution
(A P) - Nelson M andela com ­
pared w idespread poverty in d e­
veloping countries to m an-made
evils such as slavery and apart­
heid, and urged w ealthy nations
to do more to fight it.
At a rally in central L ondon’s
T rafalg ar Square T hursday, the
N obel Peace Prize w inner and
form er South A frican president
said developed nations must pro­
vide m ore aid to poor countries
and lift their crippling debts.
"In this new century, m illions
o f people in the w o rld 's poorest
countries rem ain im p riso n s
slaved and in chains. The are
trapped in the prison o f poverty.
It is tim e to set them fre e ,”
M an d ela said to rou ;ng ap ­
plause from a crow d
South Africa's former president Nelson Mandela waves to
the crowd in London's Trafalgar square as part o f a cam­
paign called "Make Poverty History. ” (AP photo)
thousand people.
“Like slavery and apartheid,
poverty is not natural. It is m an­
what needs to be done to fight the
? Like slavery
crisis, but they were falling far
in their promises.
and apartheid, behind
“The first (step) is ensuring
trade ju stic e ,” he said. “I have
poverty is not
said before that trade justice is
a truly m eaningful way for the
natural. It is
developed countries to show
com m itm ent to bringing about
man-made and it an end to global poverty. The
second is an end to the debt
for the poorest countries.
can be overcome The third
is to deliver m uch
more aid and make sure it is o f
and eradicated the highest quality.”
who wasjailed for 27
by the actions o f years Mandela,
under his country’s apart­
laws, went on to become
human beings. heid
South Africa’s first black presi­
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela
made and it can be overcom e and
eradicated by the actions o f hu­
man beings.”
M andela was speaking on the
eve o f a London m eeting by the
The frail 86-year-old statesman
dent. He won praise last month
for helping to break down stigma
about AIDS after disclosing that
his 54-year-old son died o f the
General Pokes Fun at
Shooting People
Rumsfeld says case is closed
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February 9, 2005
Mandela Speaks Out Against Poverty
The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest
Multicultural Publication-is a member of
the National Newspaper A ssociation-
Founded in 1885, and The National Adver­
tising Representative Amalgamated Pub­
lishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West
Coast Black Publishers Association • Serv­
ing Portland and Vancouver.
Subscriptions are $60.00 per year
ta i
o u e ra y e .
Leaders Declare Halt to Violence
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (right) and Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, shake hands in Egypt Tuesday as
part o f a pledge to stop all military and violent attacks against each other. The
agreement would break a four-year cycle o f bloodshed and get peace talks back
on track. (AP photo)
(AP) - Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld said Sunday he considers the
case closed for a Marine Corps general
told to watch his words after comments
about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The officer said, “It’s fun to shoot
some people,” and poked fun at the man­
hood of Afghans as he described the
wars U.S. troops are fighting.
Lt. Gen. James Mattis, a career infantry
officer who is now in charge of develop­
ing better ways to train and equip Ma­
rines, made the comments Feb. 2 while
speaking to a forum in San Diego.
His boss, Gen. Mike Hagee, comman­
dant of the Marine Corps, said that the
comments reflected “the unfortunate and
harsh realities of war” but that Mattis has
been asked to watch his words in public.
Rumsfeld, asked Sunday about the mat­
ter. said: “The commandant of the Marine
Corps said that he was concerned about the
words, and he counseled with that indi­
vidual, and as far as I can see, the matter is
Pressed on CN N ’s “Late Edition,” about
whether Mattis could face more punish­
ment or whether he would continue on with
his career, Rumsfeld said, "That appears to
be what has been decided” by Hagee.
Charged in Baby’s Death
Beverly Bacon
An abandoned newborn baby
was found dead at the Cascadian
Terrace apartmentat57()ON. Kerby
Ave. on Monday, Feb. 7.
Police discovered the body of
the child after responding to a wel­
fare check. The resident of the apart­
ment, Beverly Joy Bacon, 32, was
booked on one count of murder by
neglect. An autopsy was performed
Tuesday to discover the cause of
the baby’s death. The investiga­
tion is continuing.
Man Killed, Suspect at Large
stories and experiences with your family helps to
bring the meaning of Black History home.
Pass it on every day.
Take some time to delve into the treasures in your midst
Police found a man shot to death inside an
apartment on Northeast 42n,i Avenue, north of
Killingsworth Street on the evening of Mon­
day, Feb. 7. The victim has been identified as
20-year-old W ilando Bell. His brother, Willie
Bell, 24 was also found outside, with a gunshot
wound to his arm.
Domincke Sanders,25, is wanted for murder,
attempted murder and robbery in connection
with the shooting. Police closed several blocks Dominicke Sanders
in the area of the shooting for several hours
looking for any sign of Sanders. An additional
suspect may still be at large, police said.
Wilando Bell’s Portland family has estab­
lished a fund to help support his burial ex­
penses. Those interested in making donations
can make checks payable to the Wilando Bell
Memorial Fund in care of Albina Community
Bank. 2002 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Wilando Bell
Social Security Forum Planned
A s th e n a tio n d e b a te s p a r­
tia l p r iv a tiz a tio n o f S o c ia l S e ­
c u r ity , A A R P O re g o n w ill
h o ld a fre e , p u b lic S o c ia l S e ­
c u rity F o ru m fo c u s in g on the
issu e o f p riv a te a c c o u n ts . T he
F o ru m w ill be on T u e s d a y ,
F e b . 15 fro m 9 :3 0 a .m . to
n o o n at th e D o u b le tre e H otel
a t L lo y d C e n te r, 1000 N .E .
M u ltn o m a h S t.
“W e all know that Social S e ­
c u rity n eeds to be stre n g th e n ,”
s a id J a n e S h a rp , v o lu n te e r
leader o f A A R P O regon. “ H ow ­
ever, w e need to m ake sure that
the so lu tio n isn ’t w orse than
the p ro b le m .”
In O re g o n , a b o u t 3 0 6 ,0 0 0
w o m e n , 2 4 2 ,0 0 0 m e n a n d
3 1 ,0 0 0 ch ild ren rely on Social
S ecu rity b e n e fits in the state.
T he average b e n e fit fo r retirees
is $930.
“ W e have an o b lig atio n to
c u rren t and future g e n e ra tio n s
to m ake sure that b e n e fits w ill
be there w hen they are needed—
th a t's w hy it is o u r re sp o n sib il­
ity to adv o cate for Social S e c u ­
rity reform , not to d ism an tle
it,” said Sharp.
S harp noted that it is g e n e r­
ally agreed that private accounts
w o n ’t help S o cial S e c u rity ’s
lo ng-term fin ancial solvency.