B lack H istory M Page A8 onth .W co* >erayv ____________ ______________ 2005 L aw & J ustice Book Describes Prison Interrogations Women soldiers said to use sexual tactics (AP) - Female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanam o Bay by sexual touching, wearing miniskirts and thong underwear and in one case smearing a Saudi m an's face with fake menstrual blood, according to an insider’s written account. A draft manuscript obtained by the Associated Press is classified as secret pending a Pentagon re­ view for a planned book that details ways the U.S. military used women as part of tougher physical and psychological interrogation tactics to get terror suspects to talk. It’s the most revealing account so far of interrogations at the secre­ tive detention camp, where offi­ cials say they have halted some controversial techniques. Humvee patrols the perimeter of Camp America, the detention center at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. (AP photo) “I have really struggled with this because the detainees, their fam i­ lies and much of the world will think this is a religious war based on some of the techniques used, even though it is not the case,” the au­ thor, former Army Sgt. Erik R. Saar, 29, told AP. Saar, who is neither M uslim nor o f Arab descent, worked as an Ara­ bic translator at the U.S. camp in eastern Cuba from D ecem ber 2002 to June 2003. Saar said he witnessed about 20 in terro g atio n s and ab o u t three months after his arrival at the re­ mote U.S. base he started noticing "disturbing” practices. Sexual tactics used by fem ale interrogators have been criticized Prolific ID Forger Busted Brent J. G ordon, a highly sophis­ ticated and prolific forger w ho had been attem pting to hack into a P ort­ lan d area p a y ro ll d a ta b a se , w as caught and charged on Jan. 14, ac­ cording to law enforcem ent officers from the Regional E conom ics Crim e Investigation C enter. On Jan. 6, investigators seized evi­ dence including computers, more than 200 identity profiles, counterfeit cur­ rency, forged identification, a large quantity o f check stock, and counter­ feit business and personal checks. by the FBI. w hich com plained in a letter obtained by AP last m onth that U.S. d efense officials h ad n ’t acted on co m p lain ts by FBI o b ­ serv ers o f “ highly ag g ressiv e” interrogation techniques, in c lu d ­ ing one in w hich a fem ale in terro ­ g ato r grabbed a d etain e e's g e n i­ tals. About 20 percent of the guards at G uantanam o are women, said Lt. Col. James Marshall, a spokesman for U.S. Southern Command. “U.S. forces treat all detainees and conduct all interrogations, wherever they may occur, humanely and consistent with U.S. legal obli­ gations. and in particular with legal obligations prohibiting torture,” Marshall said Thursday. G uantanam o has about 545 pris­ oners from some 40 countries, many held more than three years without charge or access to lawyers and many suspected of links to al-Qaida or A fghanistan's ousted Taliban regim e, which harbored the terror­ ist network. Kevin Casey McDaniel Nathan Robert Brown Man Charged in Street M urder Portland police say a suspect in the shooting of another man on a North Portland intersection sur­ rendered to authorities Thursday . Nathan Robert Brown, 25, was charged with attem pted murder in connection with the shooting of Kevin Casey M cDaniel, 31. Responding to reports o f gun­ fire ju st before midnight on Jan. 26, police found M cDaniel with multiple gunshot w ounds to his upper body on North Prescott Street and North M ontana A v­ enue. He suffered critical injuries as a result o f the shooting. Nazis Advertise on Rural Road Adopt-A-Highway sign disgusts neighbors V r (A P ) — T w o g ree n A d o p t- A - H ig h w a y s i g n s r e a d i n g “ A m e ric a n N az i P a rty ” h av e p o p p e d up on a ru ral road a few m iles fro m d o w n to w n S ale m , an d it ’s g o t p eo p le u p se t w ith th e co u n ty fo r a g re e in g to p ut up th e sig n s. “ I know w e live in a free w orld. But th a t’s not part o f freedom , anything to do w ith the N azis,” said B arbara H am blin, a6 4 -y e ar- old w ho lives in a m obile hom e park ju st dow n the road from one o f the signs. T h e sig n s w ere ere cte d by Brent Gordon GUNDERSON The N ation’s leading m anufacturer of rail cars and barges is looking for new team members to work as - Entry Level Helper - Fitters/W elders Gunderson offers a competitive compensation package rewarding perform ance and commitment. We also offer medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401k, tuition reimbursement, sick pay, vacation pay and more. M arion C ounty road crew s last w eek, co stin g ta x p ay e rs $ 2 5 0 each. C o u n ty o ffic ia ls sa id th ey know people are upset. But free- speech guarantees in the C o n sti­ tution prevented them from turn­ ing do w n the person w ho signed the A m erican N azi Party up w ith the local A dopt-A -H ighw ay pro­ gram . A person nam ed C. M archand applied for the perm it in w hich the applicant agrees to h elp clean up the road as part o f the perm it application. A person answ ering the phone at the n um ber given on the perm it application referred inquiries to a Jim R am m , w ho has previously been identified as leader o f the T ualatin V alley Skins, a w hite- suprem acist group. T h e a p p lic a n ts fo r th e sign m ay h av e been b o rro w in g an id e a fro m th e K u K lux K ian. E a rlie r th is m o n th , th e U .S. S u p re m e C o u rt ru le d th a t free- sp e ec h rig h ts p re v e n t M isso u ri fro m b a rrin g th e K ian fro m p a r­ tic ip a tin g in th a t s ta te ’s A d o p t- A -H ig h w a y p ro g ra m . Rights Group Assails US Credibility All selected applicants are required to successfully com plete a pre­ employment physical and drug screen. If you are interested and meet these qualifications, apply in person between the hours o f 7am and 3pm at: GUNDERSON IN C , 4 3 5 0 NW Front Avenue, Portland, OR O 71 IO fax (503) 972-5987 Call our Job Hotline for updated information (503) 972-5901 An EOE Employer (A P) - A hum an rig h ts g ro u p say s the B ush a d m in istra tio n sh o u ld ap p o in t a special p ro s­ ec u to r to in v e stig a te the ab u se o f d etain ees at Iraq ’s Abu G hraib p riso n , and G u an tan am o Bay, C u b a , to r e g a in th e U n ite d S ta te s’ c re d ib ility aro u n d the world. “T h ere is an urg en t need to (rein state) the p ro h ib itio n o f to r­ ture and to redeem the U nites S ta te s’ c re d ib ility ,” said K en ­ neth R oth, ex e cu tiv e d irec to r o f New Y o rk -b ased H um an R ights W atch. T h e n e a r-c e rta in ty o f a tto r­ ney g e n e ra l n o m in ee A lb erto G o n za les’s co n firm atio n to head the Ju stic e D ep a rtm en t ad d s u r­ gen cy to an in d e p en d e n t p robe o f a b u se s o f d e ta in e e s, R oth said. A s W h ite H o u se c o u n s e l, G onzales issued a legal opinion to Bush saying terrorists captured overseas by A m ericans do not merit the human rights protections o f the G eneva C onventions. He also said at confirm ation hearings last w eek that he w as sickened by accounts that A m erican officials tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib. “W e can no longer have any confidence that a genuine inde­ p e n d e n t in v e s tig a tio n can be launched by the Justice D epart­ m ent,” Roth said. A t stake is the U nited S tates’ credibility as w orld leader on hu­ man rights and in the fight against terrorism , he said. Your D re a m s . Your E d u c a tio n . Your F u tu re . ACHIEVE THEM HERE. Your Honor. Your C o u ra g e . 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