February 2.2005 ____________________ B lack H istory M onth .W s ;;L_____________ Focus Dance Companies Serve Up Mix Eight Portland area dance com panies will unite across studio lines to present an am azing show o f versatility, power and artistry for one spectacular evening. The show titled “C o.Lab 2.05.05" will feature a diverse representation o f dance, from the veteran beauty o f ballet M is­ tress Candalee W rede to the raw hip-hop edge o f Trent Barry and the Portland Dance Project. Performances from Ex­ treme, Shades o f M ohaganee, Dance E volve, the “ stre e t-tra in e d ” b-boys Dorian Tanase and Ra Boogie, among others, promise to hold viewers on the edge o f their seat and leave them dream ­ ing o f future productions. Feeling discouraged lately? Wondering when things will finally get better foryou? Or Maxed out all your credit cards on Christmas gifts? The perform ance will be held on Satur­ day, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Royal Durst Theatre on the V ancouver School o f the Arts and Academics, 2101 Main St. Tickets a re $15 an d a re a v a ila b le th ro u g h Ticketsw est.com . Here is the solution: Certas Direct can consolidate all your credit cards and loans into one monthly payment. Vancouver's Royal Durst Theatre will host dancers from eight studio lines during a special perform ance on Saturday. Call Certas Direct now ® (866) 856-7035 STARTFRESH! PHOTO PROVIDED BV T he R oyal D urst T heatre ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Celebrates V-Day Collections-judgments Bankrupt (discharged/undischarged) Bad credit-No credit Creditcounseling Mortgage Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Consolidations Loans Being debt free; it could happen to you. IFCC presents a benefit production o f Eve Ensler play In celebration o f V -D ay, IFCC S torytellerz R eaders T heater pre­ sents a benefit production o f Eve E nsler’s acclaim ed play “The V a­ gina M onologues” on Feb. 13 and 14. T he perform ance w ill raise a w a r e n e s s to s to p v io le n c e against w om en and girls and will raise funds for S isters in A ction fo r P o w e r a n d L e F e m m e s P ro sp e c tiv e s 2005 “ L o v e M e D on’t H urt M e” D om estic Vio- • • • • • P hoto provided bv S ix 2 1 Pix Let our Certas Direct certified agents show you how with just one call 1(866) 856-7035 The African American Men's Club "In the tomm uni ty...for the community’ The featured cast oflFCC Storytellerz Readers Theater's “ Vagina Monologues" production in­ cludes, left to right, Francesca Sanders, Shukura Mitchell, Miss LaVerne, Helen Raptis, Darcelle, Terese Brazzle, Shawnti Eaden, Olga Sanchez and Sharon Martini. Chanda Watts is not pictured. lence and O utreach Program . V-Day is a global m ovement to act as a catalyst in promoting aware­ ness and fund-raising for programs that help stop violence against w om en and girls. ‘Judge Mathis ’ Honors Black History Month In its first seven years, the V- Day movement has raised over $25 million toward the cause. The “V ” in V-Day stands for victory, valen­ tine and vagina. IFCC will hold performances of “Vagina M onologues,” with open­ ing com edy by Gail Hand, on Sun­ day, Feb. 13 and M onday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. Admission is $ 15 general, $ 12 students and seniors. For res­ ervations, call 503-823-4322. AAMC Valentine’s Day Dance Saturday, February 12, 2005 9 PM - 2 AM Ramada Inn at the Airport 6221 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 503-255-6511 Show vignettes feature historical icons D uring the m onth o f February, “Judge M athis” will air in-show vi­ gnettes celebrating the achievem ents o f A frican-A m ericans, specifically modern-day history m akers who have left an indelible footprint on A m eri­ can history. Dr. Mae Jem ison, Robert L. Johnson and Sidney Poitierw ill be mentioned. “ Ju d g e M a th is ” c e le b ra te s these great leaders of our tim e who are an integral part o f our history and the show salutes their contri­ butions. Judge Mathis Ticket Price: $20.00 per person Ted Turner Compares Fox News to Hitler (A P )-C N N founder Ted Turner has called the Fox television net­ work a “propaganda voice” o f the Bush adm inistration and compared Fox News C hannel’s popularity to A dolf H itler’s rise in Germany be­ fore W orld W ar II. Turner, in a speech Tuesday to the National Association o f Televi­ sion Programming Executives, also ta rg e te d “ g ig a n tic c o m p a n ie s whose agenda goes beyond broad­ casting” for timidity in challenging the Bush W hite House. “T here’sone network. Fox. that’s a propaganda voice for them,” the cable news pioneer said. “It’s cer­ tainly legal. But it does pose prob­ lems for our dem ocracy when the news is ‘dum bed-dow n.’” Fox News in New York issued a statement saying, “Ted is under­ standably bitter having lost his rat­ ings, his network and now his mind -w e wish him well.” Tum er, 66, stepped down as vice chairman o f AOL Time W arner in May 2003. During a question-and-answ er session moderated by form er CNN anchorman Bernard Shaw, Turner called it “not necessarily a bad thing” that Fox ratings top CNN and other cable news networks. “ A dolf H itler was m ore popu­ lar in G erm any in the early '3 0 s than ... people that w ere running against him ," T urner said in re ­ m arks videotaped by conference adm inistrators. “So ju st because y o u ’re b ig g e r d o e s n 't m ean y o u 're rig h t.” C o n v e n tio n sp o k e sw o m a n Michelle Mikoljak said the associa­ tion had no comment about Tum er’s comments. Turner heads an Atlanta-based philanthropic andbusinessem pire. Dress: After 5 Dance...Music...Fun...Raffle...Food...No Host Bar Peninsula Little League 2005 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-15) vistour website ar. www.eteamz.active.com/peninsulalittleleague Saturday, February 5, 2005 Early Bird Sign-ups ($10.0(1 discount, 2/5/05 only) Saturday, February 12, 2005 Saturday, March 5, 2005 Softball Program Peninsula Park Community Center Level Minor Major Junior Ages 7 -9 1 0 - 12 1 3 - 15 700 N Portland Blvd 10:00 am ~ 2 pm & Portland Observer 4747 NE MLK Jr Blvd 503-288-0033 Questions contact: Mark Washington - Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior Ages 5 -6 7 -8 7 -9 1 0 - 12 13 15 Hours: 10 am - 5 pm (Mon - Friday) Questions contact: Michael Mangum - Madam ’s Suburban Salon Participation Fee - $85.00 (per player) $150.00 Family Maximum (2 or more children) The fee includes prepay o f fundraiser. 503-957-6274 Nail&Foot Specialist/H and Care Madam Marion Pe’a, O w ner/N ail Tech 5628 N. Commercial St., Portland, OR 97217 Phone:(503)288-1053 503-901-1722 Items to bring to sign-ups Birth Certificate Proof o f Address Doctor/lnsurance Information Player Fee ONLINE Registration NOW AVAILABLE! Go to our website listed above and click on Register Now! Managers, Coaches & Umpires Needed Coaches Clinic TBA Call 503-993-0846 for more information! GREGORY P, OLIVEROS u Wh CFI e v i l m en sh o u t ugly w ords of h atre d , good m en m ust commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetu­ ate an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice.” — Martin Luther King, Jr. Gregory P. Oliveros price list Full-Set $ 16.99 & up Fills $ 10.99 & up Pedicure $ 15.99 & up Manicures $7.99 & up Nail Art $2.99 & up Y o u r C a re Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 Attorney At Law W? are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213 O liveros & O ’B rien , PC (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd., Suite #150 Clackamas, OR 97015 503-786-3800 fax 503-786-3885 We specialize in: Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries ft I