February 2, 2005 -W B lack H istory M onth Page B5 •aye C lassifieds / B ids NE Portland Room for Rent Spacious, good loctn, 1/2 bath, private entry, no smoking/pets, $4(X)/mo inc. util. 503-449-5065 Engineering UPS. In d u s tria l E n g in e e rin g Management Trainee with a BS in IE. Job includes short and long- range operations and facilities p la n n in g , p ro b le m s o lv in g , process optim ization and work m e a s u re m e n t. L o o k in g fo r in d iv id u a ls w ith e x c e lle n t ana lytica l and co m m unica tion s k ills , th e h ig h e s t le v e ls o f integrity, initiative, attention to d e ta il, and p ro fic ie n c y in th e M icrosoft Suite including Access. P le a s e e m a il re s u m e to jm ayes@ ups.com . EOE. Portland State University Continuing Education/ School of Education Office Manager Prim ary responsibilities include: d e p a rtm e n ta l fis c a l responsibilities and supervision of support staff. The successful c a n d id a te w ill h a ve : o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills in m u lti- tasked environment; accounting/ b u d g e tin g , c o m p u te r, and sup ervisory experien ce; strong co m m u n ica tio n skills. Tw elve- month, fixed term, renewable 1.0 FTE unranked academic position, projected start date March 15. For d e ta ile d jo b d e s c rip tio n , see w w w .h rc .p d x .e d u / o p e n in g s / u n cla s s ife d /in d e x.h tm . or call 5 03 -72 5 -8 2 79 . To ap p ly send letter of application, resume, & 3 professional references by mail to Search Committee, CEED/GSE, PO Box 751, Ptld, OR 97207, by fax to 503-725-5599, or by email to d u d le vc@ p d x.e d u . R e vie w w ill b e gin 2 /2 1 & c o n tin u e u n til finalists are identified. PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping w ith the P re s id e n t’s d iv e rs ity initiative, welcom es applications fro m d iv e rs e c a n d id a te s and candidates who support diversity. Oregon Education Association, a p ro f'l la b o r o rg a n iza tio n , is seeking FT sec for its Portland offc. Required: type 55 wpm, advanced M irco S o ft W ord fo r W in d ow s, Access & Excel, w/ an aptitude & willingness to learn new programs, s tro n g m ath s k ills w /a ttn . To detail, able to operate various offc equipm ent, excellent gram m ar & punctuation skills. Need a self­ starter who can help em ployer m e e t d e a d lin e s w ith h e a v y w o rk lo a d dem ands w h ile m a in ta in in g p ro f’l a ttitu d e . S ta rtin g ra n g e : $ 2 9 ,4 5 3 - $35,169. Benfits: paid vacation, FF m e d ic a l, d e n ta l & v is io n , retirement, etc. Send resum e by February 4 to: Karyl Gothe, OEA, 6900 SW Atlanta St., Portland, OR 97223, or fax to 503-495-2143. V is it our w eb s ite at www.oregoned.org. L egal N otices Brooks Staffing Supports Black History Month L ife W orks M O S T M W I S T Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Therapist Location: NE Portland Provide strengths based case management services to a d u lts w ith s e v e re m ental illn e s s , c o m p le te c h e m ic a l dependency assessm ents, and provide integrated dual diagnosis tre a tm e n t fo r c lie n ts w ith co ­ o c c u rrin g s u b s ta n c e a b u s e issues. BA required and CADC or MA with CD treatment. Experience with adults with severe mental illn e ss. Prior w ork exp e rie n ce w ith in th e A fric a n A m e ric a n com m unity a plus. B rooks S taffing A D iv is io n o f S. B ro o k s & A s s o c ia te s , In c . A Full Service Staffing Company “ Where Temporary Staffing leads to Permanent Satisfaction” Experienced employees are carefully screened and unconditionally guaranteed. Administrative Floater (On- Call) This position fills in during ■ No surplus labor ■ No interviewing staff vacations and absences in Multnomah County. Responsible for front office clerical, answering phones, g re e tin g clients, data entry and filing in a fast paced en vironm ent. R equires 1 year previous front office experience preferably in a medical setting. Pay is $8.00-9.00/hr depending on experience. Simply sign the temporary employee’s weekly time card. You will receive an itemized invoice, that’s it! We give you the individualized attention you deserve! Call, to start saving 503.284.7930 Interested applicants may submit resum es with cover letters via e- N eed to p u b lis h a c o u rt docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classjfleds@portlandobserver.com B rooks S taffing 5 0 3 -6 9 0 -9 6 0 5 o r m a il to : L ife W o rk s NW , 1 4 6 0 0 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn: Human Resources. Please include in your cover letter the p o s itio n fo r w h ic h yo u are applying. To learn m ore about LifeW orks NW please visit our web site at www.lifeworksnw.org. A D iv is io n o f S. B r o o k s & A s s o c ia te s , In c . A Full Service Staffing Company 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 FAX: 503.284.7977 www.sbrooks.com jobs@sbrooks.com The Portland Observer Equal Opportunity Employer Senior Section 8 Elderly (over 62) Housing 1 Bedroom - 1 Bath Walnut Park Apartments (5 0 3 ,2 8 2 -7 4 4 9 Advertise with diversity in L=4 Q l,e I J o r tía n it (® b serv er C all 503-288-0QB3 n R E Q U E S T F O R S l B C O N T R A C T O R S /S l'P P L IE R S US 20 Pioneer M tn to E d d x v iilc (L in c o ln C ounty) Oregon Department o f Transportation Proposal Date: M arch 25. 2005 ads@ portlandob server.com A llied M ortgage Michael E. Harper, Sr. riAKinG Ditene or noncowncnsmr cone truci Stober M . Davis Atkinson-Parsons, a Joint Venture r mortgage consultant 600 Naches A ve SW , Suite 120 Renton, W A 98055 Phone: (425)255-7551 - / ■ No insurance costs ■ No tax records (503) 262-2626 x155 9045 SW Barhur. Suite 109 Rutland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 Fax (425)255-7325 This s olicitatio n is directed especially to q u alified Disadvantage Business Enterprises. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES cell (503) 348-2824 • (ax (503) 262-2650 HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. 10011 SE Division, STE 207 • Portland, OR 97266 smdavis3allle @ yahoo.com We are an equal nppnrtuMy e m p tily * i t entourage ra p tu re -, Irian ull interested •uhcuntreelias tind suppliers I Loans in Oregon, Washington 81 California G U Y FA C L 0 0 3R S W e H e lp Take c a re o f y o u r Fleal E state N e e d s ! ia . T h e R e a l E s ta te A d v ic e T e a m S e H a b la E s p a ñ o l O ave Low e 421 S W 6 th A ve located between Washington and Stark phone: 2 4 H r R ecorded M sg C e ll 5 0 3 - 9 9 7 - 4 5 8 5 C ori Stewart-Owner Snell-Des/grter h a p p y a lic la O m s n .c o m c e ll 5 0 3 - 5 4 4 - 3 5 1 8 HOME WINDOW REPLACEMENT AUTHORIZED DEALER WHOLE HOUSE SPECIAL STEVE @ 503-284-9789 Clearly t he best' E quity C on structio n , Inc. CCB 9 1 3 3 7 PEACE DONATION: 10% o f labor - Call fo r d e ta ils LUS EH3 Prepaid Cell 503-286-6070 317 N E Killingw orth, Ptld STATE FARM FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFF)CES:BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS tn Business in the P o rtla n d a re a sin ce 1989 References a v a ila b le upon d e m a n d LCB # 11775] 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Portland. 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