Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 02, 2005, Page 16, Image 16

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_________W B lack H istory M onth 2005 cooerape •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Promoting HW/AIDS Awareness
take an HIV test using cotton
sw abs in the m outh as an alter­
the county population in 2002, native to draw ing blood. Event
yet com prised 11 percent o f o r g a n iz e r s s a id te s tin g by
the c o u n ty ’s total new AIDS w om en w ho are pregnant or
a re c o n s id e r in g p r e g n a n c y
A w a re n e ss day a tte n d e e s w ould put them in a better po­
will learn about new m edicines sition to protect their health
available to m anage H IV , as and the health o f their babies.
What passion drives the people
w ell as have an opportunity to
from Metro
Y om
who are participating in the up­
coming aw areness day?
“We are saving lives,” said
Diata Rhodes, an African-Ameri­
can com m unity health specialist
fo r M u ltn o m ah C ounty. C o ­
w orker David Zambrano, a His­
panic man from Venezuela, called
it "the need we have in our hearts
to help.”
Are Imvifed
5:00-8:00 p.m.
fVjotnday, February 7fk, 3.005
4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
3 8 3 0 N orfk Eerby Ave
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb will lead his team against the New England
Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX in Jacksonville, Fla. on Sunday, Feb. 6. (AP photo)
HIV disproportionately affects tke ßlacfc community
and rates continue to rise
Patriots Picked for Repeat
Learn ko«, HIV is affect
O m T COirtnaMintfvj
But Eagles aren’t acting like underdogs
(A P) — T he P h ila d e lp h ia
Eagles haven’t lost their swag­
ger. Despite being seven-point
underdogs against the New En­
gland Patriots on Sunday, the
Eagles are walking around as
though they’re favored to win
the Super Bowl.
“W e’re not just happy to be
here, w e’ re here to win the game,”
center Hank Fraley said Monday.
This is Philadelphia's first trip
Super Bowl XXXIX kicks
to the Super Bowl in 24 years,
Sunday, Feb. 6 at Jack­
and just five players - defensive
Fla. with the de­
end Je von Kearse and right tackle
New En­
Jon Runyan are the only starters
gland Patriots vs. the Phila­
- have played in the big game.
delphia Eagles. Coverage
The Eagles h av en ’t won a
begins at 3:30 p.m. (PST) on
championship since 1960, while
Fox KPTV Channel 12.
the Patriots are seeking their third
title in four years.
Still, this is a confident, even the NFC this season, winning
cocky, bunch.
nine games by double-digit mar­
“They think they're as good as gins, including five by at least 21
any team in the NFL,” Eagles points. Even without injured All-
coach Andy Reid said. “They Pro receiver Terrell Owens, they
understand that you have to prove outscored Minnesota and Atlanta
that each and every Sunday. I 54-24 in the playoffs.
think th a t’s how th e y ’re ap ­
But the Patriots (16-2) are the
proaching this.”
defending champions, and they
The Eagles (15-3) dominated shut down Peyton M anning and
Kicks O ff
the rest of the Indianapolis Colts
in the playoffs and knocked off
the Steelers in Pittsburgh in the
AFC championship.
“W hen you play this game,
somebody has to be an under­
dog. At times, the underdogs are
the ones that shock you,” quar­
terback Donovan McNabb said.
“It’s an exciting tim e for us.
W e’re going to go out there and
do our job and have fun.”
Plenty o f underdogs have won
the Super Bowl, including the
Patriots. New England was nearly
a tw o -to u c h d o w n u n d e rd o g
against St. Louis when it won its
first cham pionship three years
The point spread makes little
difference to the Eagles.
“I don’t think you need to use
that as motivation in a game as
big as the Super Bowl,” Fraley
said. “People aren’t expecting us
to win this game, so I guess you
could use being a seven-point
underdog as motivation, but it’s
the biggest game o f the year and
it’s what you play for all year so
that’s motivation enough.”
Ltarn wkflf
caia do fo prevent it$
spread «nd support fkoçe affected
Get a free HIV test
Here’ç lAJtaf Y om
Get Involved: Volunfeer w itk a community or^Anizafion or faitt, based e ffo rt
Get Tested : Get tested for HIV. Test every 3 mOntks i f you Are enyay'my in AcfivifieS
fk a t puf you at ris t o f HIV.
Free, anonymous And confidenfial te s tin i i$ available at tke AACHD NE Test Site,
Tuesday evenin^S from 5:00 - 7:30,NE CALE J u n io r Elvd And Eiflin^Sworfk
Eor accurate Information, contact Information far community oryanieationS and
Information on ubere you can yo fo yet tested, cali:
OreyonAIDS Hofline 5O3-8OO-777-AIDS
Slavery and the Making
of America
Meet the writers, rebels, soldiers and crusaders who were
American heroes ... and American slaves, a
Wednesday, Feb. 9 and 16 at 9pm
"Malcolm X - Make It Pia
Go straight to the heart, mind and message of one of the
Monday, Feb. 21 at 9pm
Channel 10
fo Gcf Involved
Get Educated: Get accurate inform ation on H IV And AIDS
Black History on OPB
modern era's most complex figures.
C- cmo D o