B lack H istory M [ P u b lic N o t i c e ] 2 2005 onth The Fairfield Four day, Feb. 2 ment. Cost advance, $25 at the door. The Fairfield Four, ranked among at P o rtla n d is $ 1 0 p e r the top gospel groups in the coun Community couple and $3 for Multicultural Film Festival try for more than 50 years and known in room 201 oftheCTBuilding. each additional daughter. The Jefferson High School presents for their work with the fdm "O For more inf ormation, call 503-977- event is at the Luepke Senior C en “B ecom ing A m erican: A Hmong Brother, W here Art Thou,” will 4839. ter, 1009 E. M cLoughlin Blvd. For P erspective” on M onday, Feb. 7 Eliminates your mortgage payments & pays you perform on W ednesday, Feb. 2 at 8 more information, call 360-619-1292. from 6 to 8:30 p.m. A dm ission is p. m. at the Kaul Auditorium at Reed Reel Music and Cinema while you own & live in your home! College. Admission is free. For more The Reel Music Festival, featuring m usic cinem a, is showing through information, call 503-777-7574. Benefits of New Government Feb. l3 atG u ild T h eatre,8 2 9 S .W .9 Reverse Mortgage Program: Laugh Factory Ave, and Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 Call me TODA /f o r • No mortgage payments C o m ed y retu rn s ev ery second S .W . P ark . F o r d e ta ils , v isit more information or W ednesday o f the month at the www.nwfilm.org. • Tax-free money • You own your home u p s c a le B a c c h u s R e s ta u ra n t, seminar dates. thanks to EEI International. For Trippin’ through Town • Social Security, Medicare more information, call 503-223-5236 Take a trip through time to find the & Medicaid not affected FREE recorded Hotline: o rv isitwww.eei-intem ational.com. hottest poetry, hip hop and soul • No income or credit 1 -1 8 8 8 ) 2 0 8 -7 9 4 5 influencing Portland on W ednes qualifications e x t. 84 Love a Drama days at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. • Use money any way you choose Love can be a dram a with the Nappy First Ave. Roots production o f “T angoing with T ornadoes” at the Interstate Laughing Through It For more information on this exciting new Firehouse C ultural C enter from A Portland Jam Night plans to heal government program, call me directly at: Jan. 28 through Feb. 5. For more the com m unity’sills through laugh T O L L -F R E E : l-(877> 7 2 3 -3 8 2 8 ext. 116 ter at the W ave Theatre in north information, call 503-381 -9088. Portland. The live music and clean W ebsite: www.ReverseMortgageFacts.info Lynnell Edwards sketch improv com edy is at 9 p.m. Lynnell Edwards, author o f “The Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults Carolyn Corthell, MSW Email: quickloan@hotmail.com Fanner’s Daughter” will give a free and $4 for kids. For more inform a Reverse Mortgage Specialist poetry reading at noon on W ednes- tion, call 503-735-4184 or visit Bump in the Road Theatre presents “The Waiting Room. ” www.jam-night.com. Madame Butterfly free. For more information, call 503- Time to Jam Portland Opera presents Puccini’s 916-5180. Jam Night, Portland’s ever-popular “ M adame Butterfly,” on stage Feb. com edy/variety show, is at Chris 5 through 12. Tickets range from Black Panther Photo Exhibit tian Perform ing Arts Center, 8131 $35 to $127. Tickets can be pur Reed College will be show ing pho N. D enver Ave. Show s continue chased by calling 503-241 -1802 or tos by Ruth-M arion Baruch and Pirkle Jones through Feb. 20 at the every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. visiting w w w.ticketm aster.com . D ouglas F. C ooley M em orial Art with dinner by M ondemaj Catering G allery. Pirkle Jones will speak at next door to the show at 6:30 and The Middle Passage 7:30 p.m. D inner is $ 13 and tickets Floyd R. Cruse presents Nabeeh 6:30 p.m. on W ednesday, Feb. 9 in are $7 for adults and $4 for children M ustafah’s ’T h e Middle Passage,” room 19 o f the Biology building, under 12. For dinner reservations, a pow erful play about issues af with an 8 p.m. reception following. call 503-286-2590. For in forma lion fecting all com m unities regardless Jewish Film Festival about the show , call 503-735-4184 o f background. Perform ances are on Saturday, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m. and 7 The N orthw est Film Festival pre o rv isitw w w .jam -night.com . Working for a Clean Energy Future p.m., Sunday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. and sents the 13lh Jew ish Film Festival Black History Ball Sunday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at Miracles through Feb. 29 at the G uild T h e “Inspirations o f a D ream ,” a Black Club. Tickets are $12 general, $7 atre and W hitsell A uditorium . A d History Ball, will be held at the members, students and seniors. For m ission is $7 general, $6 members, We can help you lower your energy bills and conserve Oregon's resources. Acadian Ballroom from 6 p.m. to more information, call 503-284-0985. students and seniors. For more Homeowners and businesses can get free energy-saving recommendations, cash information, visitwww.nwfilm.org. m idnight on Saturday, Feb. 5. This Incentives fo r improvements and referrals to qualified contractors. is a black tie event. C ost is $450 a Mom-Son Swim in Vancouver Bump in the Road table, $ 1 (X) per couple, $55 single A Mom and Son V alentine G ala Call now to learn about energy programs that w o rk fo r you. Bum p in the Road T heatre opens and only 150 tickets are available. Swim at the M arshall C om m unity its third season w ith “T he W aiting i All p ro ceed s go to “A B etter C e n te r S w im m in g P o o l in R oom ,” a dark com edy about the C hance” Scholarship Foundation V ancouver is on Saturday, Feb. 5 tim eless quest for beauty and its benefiting youth o f color. For more from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $2.75 for Put us to work. Call I-866-ENTRUST (368-7878) cost. A “pay w hat you w ill” pre kids and $3.75 for adults. To regis o f Oregon, Inc. information, call 503-288-4070. or log onto w w w .e n e rg y tru s t.o rg view show is at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10. ter, call 360-696-8236. T he show opens Friday, Feb. 11 Folk Music at the Aladdin Cnergy Trust programs serve Oregon customers o f Pacific Power. Portland General Electric and NW Natural. and runs Saturday, M arch 5 at the Portland’s largest annual folk m u Vietnamese New Year sic event, W interfolk XVII, is at the The V ietnam ese New Year, cel Tribe T heatre and Art G allery at Aladdin Theatre at 7 p.m. Feb. 5. ebrating the year o f the rooster, is 510 NW G lisan St. Tickets range This event celebrates Sisters o f the at the O regon C onvention C enter from $ 12 to $ 15. For reservations, R o ad ’s 25th year o f service to on Feb. 5 ,from 10a.m. to ö p .m . For call 503-750-1439 or visit the web Portland’s hom eless com m unity. m ore inform ation, call 503-335- at w w w .bum pintheroad.org. Tickets are $23 in advance and $25 8700. Write Around Portland at the door, available at Aladdin Winterfolk W rite A round P ortland’s free cre Box office and M usic M illennium. “W interfolk” will take place at the ative w riting begins on Feb. 21, at A lladin Theatre on Saturday, Feb. various locations around the city. Father-Daughter Ball A Father-D aughter Ball is on Feb. 5 5 at 7 p.m. This is P o rtlan d ’s larg For more information and locations, from6:30to9p.m . by the Vancouver- est folk event and is a benefit for visit w w w .w ritearound.org or call Clark Parks and Recreation D epart Sisters o f the Road. Tickets are $23 503-796-9224. New Government Loan Program For Seniors 62 & Older Enei Trust Cash Connection Supports Martin Luther King Jr, celebration, and Black History Month give payday advances checks cashed Post-dated checks cashed and held until payday . Checks cashed (any kind - ,n / " 12931874 last se rvicin g l i i M o w rates KMHD’S VALENTINE’S DAY FUNDRAISER EXTRAVAGANZA Featuring Valerie Day & The Knights of Swing w/special guests... M onday F ebruary 14, 2005 açu 7 pm — 11 PM open at 6 pm T he M arriott H otel 1401 SW N aito P kwy D oors ONNECTION "The fastest Wdy to send money" • The Black Notes play Thursdays at the Candlelight Room. • Mel Brown plays jazz at Jim my M aks on T uesdays, T hursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Salty’s on the Columbia. • A Com m unity Unity Breakfast is held every third Thursday at SE1 at 7:30 a.m. Skip Elliott Bowman Jazz Trio playsSaturdays from 10a.m .to noon at Hannah B ea’s, on north east MLK Jr. Blvd. and Shaver. • D on’t miss Reggae Thursdays at S avannah's at First Thursday cel ebrations at 8 p.m. • DJ O G O N E sp in s R&B at Savannah’s on Fridays. D ance per couple : $50 D inner B uffet & D ance per couple : $115 D inner , D ance & R oom per couple : $230 VIP level room includes rose buds and chocolate covered strawberries T ickets A vailable at M illennium E ast or W est OR CALL I • Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. • After work, stop by The Red Sea, 381 S.W. 3rd Ave. from 5 to 9 p.m. W ed n esd ay s. loans • fax service • 2-day tax refund loans • electronic tax filing free money orders W ESTERN U N IO N • The B lue M onk on Belm ont plays live jazz. F or a schedule, visit www.thebluemonk.com. • R&B and live funk bands perform w e e k e n d s at th e In te r s ta te Firehouse Cultural Center. S • S. 2 3 7 . fjl U H ‘1 6 6 6 9 open mon-tltur, 9am-7om tri, 9am-8pm sal, 9am-7pm sun, ioam-4pm Ongoing and Upcoming Music 503.491.7271 • S avannah's Restaurant welcomes Ron Steen Jam Session Sundays at 8:30p.m. • Live Reggae Fridays and Satur days at M ontego Bay, 1239 S.W. Jefferson. • Politics and Poetry is every first and third Thursday at AJ Java’s I ntem et Café from 6 to 8 : 30 p. m. • DJ Vance spins Saturdaysat Book ies Sports Lounge on N. Lombard and Albina. N ocover before 10p.m.