Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 02, 2005, Page 7, Image 7

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    .W B lack H istory M onth .’ flfc
e ra a e .
February 2. 2005
Page A7
Black History Month
Reed College Celebrates
Black History Month
Various events held to remember heritage
Reed College celebrates with an art
exhibition, a concert & special visitors
8 p.m . 'Ib n ig h t - F eb ruary 2, k a u l A u d ito r iu m
G ra m m y A w ard w in n e r s th e F airfield Four, o n e o f th e c o u n try 's m o st a c c la im e d g o sp e l
g ro u p s fo r o v e r 50 y e a rs, a r e m a s te rs o f a n a c a p p e lla sty le th a t r e p r e s e n ts A fric an
A m e ric a n h e rita g e lik e few o th e rs.
7 :30 p .m . F eb ru ary 18
Kaul A u d ito r iu m
Author of Race Matters and the new
Democracy Matters
4 photo essay on the Black Panthers movement in and around Oakland, Calif., the headquarters
of the organization, is on display throughout February at Reed College.
O pportunities to com m em orate Black History
Month will be abundant at Reed College, with music,
lectures and art exhibits throughout February. Events
will include the sweet acappella of The Fairfield Four,
a reading from author Dr. Cornel West, a discussion
with race scholar James Gibson, poetry by Tim Seibles
and an ongoing photo exhibition on the Black Pan­
EldridgeCleavertochronicle the Black Panther move­
ment in and around Oakland, Calif., the headquarters
o f the organization. The striking photos that resulted
were originally exhibited as “A Photographic Essay
on the Black Panthers” at the de Young Museum in
San Francisco in 1968.
The photo exhibition at Reed C ollege’s Hauser
Memorial Library runs through Sunday, Feb. 20, and
will showcase 45 photographs from the origi­
nal exhibition. On Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 6:30
p.m., photographer Pirkle Jones will speak in
Biology 19, with a reception following in the
Dr. Cornel West, author o f “Race M at­
ters" and “Democracy M atters,” has weaved
together the American traditions of the Bap­
tist church, socialism, transcendentalism and
pragmatism through his work. The author
will be speaking on Friday, Feb. 18 at 7:30p.m.
at the Kaul Auditorium.*
A respected scholar o f constitutional law,
civil liberties, judicial
behavior and research i r
m eth o d o lo g y , Jam es
Gibson is working on
this forthcoming book,
“Can Truth Reconcilea
Divided Nation?” His
work will exam ine the
transformation o f South
Grammy-winning group The Fairfield Four will perform
African society in the
on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Kaul Auditorium
o f its Truth and
at Reed College.
R econciliation C o m ­
The Fairfield
mission, and finds that South
Africans o f all races - even
w hites - condem n apartheid.
Gibson will speak at 7 p.m. on
M onday, Feb. 28 at the Vollum
the country for Come/
Lecture Hall.
An author o f six collections
more than hall a West
T> ¥ *
o f poetry, Tim Seibles has re­
ceived awards, fellowships and
heard s in p in e
grants from the National Endow­
rich harm onics r?’
ment for the Arts, the National
h im ■()
W riters Voice Project and the
Provincetown Fine Arts Work
Art T hou,” in
Center. W riter Patricia Smith
which they won a Grammy Award for their work. The says, "Listening to Tim Seibles
National Endowment for the Arts named the group a
... is I ike Iistening to the voice of
National Treasure in 1989, describing them as an the griot praising, adm onishing,
acappella group that represents African American
cursing, blessing, and calling us
heritage like few groups in the history o f the nation.
together." Seibles will give his
The Fairfield Four will perform at 8 p.m. on W ednes­ reading at 8 p.m. on Thursday,
day, Feb. 2 at the Kaul Auditorium.
Feb. 24 in the Vollum Lounge.
N oted C alifornia photographers Ruth M arion
All events are free. For more
Baruch and Pirkle Jones were invited in 1968 by
information, call 503-777-7574.
Photographs by Ruth-Marion
Baruch f/ P irkle Jones
T h r o u g h F eb ruary 2 0
D o u g la s E C o o le y
M e m o r ia l A rt C a lle r y
All events are free & o
7 p .m . February 2 8
V ollu m L e c tu r e H a ll
n to the
public; seatin g is lim ited . Visit
web. reed.edu/black_history_m onth/
or call the Reed even ts lin e at
8 p .m . F eb ru ary 24
V ollum L o u n g e
R eed Co lie g e
3 2 0 3 SE W o o d sto c k B h d
P o r tla n d , O reg o n
The Gifford Pinchot:
An Urban National Forest at Work
•Urban Youth Programs
• Teachers in the Woods
Share Your Black History
Photo memories from
post wonted
•Fishing Clinics
•Environmental Education
Black I lislory Month is here anti the Portland Observer
\\ on It I like lo share your personal pholo memories from the
past in onr speeial eoverage all month long.
Please slop b\ onr oliiees at 4747 N.H. M arlin Luther
K ing
Fore more information about Gifford Pinchot Urban Forest programs, contact Terry
Durazo, Civil Rights Program Manager, at 360-891-5(XX). Gifford Pinchot Urban
Forest, 10600 NE 51 st Circle, Vancouver, WA 98682. www.fs.fed.us/gpnf
B h d . or em ail images lo new s(«'port I a ml
observer.eom w ith inform ation about the photo along w ith
your name anti telephone number. Photos w ill be returned.
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