500 February is B lack History M onth (D b se m r City of Roses Established in 1970 Volume XXXV, Number 4 T,Weekin TheReview Iraqi President: U.S. Troops Should Stay Iraq’s president said Tuesday it would be “com plete nonsense” to ask foreign troops to leave the country now , although som e could depart by year’s end. O ffi­ cials began the final vote tally from elections to produce a gov­ ernm ent to confront the insur­ gency. See story on page A2. Jackson Stands Before Prospective Jurors M ichael Jackson on M onday stood before the first group of prospective jurors who could decide his fate on charges he molested a teenage cancer pa­ tient and plied the boy with alco­ hol at his N everland Ranch. The pop superstar, accom panied by four defense lawyers, stood and smiled as he faced prospective jurors for the start o f jury selec­ tion in what could becom e the most sensational celebrity trial the world has ever seen. Judge Backs Guantanamo Challenges The Bush adm inistration must let foreign terror suspects chal­ lenge their confinem ent in U.S. courts, a judge said M onday in a ruling that found unconstitu­ tional the hearing system set up by the Pentagon. Foreigners from about 40 different countries have been held at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - some for more than three years - w ith­ out being charged with a crimes. They were mainly swept up in the U.S.-led A fghanistan war. Bonds to Miss Spring Training Barry Bonds is expected to miss much o f spring training follow ­ ing arthroscopic surgery M on­ day on his right knee, but the San Francisco G iants slugger should recover in plenty o f time to re­ sume his chase o f Hank A aron’s home run record in April. Murder Charges for Train Crash Suspect A suicidal man who allegedly parked his SUV in the path o f a com m uter train and triggered a horrific wreck that killed 11 people was charged with m urder and could face the death penalty, a u th o ritie s sa id T h u rs d a y . Nearly 200were injured. Authori­ ties say A lvarez drove his Jeep C herokee into the path o f a Metrolink com m uter train early W ednesday. Committed to Cultural Diversity c <5 □ — UJ 1 Wednesday • February 2. 2005 ‘The Middle Passage’ to Recovery Local play parallels addiction and slavery by J aymee R. C vti T he P ortland O bserver A parallel betw een slavery and addiction is the subject o f a d ra ­ m atic play w ritten, produced and staring local A frican-A m ericans opening this w eek at the M iracles C lub, 4069 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd. “On L ife’s Term : T he M iddle P assage,” tells the stories o f folks w ho have taken the jo u rn ey or m iddle passage from drugs and alcohol to recovery. “A ddiction is the en slav er,” said Floyd C ruse, the p la y ’s d i­ rector and producer. T he production opens S atu r­ day and runs through tw o w eek ­ ends. P ortland C able M edia w ill record the play for broadcast and plans are already set for film ing the production fo r a m ovie. “T he M iddle P assag e” w as adapted from “On L ife’s T erm s,” a play by Portland author, poet and p la y w rig h t N ab eeh M us- tafah. T radition ally , the M iddle P as­ sage is the A tlantic slave trade, the triangular route from E urope to A frica to the N ew W orld. “G oing from the position o f no control to control is the reverse o f the M iddle P a ssa g e ,” said C ruse. “As you go through, you cast aside c rim in ality , alienation photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Writer, poet and playwright Nabeeh Mustafa (left) and producer/director Floyd Cruse team up to present “On Life's Term: The Middle Passage, " a play about slavery and addiction opening this weekend at the local Miracles Club. and d y sfunctional behaviors that d o n ’t w ork.” According toCruse, the com m u­ nity has a role in recovery, which is why meetings at the M iracles Club are open to the public. “The com m unity' s role in recov­ ery is to go against the current and allow people to redeem themselves. Give them a chance,” said Cruse. His entire cast is com posed of recovering addicts. He says instead of directing actors, he is simply asking them to recall their experi­ ences. “As I took a look at them in all theirdi versity, I saw that all o f them are victims of institutionalized alien­ ation, gender discrim ination and racism.” “The Middle Passage” is sched­ uled for two shows on Saturday, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.; one show on Sunday Feb. 6 at 7 p.m.; two show s on Saturday, Feb. 12 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and one show on Sunday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. T ick ets are $12 and $7 for Miracles Club members, seniors and students. Tickets can be purchased at M iracles Club, R eflection’s C of­ fee Shop, G eneva’s Shear Perfec­ tion, Hanna Bea’s, Billy Reed’s and Reflections Bookstore. For more information, call 503- 284-0985. Women ‘Go Red’ for Heart Disease cooking dem onstrations and give­ aways. In the evening, Portland’s Kaiser Permanente Building will be lit up in red, along with national landmarks such as the Seattle Space Needle and the Empire State Build­ by K atherine K ovacich ing. The Go Red For W om en cam ­ T he P ortland O bserver Think o f the most common dis­ paign started last year to educate ease killing women today. No, it’s and em power women with i nforma- not breast cancer - it’s heart dis­ tion on reducing the risk factors for ease. More than one out o f every heart disease, like exercise, healthy ea tin g , w eig h t th re e w om en m a in te n a n c e , die o f heart dis­ quitting sm ok­ ease, stroke or American Heart ing and keeping o th e r c a r d io ­ Association« your blood pres­ v a s c u la r d is ­ sure in check. ease. A frican According to Am erican w o­ th e A m e ric a n men are even more likely to H eart A ssocia­ tion, cardiovas­ d evelop heart cu la r d ise a se s d is e a s e be­ cause o f a ten­ kill more women th a n m en . In dency tow ard high blood pres­ 2002, heart dis­ ease killed more sure. than 5,000 O r­ O n F riday , Feb. 4, women egon women, 10 tim e s m ore an d m en n a ­ tionwide will don red clothing to women than breast cancer. W omen bring awareness to this disease and also have a higher stroke death rate its devastating effects on health. A than men. red dress statue will be in place at “A lot o f women in my family Pioneer Courthouse Square and a have been affected by heart dis­ 15-minute walk is planned by hun­ ease and stroke," said Francesca dreds o f em ployees from Legacy Fabile, communications directorfor Health Care System and Portland A m erican H eart A ssociation of General Electric. Portland. “ Cerem onies are scheduled at 11 “I believe it's frustrating for the a.m. at the Pioneer Place Shopping continued on page A4 Center, with free health screenings. Friday Fashion statement to bring awareness ftefr uwneti c www.portlandobserver.com Jazz Around Every Corner Second annual jazz festival set to begin The 2005 Portland Jazz Festi­ val will descend on Portland for an even longer, more com pre­ hensive musical event than last year’s highly successful inau­ gural run. From Friday, Feb. 11 through Sunday, Feb. 20, Port­ land will become the city o f jazz with more than 75 perform ances and special events at various intimate spaces and venues. Headlining this y ear's festi­ val are veteran international jazz headliners, in clu d in g b assist Charlie Haden and his band Q uar­ tet W est, v o c a lis t D ia n n e include The Bad Plus, Patricia Bar­ ber, Luciana Souza, Tommy Smith, Doug W amble and many others. O ther headliners include John Patitucci, Danilo Perez, and the North American premiere of Andy Narell and Calypsociation, a 13- piece steel dnim orchestra. The festival offers som ething for ev ery o n e from m usic fans, ja zz fan atics, h isto rian s, ed u c a­ tors and stu d en t-m u sician s. A tribute to the late Jim P epper, a N ative A m erican sax man from P o rtlan d , p rom ises to delight ev ery o n e. Individual tickets are available Luciana Souza through all Safeway/TicketsW est Reeves, bassist Dave Holland, and outlets, or by calling 503-224-8499 Vibraphonist Joe L o ck e's 4 Walls or 1 -800-992-8499. The event also o f Freedom. Up-and-com ing acts boasts dozens o f free concerts. I