lanuary 19. 2005__________________________________________ i l ? f J J o r t l a t t Ò © b s c r U e r __________________________________________________ PageBS Blending Paint, Movement and Music Shen Wei Dance Arts, the sensation of the 2003 Lincoln Center Festival is coming to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall for its Portland debut. Shen Wei D ance A rts is dedicated to the creation o f new dance in the 21st cen­ tury. Based in New York C ity, the com pany was founded by Shen W ei— c h o re o g ra p h e r, dancer, painter, and designer born in Hunan, C hina— who fuses the art form s o f dance, theater, C hinese opera, paint­ ing and sculpture. Shen W ei’s artistry lies in creating hauntingly beautiful imagery that uses the perfor­ mance space as a canvas with the dancers and the stage di­ mensionality serving as central Rite o f Spring,' a performance by the Shen Wei Dance Arts, is at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The dance troupe, presented Tickets range from $19 to $43, orbycalling503-790-2787. Dis­ “c h a ra c te rs .” T he P o rtlan d o f Spring,” a conversation be­ whites and grays stretching the show will feature W ei’s unique tween movement, music and a full depth and width of an ex­ by W hite Bird, perform s on plus service fee and are avail­ counts are available for seniors Wednesday, Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. able at all Ticketmaster outlets students and groups. treatment of Stravinsky’s “Rite seamless landscape of blacks, panded Schnitzer stage. Advertise with diversity in (tl?‘ ^Jnrtlanh © beerucr Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads@ p o llan d o b Les Hutchinson (from left), Christian McKee, Tricia Rojas, Alan Bowen, and Paul Prato form the group Rustica. Eclectic Rustica Band at Firehouse The Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., pre­ sents the “ec le ctric A m e ric a n a ” band R ustica in C D release parties on Friday, Jan. 21 and S aturday, Jan. 22. The show s begin at 8 p.m. each night. T he b an d ’s five m em bers - A lan B ow en, T ricia R o jas, C h ristian M c K e e , P a u l P r a to , an d L es H utchinson - will take fans and new friends alike on a m elodic jo u r­ ney through the m usical in sp ira­ tions that have shaped the g ro u p ’s so u n d . W ith an already strong base o f Book Reviews local fans, R ustica blends guitar, violin, m andolin, bass and vocals that redefine the boundaries o f origi­ nal bluegrass, blues, ja zz and acous­ tic-based rock and roll. A d iv e rse c o lle c tio n o f m u si­ cian s from v ario u s m u sica l, e th ­ n ic , a n d g e n e r a t i o n a l b a c k ­ Stories from the Street Author finds escape from street, prison life The Truth Behind the Code REAL HSTORY he IEHIND THE A VINCI CODE S H A R A N N EW M A N •Eve ' by Jesus Tellosa is on diplay at the Onda Gallery. O n d a A rte L atin a/ Cross Currents Gallery welcomes Jesus Teliosa’s exhibit of paintings and m etal sculptures from Puerto Vallarta. Mexico. Art quilts are also on dis­ p lay by T e llo s a and Giselle Blythe, along with m o d ern m u ra ls by Guillerme Bonilla. The show, featuring established artists from Mexico and emerging art­ ists from El Salvador, is from Jan. 27 through Feb. 22 with an opening re­ ception from 6 to 9 p.m. Jan. 27. For more infor- mation, visit the Web at . M onday F ebruary 14, 2 0 0 5 7 pm —11 PM D oors open at 6 pm T he M arriott H otel 1 4 0 1 S W N aito P kwy kmhd Shannon Holmes — Essence best-selling author o f B-More Careful and BadG irlz, and Y ou’ve read the novel, now dis­ c o v e r th e tru th . W as M ary M agdalene a prostitute, an apostle, J e s u s ’ w ife ? W ho w ere the Tem plars? Is there really a Priory of Sion? And, of course, what about the grail? Medieval historian and writer Sharan N ewm an untangles fact from fiction in a fascinating account in "The Real History Behind the Da Vinci Code.” The original book was a cultural phenom enon of extraordinary pro­ portions, w hich spaw ned thou­ sands o f readers and hundreds of questions. Alberta Gallery Features Latino Artists g ro u n d s, R u s tic a w as a c tu a lly c re a te d from a se rie s o f co m p lex an d c a re fu lly p la ce d c la ssifie d ad s, a c c o rd in g to the b a n d ’s v io ­ lin ist an d v o c a list T ric ia R ojas. R e fle c tiv e o f th e ir c u rre n t so u n d , the h o d g ep o d g e o f c u ltu re s has c e rta in ly p ro v en to th e ir b en e fit. KMHD’S VALENTINE’S DAY FUNDRAISER EXTRAVAGANZA . Featuring Valerie Day & The Knights of Swing w/special guests... one o f the brightest stars in urban fiction — returns with a dramatic must-read novel in­ spired by his own life. “Never G o Home A gain” is the story of Corey Dixon, ayoung man whose father tries as best he can to steer him away from the lure of the streets. And yet, like so many others in C orey’s neighborhood, he finds the tem p­ tations o f the lucrative drug trade too great to resist. While he makes fast money for a while, it is inevitable that it is he who has to pay, with his time and maybe even his life; by the age o f 16 Corey is locked up. “Never Go Home Again" is available through Atria Books for $24. Demon Bluesman on Alberta NorthemBlues Music recording artist D avid Jacobs-Strain, w ielding what the East Bay Express d u b b e d a “ b u llw h ip voice.. .and demon guitar" will wow a live audience with selections from his current C D at A lberta Street Public House, 1036 N.E. Alberta St. on Satur­ day, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. For tickets call 503-284-7665 or visit www On Tuesday, Feb. 1. Jacobs-Strain joins head­ liner David Lindley at the A laddin T heater, 3017 David Jacobs Strain S.E. Milwaukie Ave., for an all-ages show at 7 p.m. For tickets, call 503-233-1994 or visi, • • • « • • f l •••9 VA lH U t DAV AND T H l KNIGHTS Of SWING D ance per couple : $50 D inner B uffet & D ance per couple : $115 D inner , D ance & R oom per couple : $230 VIP level room includes rose buds and chocolate covered strawberries T ickets A vailable at M illennium E ast or W est or call 503.491.7271 Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marceline Fatila C h i r< ip ra ctic P hysicia n Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 We* a re lo c a te d a t 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) We specialize in: Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries