Page A5 Dear Deanna! My neighbor really upsets me by the way she puts her children on the church bus on Sunday morn­ ing. She com es out in her robe with a cigarette in her mouth and sends her kids to church but she doesn’t go with them. This makes me so mad that I’m at the point o f knocking on her door so I can tell her about herself. W ould I be wrong fordoing this? —LaTanya; Oklahom aCity.O kla. Dear LaTanya: D on’t be foolish by going to that w om an’s house and get yourself knocked out. People tend to be touchy when you com e at them the wrong way concerning reli­ gion. Her business is her busi­ ness but as a Christian, you should in vite her and the children to come to church with you instead of judging her current actions. God w ants you to do his work by seek­ ing the unsought, teaching the u n ta u g h t an d b rin g in g the unbrought. Dear Deanna! I’m 33 years old and have been in a relationship for 11 years. We both are ready to get married but my boyfriend wants to wait. He says our finances aren’t in order but I think he’s lying. W hat do you think? —Confused; Colum ­ bia, S.C. Dear Confused: photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Humboldt Elementary School students enjoy new playground equipment made possible by a donation from Stockamp and Associ ates, a medical consulting firm. See related photo, frontpage. Humboldt’s New Playground fi H um boldt Elem entary School in north Port­ land dedicated new playground equipm ent during a cerem ony Friday honoring civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Stockam p and A ssociates, a medical con­ sulting firm, adopted the school for the current school year and donated $ 12,000 for the brand new playground, which had not been reno­ vated since the school was originally build more than 50 years ago. The deterioriating playground was com ­ pletely rem oved and replaced with a state-of- the-art playground with modem monkey bars. We tried to make sure we got equipment that would take care o f all grade levels. - Cheryl James, president of the ParentTeacher Association a safety surface, a double slide, a rock wall and a pretend driving station, among other im­ provements. “We tried to make sure we got equipment that would take care of all grade levels,” said Cheryl James, president of the Parent Teacher A ssociation. The next phase of playground improve­ ments will be painting a map o f the United States on the playground, repainting lines for hopscotch and kickball and making improve­ ments to insure that the space is wheelchair accessible. You both are lying. H e’s living a lie because after 11 years, there should’ve been a marriage o f love with or without finances. Married couples build together. H e’s very com fortable and has no plans to marry you and will use excuse after excuse. You ’ re ly ing to your­ self in believing h e ’11 marry you. W ith y o u r age and the tim e y o u ’ve been in the relationship, you should know the status o f y o u r finances. You both need to com e together, lay your cards on the table and decide to com - Ask O R eal P e o p le, R eal A dvice \n advice column known fo r its fearless approach to reality-based subjects! m il o r sp lit and keep it m oving. Dear Deanna! I ju st graduated from high school and started college. I haven’t gone to class since the first semester began. I’m tired o f school, but my family forced me to go to college so I went along with the plan. Now I feel guilty because of the money spent on tuition and the loans. How do I tell them 1 want to drop out? - -Talisha; Atlanta Dear Talisha: It’s good your conscience is kick­ ing your behind. You need to wake up and realize y o u ’re blessed to go to college when so many people can’t go because they can ’t afford it. You need to change your mind and do the right thing and stay in school. Seek assistance from your guidance counselors and talk with your parents and get yourself back on track. In the long run, y o u 'll greatly benefit as an educated adult with a degree. If not, prepare to say, may I take your order please? Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: w w . askdeanna. com Advertise with diversity in u 1,1 ^L lortlanb ( © b s m u 'r Call 503-288-0033 ads (o> portlandob serverJom