1 |J o r t la n b (© b s e ru e r lanuary 26, 2005 L aw & J ustice Bank Admits Links to Slave Trade JPMorgan apologizes for brutal, unjust past (AP) — JPM organ Chase & com panies that have been re­ 1933 assumed some of the failed Co. is the first company to ac­ quired to do such research are banks assets, and that institution knowledge that two o f its prede­ banks, in surance com panies, _ the National Bank of Com­ cessor banks had specific links bond underwriters and other fi­ merce in New Orleans _ was a precursor o f Bank One Corp. to the slave trade. The filing was nancial vendors. The bank said that historical Bank One was purchased last meant to comply with a Chicago ordinance requiring such disclo­ researchers had found that two year by JPMorgan. “We apologize to the African- sures. now-defunct predecessor banks The bank, the nation’s second — Citizens Bank and Canal Bank, American community, particu­ largest, said in a statement Thurs­ both based in Louisiana— served larly those who are descendants day that the two Louisiana banks as banks to plantations from the of slaves, and to the rest of the American public for the role that had received thousands o f slaves I 830 b until the Civil War. The bank estimated that the two Citizens Bank and Canal Bank as collateral before the Civil War. The Ne w York-based bank also banks “accepted approximately played,” Harrison and Dimon said apologized for contributing to “a 13,000enslaved individuals as col­ in their statement. “The slavery brutal and unjust institution” and lateral for loans to plantations and era was a tragic time in U.S. said it was setting up a scholar­ that the banks came to own ap­ history and in our com pany’s ship fund in Louisiana as a way to proximately 1,250 enslaved indi­ history.” viduals as a result" of defaults. JPM organ said it was setting make amends. The disclosure did not make up a program called Smart Start JPM organ officials said the bank undertook the study after clear w hat happened to those Louisiana. The bank will provide $5 million over five years for full Chicago passed an ordinance in people. T he tw o L o u isia n a banks tuition undergraduate scholar­ 2003 requiring companies that do business with the city to re­ merged in 1924 but failed in March ships for African-American stu­ search their history to determine 1933 am id the Depression. A dents from Louisiana to attend any links to slavery. Among the federally chartered bank in May college in their home state. Page A5 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2005 Reed College celebrates with an art exhibition, a concert fif special visitors THE FAIRFIELD FOUR CONCERT 8 p .m . T o n ig h t - F eb ru ary 2 , K aul A u d ito r iu m G ram m y A w ard w in n e rs the Fairfield Four, o n e o f th e c o u n try 's m ost a cclaim ed gospel groups for over 50 years, are m a ste rs o f an a cap p ella style th a t re p re se n ts A frican A m erican heritage like few others. CORNEL WEST LECTURE S ’ BOOK SIGNING 7 :3 0 p .m . F eb ru ary 18 K aul A u d ito r iu m A uthor o t Race Matters an d th e new Democracy Matters TIM SEIBLES Invasion Suspects Caught on Tape BLACK PANTHERS 1968: R e s id e n ts w e re s le e p in g when two burglars broke into th eir home on the 1400 block of Southeast A venue on Jan. 18. W hen they woke up, they found their credit cards and th eir car m issing. Around 8 a.m. the same m orn­ ing, tw o suspects w alked into the G atew ay Fred M eyer and used one o f the stolen cred it cards. Soon after, they used a stolen credit card at a 7-11, w here they were caught on tape. The suspects are described as a d ark-haired w hite m ale in his 20s, betw een 5 feet 1 inch and 5 feet 6 inches tall, w eigh­ ing betw een 180 to 200 pounds, Photographs by Ruth-iMarion Baruch i< Pirkle Jones EX H IB IT IO N T h r o u g h February 20 D o u g la s F. C o o le y M e m o r ia l A rt G a lle r y All events are free fir open to the Police say this man and a woman accomplice were caught on store surveillance video using a credit card stolen ju s t hours earlier from a southeast Portland home invasion. The robbery occurred between 2 :3 0 a.m. and 8 a.m. while the residents inside slept. and w earing a tan coat. The second su sp ect is a blo n d e, w hite fem ale in her 20s around 5 feet tall, wearing a black jacket and a w hite sh irt w ith blue strip e s. public; seating is limited. Visit weh.reed.edu/black. history' month/ or call the Reed events line at 503/777-7755. POETRY READING 8 p .m . F ebruary 2 4 V ollu m L o u n g e JAMES GIBSON LECTURE 7 p .m . F eb ruary 2 8 Y ollu m L e c tu r e H a ll reed Reed College 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, Oregon SAFEWAY Visit Safeway's Web site at www.safeway.com Available at Safeway: Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef 7-Bone Pot Roast Green Seedless Grapes Bone-in. Slow cook. Imported. 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