Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 2005, Page 15, Image 15

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R eligion
B lack H istory C e le b ra te d
Stop the
) The ^ u rteen tk iijneKJmenr O fi/ /z««*/vavZ/a ’
A Stop the Violence
Community Worship Ser­
vice will be held on Sat­
urday, Feb. 12 at 6 p.m.
at the A llen T em ple
C .M .E. C hurch, 4236
N.E. Eighth Ave.
The service is being
held to bring awareness
to the u n p reced en ted
amount of violence in the
com m unity. The c e r­
emony is designed to en­
lighten, empower and en­
co u rag e a m ovem ent
throughout Portland with
an evening of speakers,
choirs, praise, healing,
fellowship and dance
For more information,
call Rev. Dr. Leroy
Haynes at 503-287-0261
or Perlia Bell at 503-421 -
Ask ö
M poisons t o r * or n a w M liz e J i h ^ t i » ^
ora te s.a na subject- to rAe jurisdiction thereof j
a re C itiz e n s of th e U nited States and of State}
W here in they reside. Mo S tate shall make or
, e n fo rce a n y law which shall abridge the privi­
l e g e s e r im m un itie s of citizens of the Urn ted
$ S tates; nor shall a n y State deprive any person
> o f life l i b e rry, o r property, without due
i process of law; Morffeny
P61*0" w
Charles McLeod Jr.
S u n rise: D ec. 12 1981
Sunset: F eb . 4, 2005
Funeral services for Charles McLeod Jr.,
who died Feb. 4 at the age o f 23, will be
held Saturday, Feb. 12 at 1 p.m. at
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church.
4009 N. Missouri Ave.
\ ¡TS jurisdiction the equal protection
5 of the laws.
C irc le o f F rie n d s
Meet a circle o f friends at Meetin *N’ Da
Hood, a place to establish lifelong friendships
and discuss life and its obstacles, each M on­
day at 6 p.m. at C om er Stone Community
C h urch o f G od in C h rist, 2216 N .E .
Free refreshments are provided. For ques­
tions or more information, call Pastor B.E.
Johnson at 503-281 -4587.
A Reminder of Constitutional Rights
The Portland Chapter o f NAACP celebrates the 50,h anniversary of the organization in 1964 with a sign bringing attention
to the 14th Amendment, which concludes that no state shall “deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection
of the laws." The 14th Amendment was one o f three amendments to the Constitution adopted after the Civil War to
guarantee black rights. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship to people once
enslaved, and the 15th Amendment guaranteed black men the right to vote,
photo provided bv O regon H istorical S ociety
like to see you take it easy on some
of your responses. -D r. Paul Hart;
that aren’t a financial burden? -
Anonymous; Denver
Washington. D.C.
I’m wondering if I have the prob­
lem. W ith a tw o-year history, I
love him a lot and often tell him so.
He used to tell me he loves me too
but now he doesn’t. Is he losing
interest? —Simply T.; Online E-
Dear Anonymous:
If you want to make friends, stop
being an arrogant snot rag. Instead
of thinking people aren’t on your Mail
level, maybe you’re not on theirs.
In a nutshell, you lack the polish DearT:
you need to penetrate the circles Some men have a “stupid vein” in
you’ re looking for. Affluent people their neck that makes their head
socialize but you’re immaturely turn and look at other women when
looking to hang out. Regardless of they shouldn't. There are a few
age, if you have things in common problems in this deal. The blush­
with other couples you need to get ing smile needs to be slapped off
inw hereyoufitin. lnyourarea, look his face and his disrespect is mak­
into the Denver Chapter of the ing you insecure. Lay your cards
Dear Deanna!
National Black MBA Association. on the table and tell him how you
My wife and 1 are an affluent black If not, you and your wife will con­ feel about his behavior and his
couple in our early thirties. W e’re tinue to be on an island alone.
missing love expressions. If things
having a hard time meeting black
d o n 't change, kiss those two years
Dear Deanna!
couples on our financial and mental Dear Deanna!
good-bye and keep it moving.
I'm tired of the way you treat people. level. We don’t want to hang with I have a problem with my boy­
As a degreed and educated physi­ people in their late 30’s or 40’s just friend. Every time we go som e­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
cian, I feel the advice you give lacks to have friends, but it seems that’s where he looks at other girls walk M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
passion and sensitivity. You’re so the only people on our level. W e’ve by or those at the bus stop or in askdeanna 1 @yahoo.com or 264
cold and act as if you don’t con­ both “outgrow n” our previous traffic. When I catch him looking S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
sider people’s feelings and emo­ friends. Any suggestions on meet­ he gets a blushing smile on his Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
tions when they write you. I would ing other couples to have fun with face. We always argue over this so www.askdeanna.com.
Dear Dr. Hart:
I don’t know which is the silliest—
you or 50-Cent wearing a bullet­
proof vest. Yes, people are hurting
but they receive advice based upon
reality and the spirit of keeping it
real which society often fails to do.
I believe you’re a doctor all right.
More like Dr. Seuss. With that said,
take my prescription and go Hop on
Pop or eat some Green Eggs and
Mflgaid Windows
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