African Accapella Portland Auto Show Convention Center to feature hundreds o f latest vehicles See special coverage, page B6 Liberian singers who survived war and poverty spread message through music See Metro section, inside }.lnrtlanb Obserüer Established in 1970 w w w .p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • lanuary 26, 2005 ‘City of Roses’ Volume XXXV, Num ber 3 AVeekin TheReview Black Performers Earn Oscar Nominations It was the best year ever for black performers, who had five of 20 Oscar nominations announced Tuesday. Jamie Foxx scored two nominations - as best actor for the title role in “Ray” and sup­ porting actor as a taxi driver whose cab is hijacked by a hit man in “Collateral.” Foxx’s dead- on emulation of Ray Charles has made him the front-runner in the lead-actor category. See story, page A2. Bush Supports Anti-abortion Protestors President Bush told abortion foes on Monday he shared their support for “a culture of life” and claimed progress in passing leg­ islation to protect the vulner­ able. Activists on both sides of the abortion issue marched in demonstrations across the coun­ try Saturday, the actual anniver­ sary of the Jan. 23 Roe v. Wade, 1973 Supreme Court decision. Comedy Legend Dies at 79 From the White House to Hol­ lywood, the loss of Johnny Carson hit home. The 30-year host of the “Tonight Show” died Sunday at 79. Carson chose to let “Tonight” stand as his career zenith and his finale in May 1992, w ithdraw ­ ing into a private retirement that suited his nature and re­ fusing involvement in other show business projects. NBC says C arson’s death was the result of complications from emphysema. 'Tangoing with Tornadoes’ at IFCC Play dares to tell story of domestic violence A w ard-w inning writer, poet, play­ w right, actor and director S. Renee Mitchell, a featured columnist with “the O reg o n ian ,” jo in s tw o other distin ­ guished women o f color, in a com m u­ nity p erfo rm ance about the c o n se ­ quences o f verbal abuse at the Instate Firehouse Cultural Center. “Tangoing with Tornadoes,” dares to tell the stories o f women everywhere. The two-act play uses poetry, mono­ logues and music to teach women how to heal from em otional abuse, which is often more elusive than physical abuse because it leaves no marks. The perform ance, co-produced by Sabin Community Development Corpo­ ration, shows at IFCC, 5340 N. Inter­ state Ave., beginning Friday, Jan. 28 through Saturday, Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sun­ days. It features original music by David Whatley. A portion of the proceeds support local programs that empower domestic violence survivors. Tickets are $15 general and $10 for students and seniors. For tickets, call 5 0 3 -8 9 0 -7 0 3 2 or e -m a il craig@ For more infor­ m a tio n , v is it th e w e b site at w w w .n ap p y . photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Miss LaVerne Green is an instructor and mentor to kids discovering the arts in the culturally diverse Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Cultural Center Fights for Vitality IFCC looks toward future, not closure by J aymee R. Cirri T he P orti . and O bserver A cornerstone multicultural arts center in north Portland is fighting economically. The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center is pressing for $100,000 in continued eco­ nomic support from the city of Portland. Some claim that without that funding, Port­ land may lose the IFCC forever. The center, just south of Killingsworth on Interstate Avenue, brings multicultural art and theater to those typically outside of the downtown arts scene. Most IFCC events are affordable and all of them are culturally diverse. Many of the actors, playwrights and artists are virtually unknown in arts circles, but contribute tre­ mendously in their communities. The center’s financial instability began after its champion and founder, Charles Jor­ dan, resigned from city government. The center has survived with city support and grants from several foundations. Jordan, a former city commissioner, advo- continued on page A6 Top al-Qaida Lieutenant in Iraq Arrested A top lieutenant of al-Zarqawi’s terror group, Sami Mohammed Ali Said al-Jaaf. also known as Abu Omar ai- Kurdi, was arrested during a raid in Baghdad on Jan. 15, a government statement said Monday. Al-Jaaf was respon­ sible for 32 car bombings that killed hundredsoflraqisand was linked to the August 2003 bomb­ ing o f U.N. headquarters in Baghdad that killed the top U.N. envoy in Iraq and 21 others. Holocaust Survivor Questions United Nations The U.N. General Assembly commemorated the 60th anni­ versary o f the liberation of the Nazi death camps with a spe­ cial session Monday, and sur­ vivor Elie Wiesel and world leaders confronted a question th at has long h au n ted the United Nations: whether the world body has the will to stop future genocide. photos by M ark W ashington /T he P orti . and O bserver Inauguration Statement Activists rally on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the first o f three protest marches on Thursday, to show opposition to President Bush's inauguration to a second term and criticize the war in Iraq. See story and additional photos on page A6. Woman Killed on Her Porch, Brother Suspected Target M arking P o rtla n d 's first h o m icide o f th e y ear, 2 5 -y e a r-o ld T a m e k a R. H a rtle y w as fa ta lly s h o t F rid a y e v e n in g w h ile sta n d in g on h e r fro n t p o rch . T h e m o th e r o f an 8 -y e a r-o ld b o y , she w as shot m u ltip le tim e s in th e ch e st and ab d o m en . T h e s h o o tin g b e g a n a ro u n d 7 :1 5 p .m . w ith a b o u t 6 o r 7 sh o ts , a c ­ c o rd in g to n e ig h b o rs n e a r th e s in g le ­ fa m ily h o m e at N o rth e a s t N in th and S im p s o n S tre e ts . T h re e b u lle ts w ent th ro u g h th e fro n t g la s s w in d o w o f th e h o m e . P o r tla n d p o lic e s a id H a r tle y ’s b r o th e r w a s a g a n g m e m b e r and w as lik e ly th e in te n d e d ta rg e t. A little b e fo re m id n ig h t, a s e c o n d ro u n d o f g u n fire e r u p te d fro m an a u to m o b ile in th e sa m e a re a , le a d ­ in g to th e a rr e s ts o f fiv e m en . A d h a R u s h d a n , 3 0 , C h a rle s J e n k in s , 27, L a rry G re e n , 24 a n d G e ra ld R a n d le , 2 1 , w e re c h a rg e d w ith tw o c o u n ts o f a tte m p te d m u rd e r. V ic to r W h ite , 2 0 , h a d a p r o b a tio n v io la tio n a n d w a s ta k e n in to c u s to d y . A n y o n e w ith in f o r m a tio n on th e h o m ic id e is a sk e d to c a ll D e te c tiv e S te v e O b e r at 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 0 3 3 o r D e ­ te c tiv e B ria n S te e d at 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 - 0395.