Page b ; _____________________________ »I' Fortiani» © b sc rtic r________________________ lanua.y26.200S Focus Usher Plans Live Cable Concert Usher will perform a live concert on cable television March 5. (AP photo) (AP) — It’s tim e to U sher in the new year. After a very good 2004 for the R&B singer. Usher will perform a live concert during a free preview of th e p re m iu m c a b le n e tw o rk Showtime. The March 5 show, “One Night, One Star: Usher Live,” will be a 90 minute live broadcast from San Juan, Puerto Rico. “ U sher is, w ithout question, the biggest thing in the m usic business right now , and w e ’re thrilled he w anted to do his live concert w ith u s,” said Robert G reenblatt, the cable n etw o rk ’s president o f en tertain m en t, in a statem ent released Friday. U sh er’s “C o n fessio n s,” fea­ turing hits “Y eah !” and “B urn,” was the best sellin g album o f 2004, m oving 7.9 m illion copies. His tour raked in $29.1 m illion in North A m erica, and h e 's c u r­ r e n tly n o m in a te d f o r e ig h t Grammys, including album o f the year. T he concert w ill air S aturday, M arch 5 at 9 p.m . live on the east coast, tape delay ed on the w est co ast. Sauvic Island Road Trip From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 5, this spe­ cial day devoted to raptors, experi­ enced naturalists and hawk experts will host activi­ ties at four locations around the island. A map will be provided to guide visitors to learn about and enjoy the dramatic world of raptors. The raptor stations will include up Visitors to gaze on magnificent birds A rea residents are invited to ex ­ plore Sauvie Island, northw est of Portland, in search o f m agnificent eagles, haw ks and falcons that spend the w inter in the Portland m etropolitan region. mmuNMi Madam \ Suburban Salon N ail& Foot Specialist/H and Care Madam Marion Pe’a, O wner/Nail Tech 5628 N. Commercial St., Portland, OR 97217 Phone:(503)288-1053 PRICE LIST Full-Set $16.99 & up Fills $10.99 & up Pedicure $15.99 & up Manicures $7.99 & up Nail Art $2.99 & up ’ Sobin Community Development Corp. i f NappyRoots Press presents poetic chereepltui * peifwtned rit thief Htynen H'hodtue to tell tí\e vtones fff - f V f T H U ’r t f I f . W r i t t e n A D t r e c r v d l-v S. R enee M itchell >1 . T ‘ H I lk K .' close looks at these birds, tips on hawk identification, displays and hot drinks and donuts to stay warm. The activities are free and no registration is required. However, a Sauvie Island W ildlife A rea park­ ing permit at $3.50 per vehicle will be necessary. The Raptor Road Trip will begin at the Sauvie Island Bridge parking lot where visitors will re­ ceive their map and event guide. Parking perm its can be purchased MMMM W ild ffliniLH K ide Modern Medicine Local comedy laughs through medical mishaps Portland’s Bump In the Road Theatre opens its third season with “T he W aiting R oom ” by L isa L o o m er, d ire c te d by C a rm ela Lanza-Weil. The play is a dark com edy about the tim eless quest for beauty, and its cost. This fractured fairytale, set in a bizarre dream world, introduces three women o f different cultures and eras who find friendship and support as they struggle with health care through the ages. A “pay w hat you will” preview show is at 7 p.m. Feb. 10. The show opens on Friday, Feb. 11 and runs PHOTO COURTESY OF A. J . ZELADA Shelley B. Matthews (from left), Laura Duyn, Ingrid Carlson and Adrienne Flagg star in the local production o f “ The Waiting Room. ’ through Saturday, March 5 at the Tribe Theatre and Art Gallery, 510 N.W. Glisan. Tickets range from $12 to $15. For reservations, call 503-750-1439 or visit the web at www.bum ■■ M H M M H M M M M M N M M M N M M M M M N N N M M N M M M M N M M N M M M M M N N M M M M M M M M M M N M N M M M M N M M M M H H M M N M M M N M N M M M ^^ Exhibits Reflect Sound and Space J a n . 28 - F e b . 5, 2005 8 p .m . 1 r i d a y s S a t u r d a y s ; t p .m . S u n d a y s i n te r s ta te 1 i re h o u s e ( A d tu ra l ( e n te r . $140 N . I n te r s ta te A v e . T I C K E T S : s o 1 - 2 8 7 - 1 4 9 6 X 2 S o r cr.ugttit sabine 0/ th, *'rg •Js benefit programs that empower d o m e s tic pr, t M'/ence survivors The African American Men's Club "In the community...for the community" AAMC Valentine’s Day Dance Saturday, February 12, 2005 9 PM - 2 AM at the adjacent Cracker Barrel Store. V isitors are encouraged to bring th eir b in o cu lars and d ress for weather. This event is suitable for birdw atchers o f all skill levels and families are welcome. Raptor Road T rip is sponsored by M etro regional government, the Audubon Society o f Portland, the Oregon Department o f Fish and W ildlife and HawkW atch Interna­ tional. N ew a rtis ts co m e to In te r­ sta te F ire h o u se C u ltu ra l C e n te r in F eb ru ary . S h o w in g in th e m ain g a lle ry is P h ile m o n R e i d ’ s “ N e w W o rk s,” p en and inks an d o ils. K risten M iller, a fib er artist, w ill sh o w “ S e e n /U n s e e n ” in th e E ntry G allery . T he exhibition opens on Feb. 3 w ith a F irst T hursday reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. . The A rtist’s T alks are on L ast T hursday, Feb. 24, from 6 to7 :30 p. m . R e id ’s d y n am ic new w o rk s e x p lo re th e c u ltu ra l in flu e n c e Phil Reid, “Blues Time, " oil on canvas Ramada Inn at the Airport 6221 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 503-255-6511 Kristen Miller's bead work is on display at IFCC Entry Gallery. o f ja z z and m o d e rn art, c o -m in - g lin g lin e s an d p la n e s w h ich m im ic the s ta c c a to so u n d s o f th e ja z z he p la y s in h is stu d io w h ile p ain tin g . M iller uses stitching, beads, fabric and recy cled p aper as a way o f u nderstanding and co m ­ m unicating ideas through her art. F o rth ise x h ib it, M iller developed a series o f stitched and beaded pieces based on p h o tographs of business signs taken in north and northeast Portland betw een IFCC and her ow n hom e. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit w w w .ifc c -a rts .o rg o r c a ll 503- 823-4322. Advertise with diversity in Ticket Price: $20.00 per person Dress: After 5 Dance...Music...Fun...Raffle...Food...No Host Bar Cull 503-288-0033 I i ads@portlandob It's a wild ride for Ice Cube, star o f the family comedy ‘Are We There Yet?' Ice Cube stars in comedy ‘Are We There Yet?’ Ice C ube show s a side his fans h av en ’t seen before in the new fam ily com edy “A re W e There Yet?” The film opened Jan. | 21 and also stars N ia Long, Jay M ohr and T racy M organ. C ube plays N ick, a sm ooth o p erato r, who is try in g to land a date w ith a y oung, attractiv e d i­ v o rcee, S uzanne p ortrayed by Long. T he problem is Suzanne is stuck w orking in V ancouver, B.C. and m iserable because she m isses h er kids. S eizing the o p p o rtu n ity , N ick gallantly offers to m ake her wish com e true, and his ow n in the process, by b rin g in g eig h t year- o ld K ev in , p la y ed by P h ilip D aniel Bolden, and 11 year-old L in d s e y , p la y e d b y A le ish a A llen, up from P o rtland, to be reunited with th eir mom. W hat N ic k d o e s n ’t k n o w is th a t S u zan n e’s ch ild ren think that no m an is good en o u g h for their m om and will d o ev ery th in g they can to m ake the trip a nightm are for him. A t its core, “A re W e T here Y et?” is the story o f a man who is p repared to do an y thing to get clo ser to a w om an. D espite the fact that he really d o e sn ’t like kids, he agrees on the 300-m ile road trip. S uddenly they start exp o sin g him to the w orst as­ pects o f parenthood and co n ­ front him to v irtu ally every h o r­ ror a parent m ust endure. T he film is filled w ith pranks that the children play on Nick during their road trip.