Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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lanuaiy 26. 2005
C lassifieds I B ids
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
Bureau o f P u rch ases
S ub-bids Requested
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Portland International Airport
Oregon Market & Security
Upgrades Project
1-20 Pioneer Mountain to Eddyville Design-Build Project
Oregon DOT Key No. 13225
BID DATE: March 25,2005
SUB BIDS DUE: March 18,2005
Portland, OR
February 1, 2 0 0 5 - 2 PM
Bid documents are available for review at most plan
centers throughout the state and at our mam office
Member of:
located at 8850 SE Otty Rd in Portland Plans are also
available from the Port of Portland Contracts &
Procurement Office (503) 944-7593.
P.O. Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100
(503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933 - CCB #10723
C h V o f P o r tla n d
IVe are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
minoritv women, disadvantaaed or emeraina small business entenorises
Granite Construction Company/Wilder Construction Company has
form ed a Joint Venture to bid the referenced project as a prime
contractor and is seeking DBE/ESB participation.
Plans and specs may be viewed in our offices or at various plan
centers/plan rooms. Bonds and insurance will be requested for
major subcontractors; questions regarding bonding and insurance
can be directed to our office.
Major areas of interest include, but are not limited to: trucking,
concrete/sand/rock, fence and guardrail, bridge work, joint seals,
highway barrier, traffic control, concrete construction, retaining
w alls, excavation, m isc. m etals, erosion control, landscape,
prestressing, reinforcing steel, asphalt paving, pipe/underground,
signs, pavement markings, clearing and grubbing, CIDH piling, etc.
Please contact our Davis office regarding inquiries and quotes at:
P o lic e R e s e r v e O f f ic e r - The
C ity o f G la d sto n e is cu rre n tly
a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r
c o m m u n ity s e rv ic e o rie n te d
c itiz e n s w h o a re w illin g to
volunteer a minimum of 20 hours
p er m onth to s u p p o rt re gu la r
p o lic e o ffic e rs in p e rfo rm in g
p o lic e fu n c tio n s . A p p lic a tio n
p a c k e ts a re a v a ila b le a t th e
Gladstone City Hall, 525 Portland
A v e n u e , G la d s to n e , O re g o n
97027, or by ca llin g 503-557-
2773 (24 hour voice-m ail), or go
to w w w .c i.g la d s to n e .o r.u s to
download. Applications m ust be
received in th e City Recorders
O ffic e by 4 :0 0 PM on Friday,
February 11, 2005.
P.O. BOX 466, attn: Annette Alaga
DAVIS, CA 95617-0466
PH. (530) 297-3100
FX. (530) 753-7342
New Columbia Trenton
Buildings North and South
Portland, Oregon
Including: Construction of two mixed-use wood frame and structural
steel buildings. The North building consists of 32 units of housing
and is 35,272 SF. The South building consists of 42 units of housing
and is 54,171 SF.
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-m ail: classifieds@
CA. LIC. NO. 89
R e tir e m e n t
Bid Date: Februaty 1 by 2:00 pm
L iv in g
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/Background check
New hires must have acceptable
docum entation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
& Thurs at City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Senior Section 8 Elderly
(over 62) Housing
1 Bedroom -1 Bath
Walnut Park Apartments
Affordable Quality Retirement Living
for Seniors 62 years and older
Construction C o ./
Sm ith T ow er
O ne-B edroom Apartments with
Full Sized K itchens and Living
• Planned A ctivities, Laundry
Facility, C onference & M eeting
Room, Elevator and Library
• C onveniently Located to
Shopping, Restaurants,
Pharm acy and M ed ical O ffices
> Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments
1 Federal Rent Subsidies Available
« No Buy-In or Application Fees
• Affordable Rent includes all Utilities
except telephone & cable television
»Ideal urban location near shopping,
bus lines, restaurants, and much more!
L eg AL
N otices
NE Hartin Lnther King Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
W e strongly encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises,
Em erging Sm all Business Enterprises and M inority Business
Enterprises and W om an-owned Business Enterprises to submit
bids on this work. DM W ESB companies MUST be certified in the
scope of work they will be bidding.
Alberta Simmons Plaza
515 Washington Street
Vancouver, Washington
2905 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201
Phone: 503-222-4375 Fax: 503-274-7676
Contact: Ed Sloop
ORCCB# 147267
Plans Are Available on January 5 after 9 a.m. At:
W alsh Construction Co./Oregon,
Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME),
Housing Development Center,
McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge,
Daily Journal of Comm erce,
Oregon Contractor Plan Center,
African-American Contractors Federation,
and Reed Construction Data.
Need to publish a court docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote!
e-mail: classlfleds@poitlandobserver.com
The Portland Observer
Regional Parks and Greenspaces
ODOT People drive Oregon s Department of Transportation If
great benefits, a professional work environm ent job innovation,
and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT.
Current recruitments include;
Public Access Facilities Design &
Engineering at the Mt. Talbert Natural Area
M etro
The Regional Parks and Greenspaces Department of Metro, a
metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State
of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Ave.,
Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for Design and
Engineering Services for Public Access Facilities at the Mt. Talbert
Natural Area. Proposals should be addressed to the attention of
Glenn Taylor, Regional Parks and Greenspaces, and are due no later
than 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, February 17,2005 in M etro’s business
offices at 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97236.
A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held in Rooms
370 A and B at Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR, on February
1, 2005 from 10:00 am - noon.
Mt. Talbert Natural Area is located east of 1-205 and south of SE
Sunnyside Road with it proposed main entry located at SE 117
Avenue and Sunnyside Road in Clackamas County.
M etro is se e kin g a m u lti-d iscip lin a ry co n su ltin g team that
possesses a com bination of creative and technical expertise
including: bridge engineering, parking lot and trail design;
la nd scape a rch ite ctu re ; sign age; w etland d elinea tion; and
permitting, with professional experience on projects of a similar
nature, and verifiable references from previous projects.
Details concerning the project and proposal are contained in the
RFP 05-1129-PKS. Potential Proposers may obtain proposal
documents by contacting Regional Parks and Greenspaces at 503-
797-1870 or via our website at http://www.m etro-region.org/
All information submitted by Proposers shall become public record
and will be subject to disclosure under the Oregon Public Records
Act, except those portions of the proposals for which Proposers
request exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law.
All proposals m ust conform to the RFP form at and be complete
including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or
reject any or all bids, in whole or In part, or waive irregularities not
affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public
M etro and its co n tra cto rs will not d iscrim inate a gainst any
p erson(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or
marital status.
M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and
participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services.
• Property Management Coordinator
Salary $ 1,863 - $ 2.546/m onth
Announcement #OCDT49O7 Salem
• Administrative Support
Salary $1,651 - $ 2,208/m onth
Announcement #0CDT4725 Portland
• Permit Analyst
Salary $2,207 - $ 3 ,0 6 V m o n th
Announcement H0CDT4856 Salem
• Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator
Salary $ 3 .5 2 9 - $4,921/m onth
Announcem ent #0C DT4908 Salem
• Dispatcher
Salary $ 2 ,2 0 8 - $3,060/m onth
Announcement (I0C0T4769 Salem
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more com plete announcement
listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Emplovment Departm ent field offices,
or b) the Oregon jobs page at: w ww oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees com petitive
salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays.
vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirem ent Plan (OPSRP):
• ,
and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all its
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
OREGONIANS by joining the Oregon Department of Human
Services (DHS), the statewide heaith and human services
agency. We help Oregonians be independent, healthy and safe.
We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation In the
delivery o f services, and we are com m itted to recruiting,
developing and retaining a diverse workforce.
• Communicable Disease Investigator
Salary range: $ 2 ,5 4 6 - $3.5 2 9 /m o n th
Announcement #LEHS5023 • Eugene
Position closes January 2 6 ,2 0 0 5
• fiscal Analyst 2
Fiscal Analyst
Salary range: $ 3 .2 0 8 • $4,476/m ontb
Announcement HLEHS4708A Portland
Position closes January 2 6 .2 0 0 5
• Research Analyst 4
Senior Research Analyst
Salary range: $ 3 .698 - $5,157/m onth
Announcement VLEHS5015 - Portland
Position closes January 2 6 ,2 0 0 5
• Microbiologist 2
Salary range: $ 2 .664 $ 3,698/m onth
Announcement #LEHS5025 Portland
Position closes January 27, 20 0 5
• Program Technician 2
Diabetes. Heart Disease & Stroke Health
Systems Coordinator
Salary range: $ 3,208 - $4.476/m onth
Announcement »LEHS4642A Portland
Position closes January 3 1 ,2 0 0 5
• Principal Executive/Manager C
Diabetes. Heart Disease & Stroke
• Roadway Designer
Salary $ 3 ,160 $ 4,525/m onth
Announcement #0CDT4517 Portland
■ Quality Control Compliance Specialist
Salary $ 2 ,8 6 5 $4,101/m onth
Announcement HOCDT4518 Portland
• Survey Crew Chief
Salary $ 2.865 - $4,101/m onth
Announcement «0CDT4732 Beaverton
• Survey Analyst
Salary $ 2 ,9 6 5 $4,101/m onth
Announcement #0CDT4768 Salem
• Senior Survey Crew Leader
Salary $3.160 - $4,525/m onth
Announcement »OCOT4513A Klamath Falls
• Survey Crew Chief, Project Inspector
Salary $ 2 ,8 6 5 - $ 4 ,lQ l/m o n th
Announcement #0C0T4765 Ona Beach
• Inspector/Surveyor
Salary $2,357 $3.375/m onth
Announcement #0C 0T4766 Corvallis
• Public Health Educator 2
Public Health Educator
Salary range: $ 2.925 $4,O 65/m onth
Announcement #LEHS5027 - Portland
Position closes February 4. 200 5
• Principal Executlve/Manager C
Office Vocational Rehabilitation Branch Manager
Salary range: $ 3,223 - $4.745/m onth
Announcement 4LEHS5040 - Salem
Position closes February 2 ,2 0 0 5
To obtain detailed job announcement and application materials,
visit the DHS website: www.dhs.state.or.us/jobs/; call the DHS
job line at (503) 945-5742; TTT (503) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 or contact any
local Oregon Employment office. Information is available by
referencing the announcem ent number.
• Human Resource Analyst
Salary $ 2 ,733 $ 3 ,8 3 2 /month
Announcement #OCDT4858 Salem
Healthcare Investigator/Advisor - Nursing
Salary: $ 3 ,2 0 8 - $ 4 ,476 /m o n th
The Oregon State Board of Nursing Is recruiting for a perm anent
fulH im e Nurse Investigator/Advisor to respond to and investigate
com plaints pertaining to nurses and nursing assistants.
Investigations require documentation of fact finding according to
rules of evidence through interview, observation, and collection
of evidence followed by preparation of presentations to the Board
for action. Additionaliy. this position will provide education and
advice about scope of practice and standards to licensees,
consumers, and healthcare emp'oyerVorgantzatlons. Minimum
qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in Nursing; 5 years'
recent clinical experience as an RN; and have or be eligible to
obtain, a State of Oregon RN license Preference will be given to
app lica nts w ith experience In com pla int investigation or
compliance case management. The position is represented by
SEIU/OPEU To apply, complete a State of Oregon application
form (P 010 0) lor Job Announcement »LE 040626 You may
obtain an application and the full announcement from at
www.oregonjobs.org. Mall, deliver or fax your completed
application to Human Resource*. Oregon State Board 0«
N u rsin g BOO NE Oregon S t. Suite 4 6 5 Portland. OR 97232:
fax (803) 731-4563. Apply now; thia recruitment could close at
Salary range: $ 3 ,2 2 3 $4,745/m onth
Announcement #LEHS4772 Portland
Position closes January 3 L 200 5
■ Program Technician 2
Public Health Preparedness Training Specialist
Salary range: $ 3 .2 0 8 $4,476/m onth
Announcement »LEHS5036 Portland
Position closes February L 2 0 0 5
’ *•
anytim e.
e g o n
• Project Manager ,
Lim itertduration ending 6 /3 0 /0 5
Salary $ 4 ,3 9 9 - $6,072/m onth
Announcement #0C 0T4827 Salem
• Region 1 Traffic Manager
Negotiable salary up to $76,200/year
Announcement »0C 0T4724 Portland
• Project Manager
Salary $ 3 .7 2 0 • $ 6,035/m onth
Announcement »OCOT486 3 Hermiston
• Transportation System Planners
Salary $ 2.865 $4,101/tnonth
Announcement »0CDT4693 Roseburg
Working « ODOT. The Way to Oo. Detailed job announcements
include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to
apply for these jobs
Go to www odot.state or us/jobs for a
complete copy or call 5 0 3 9 6 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ] to
request by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Announcements will be
made available in alternate fa rm « upon request (503) 3 78 6202.
TTY 1 6 0 0 -9 9 3 6 8 9 8 .