"I lanuary 26. 2005 Jlo rtlan ò fflbseruer Grading Diets at Kaiser Individual Donor Developer Western S ta te s C e n te r is s e e k in g an e x p e rie n c e d and p a s s io n a te d e v e lo p m e n t p ro fe s s io n a l w ith a successful track record in individual d o n o r s tra te g ie s to w ork w ith our E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r to ra is e th e o r g a n iz a tio n ’s a n n u a l o p e ra tin g budget. The successful candidate will assist in developing, im plem enting °*FC O ^ and managing individual donor, special fu n d -ra is in g and com m unications/ WASHINGTON COUNTY publications projects. Must have the Technology continuity & Security ability to coordinate multiple tasks and coordinator w ork e ffe c tiv e ly w ith d em a n d s of $4,857 - $5,902 / month d e a d lin e s . T h is is a s e n io r Closes February 4, 2005 m anagem ent position in a dynamic, Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) p ro g re s s iv e o rg a n iz a tio n w ith an 846-4898 for inform ation or see a n n u a l b u d g e t o f $ 1 .2 m illio n . our w e b s ite : Excellent benefits, salary $35,000 to www.co.washington.or.us. County $40,000. Send cover letter/resume/ a p p lica tio n and su p p lem e n ta l references and writing samples by 2/ a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . 15 to Adm inistrative Director, Western W om en, minorities, and people States Center, POB 40305, Portland, with disabilities are encouraged OR 97240. W om en and m inorities to apply. encouraged to apply. C lassifieds / B ids ASÛD "K B O O C o m m u n ity R a d io is lo o k in g fo r a “ F u ll-tim e M e m b e rs h ip C o o rd in a to r" to in c re a s e m e m b e rs h ip by m anaging KBOO’s m em bership s ys te m a nd c o o rd in a tin g membership drives. Fo ra full job announcem ent and application instructions, see our website at w w w .k b o o .fm . ca ll 5 0 3 -2 3 1 - 8 0 3 2 to re q u e s t a jo b announcem ent and application packet be mailed to you, or stop by th e s ta tio n at (2 0 SE 8th Avenue and Burnside) M onday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p .m . to p ick up a jo b announcem ent and application p a c k e t. K B O O R a d io is an A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n e m p lo ye r - Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. Job closes: February 11, 2005" APPLY TO: W ashington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 “O ur new study will rectify this situation by comparing a low -carbohydrate, high-fat diet attention to energy consumption. They also claim and a more conventional weight loss diet for 30 that more conventional high-carbohydrate, low- months in a randomized clinical trial.” tat diets (such as the DASH diet) are responsible The goal is to find out which diet better for our obesity epidemic. promotes both short-term and long-term weight On the other hand, detractors o f the low- loss, and which reduces or increases risk of carbohydrate, high-fat diets argue that such cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. diets increase the risk o f heart disease, diabe­ Individuals who are interested in joining the tes and other chronic diseases, and do not lead study can call 503-528-3917 or send an e-mail to to long-term weight loss. insight@ kpchr.org for more inform ation about "At this point, there are no valid scientific the study and the criteria for joining. data either to support or refute claims on both People who have diabetes or take choles­ sides of the debate,” says Njeri Karanja, PhD, terol-lowering m edications are not eligible to principal investigator for the study at CHR. join this study. continued Pnrtlanh (O b se rv e r Call 5(13-288-1)033 For all your landscape needs W h ir * G irl* Grow S tro n g . Neighborhood Program M anager R ecruit, tra in , s u p e rv is e , and s u p p o rt n e ig h b o rh o o d volunteers/program consultants to ensure that quality Girl Scout program is delivered. Requires B A/B S o r e q u iv a le n t and minimum 2 years experience in volunteer/program management or a closely related field. Must be a productive team m em ber with effective com m unication skills. B ilin g u a l (E n g lis h / S p a n is h ) candidates a plus. Need reliable tra n sp o rta tio n , a b ility to w ork a fte rn o o n /e ve n in g hours (4-9 pm.) M etro O p e ra tin g E n g in e e r, O re g o n Convention Center. $24.O5/hour, FT. Deadline: 2/4/05. M aintains all heating, cooling, plum bing, e le c tric a l a nd m e c h a n ic a l equipment. This opportunity is open to First Opportunity Target Area residents (C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd on th e north: 42nd Avenue on the east; th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e south, and North C h a utaugua Boulevard on the west), whose total annual incom e does not exceed $25,000 as an individual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12 months. Landscape Design • Decks & Fences • Backflow Tester Retainer wall installation • Ponds & Water Features Sprinkler System install • Aeration & Fertilize Lawn New & Rebuild Landscape Insulation • Weed Control Yearly Maintenance • Play Ground Design & Installed Old Site Gets New Life continued from Metro the 32,000 sq. ft. building currently on the site and will add significant parking and landscape improve­ ments. The redevelopment plan calls for conversion of the older section of the building along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard into a bright, naturally lit, open-area office space with the installation of new win­ dows and awnings. Proposed site improvements in­ clude resealing and striping the ex­ isting parking lot, and construction of new interior sidewalks, fencing, landscape plantings and a rain wa­ ter run-off bio-swale feature along MLK Jr. Boulevard. "Due to the nature of our busi­ ness, NMC requires a highly cre­ ative and skilled staff and a site that combines both office and storage functions,” said Patrick Eckford, senior vice president of N atio n al M eeting C om pany. “NMC seeks to own and develop a facility that creates a signature image for our clients and a dy­ namic, creative interior environ­ ment for its staff. This property was ideally suited to achieve those objectives.” P u b l ic N o t i c e Reasonable Prices I New Government Loan Program For Seniors 62 & Older Call 503-970-5743 __________ In Business in the Portland area since 1989 References available upon demand L C B # 11775j Eliminates your mortgage payments & pays you while you own & live in your home! B e n e fits o f N e w G o v e r n m e n t R e v e rs e M o r tg a g e P r o g r a m : C a ll m e • N o m ortgage paym ents • T a x-fre e m oney • Y o u o w n y o u r hom e TODA Y f o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n o r s e m in a r d a te s . • S ocial S ecu rity, M ed icare 421 SW 6th Ave located between Washington and Stark 25 hrs/w k, @ $1 8 K -»-benefits. Closes 2/9/05. Send resume and To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b cover letter to: HR, PO Box 2427, a n n o u n c e m e n t a nd re q u ire d Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0096, a pplication m aterials, visit our Fax (5 0 3 ) 5 9 8 -6 5 5 6 . website at www.metro-region.org/ G w y th e J @ J u lie tte .o rg . E q u a l jobs, or pick up a complete packet Opportunity Employer. Committed at Metro Human Resources, 600 to Diversity. NE G ra n d A v e n u e , P o rtla n d . Resumes are not accepted. Room Available for rent comfortable, good location, no smoking/pets, $400/mo including utilities. 503-449-5065 from Metro Advertise with dh ersity J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Girl Scouts. Page B5 & M e d ica id not affected • N o incom e o r credit F R E E recorded H o tlin e : I -( 8 8 8 ) 2 0 8 -7 9 4 5 qu a lifica tio n s ■ U se m oney any w a y yo u choose e x t. 8 4 F o r m ore in form a tion on this e x c itin g new governm ent program , ca ll me d ire c tly at: T O L L -F R E E : l-(8 7 7 ) 7 2 3 -3 8 2 8 ext. 116 phone: 503-796-9250 _______AA/EEO Employer Website: www.ReverseM ortgageFactsn.lnfo Email: qulckloan@hotmail.com Carolyn Corthell, MSW Reverse M ortgage Specialist website: www.avalonf1owerspdx.com e-mail: avalonflowers @ msn.com ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID S ea led bids fo r th e K err A d m in is tra tio n B u ild in g E le va to r Modernization project. Project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM local time, February 15,2005. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on February 15, 2005 at 2:00 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board. C o ri Stewart-ÖMTii-r Snell-D es/gner W e H e lp Take c a re o f y o u r H e a l E s ta te N e e d s ! The Real Estate Advice Team S e H a b la E s p a n o l Dave Lowe W ondering when things will finally get be tterforyou? Or M axed out all your credit cards on Christm as gifts? Here is the solution: Certas Direct can consolidate all your credit cards and loans into one monthly payment. 24 Hr Recorded Msg C e ll: 5 0 3 - 9 9 7 - 4 5 8 5 Additional information may be obtained by contacting Procurement and Construction Contracting, 644 SW 13th Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4238 or telephone 541-737-6995. Feeling discouraged lately? 1 -8 6 6 -8 3 4 -2 9 5 3 S e llin g Ext #1 B u y in g E xt # 7 E sp a n o l Ext # 3 A licia Blair h a p p y a lic ia @ m s n .c o m c e ll: 5 0 3 - 5 4 4 - 3 5 1 8 Call Certas Direct now ® (866) 856-7035 w e o n ly b u ild w in /w in d e a ls • E xp e ct in s ta n t re lie f & a n s w e rs • F a st C lo s in g s • Q u ic k a n d E asy Q u a lify in g - STARTFRESH! We are Solu tion Experts. N o t R ealtorsl • Collections-judgm ents Marfin Cleaning Service H Ç Carpet 8c Upholstery Cleaning Commercial & Residential) M. M ila n i W id ow s SrrsC IJS’ j 'J 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray T ra ffic Area $ 4 0 .0 0 HOME WINDOW REPLACEMENT AUTHORIZED DEALER • Bankrupt (discharged/undischarged) • Bad c re d it-N o credit • C re d it counseling • M ortga ge Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loan s, C o n so lid a tio n s Loans VAVWl WHOLE HOUSE SPECIAL Clearly the best’ STEVE @ 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -9 7 8 9 Being debt free; it could happen to you. ccB 91337 Equity Construction, Inc. Let our Certas Direct certified agents show you how with just one call 1(866) 856-7035 PEACE DONATION: 10% o f la b o r - Call fo r d e ta ils Small Hall Included ■ LUS mamm r CARPET COUPON 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray T ra ffic Area $ 4 0 .0 0 E Stöber M. Davis (WITH SERVICE) $ 7 . 5 0 EACH UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa (u n der 6 ft .) Loveseat $ 6 9 .0 0 $ 4 0 .0 0 Sectional $ 9 9 .0 0 and up Chair or Recliner $ 2 5 .0 0 and up Throw Pillows A llied M ortgage nnuno Dncnro or nonrownmnir cone mun Airvoice $39.99 Free Activation Small Hall included STAIRS PrePaid Cell Phone Service (503) 262-2626x155 cell (503) 348-2824 • lax (503) 262-2650 +60min if you mention ad! 503-286-6070 10011 SE Division. STE 207 • Portland. OR 97266 317 NE Killingworth, Ptld ¡ngton°St Callfor- Loans in -nfs- STATE FARM OFF.: (503)286-1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 Michael E. Harper, Sr. INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME 0FFlCES:8L00MINGT0N. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent t S On aarh CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (5 0 3 J 281-3949 mortgage consultant «Ä» 9045 SW Babur. Suit 109 Piróni. OR 97219 (5TO)22I-3(H) 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland. OR 97217 I STATE F A R M INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON.