Page B5 Î,îl ^Jortlanò © hseruer lanuary 19, 2005 C lassifieds Assistant to the Director Erb Girl Scouts. W here Girl» Grow S tro n g - Bilingual Membership Specialist (Spanlsh/Engllsh) 2 Positions Out-based— providing support to Latina adult/girl participation and se rve the needs o f Sp anish speaking m em bers in various location s on w eekdays a fter sch oo l. (P o sitio n 1 se rves Washington County. Position 2 se rves M ultnom ah C o un ty.) Requires volunteer & project m anagem ent; organizational, d o cu m e n ta tio n , and oral & written skills; experience working w ith youth and d ive rse p o p u la tio n s. Q u a lific a tio n s : Associate’s degree or equivalent. Need reliable transportation, ability to work flexible hours. One year assignment of 15 hrs/wk- $11.50/hr. Closes 1/21/05. Send resume and cover to: HR, Girl Scouts-Columbia River Council, PO Box 2427, Lake Oswego OR 97035. Fax (503) 598-6556. Em ail: G w yth e J@ Ju lie tte .o rg . Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. Committed to Diversity. Environmental Health Educator Memorial Union, University of O regon. The Assistant to the Director provides direct support to the EMU D ire cto r and adm inistrative support to the EMU Management Team. This position serves as the Human R e sources liaison fo r the departm ent as well as office m anager fo r the EMU Administrative office. The position reports to the EMU Director. Minimum Requirements: Three years progressive and successful administrative experience in a multifaceted administrative unit. Demonstrated skills in oral and written communication, strong interpersonal and team building sk ills designed to create an e n viro n m e n t of e xce p tio n a l service, experience with computer so ftw a re to in clu de e-m ail programs and filing systems, word processing, sp re a d sh e e t m anagem ent and ca le n d ar programs, and a demonstrated c a p a c ity to be o rga n ized , productive, professional and e ffe ctive . B a c h e lo r’s degree preferred. Experience with Human Resource management, higher education financial and student information systems and a strong desire to work at the university preferred. Salary range $36,000- $ 40 ,00 0 plus a h igh ly com petitive benefits package. Complete job announcement with application requirements on web site: The Multnomah County Health Department is seeking a full-time Environmental Health Educator. This position will be responsible for identifying and prioritizing community environmental health h t t p : / / h r . u o r e g o n . e d u / problem s. D e ve lo p in g and employment/ or call 541-346- send em ail to performing environmental health 1157, education and outreach utilizing c u ltu ra lly c o m p e te n t and con sideration all application lin g u is tic a lly a p p ro p ria te materials must be received by methods. Salary is $19.82 per 5:00 p.m. January 28, 2005. hour. Apply by January 21,2005. Position will remain open until A p p lica tio n m a te ria ls are fille d . AA/EO /AD A in stitu tion a va ila b le o n -lin e at committed to cultural diversity. and m in o ritie s or in person W om en encouraged to apply. at Multnom ah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, 1st Floor Lobby, Porltnad, OR. Multnomah County is actively recruiting persons from va rio u s e th n ic and cu ltu ra l background to enhance services PARKING FACILITY Operator to our d ive rse com m u nities. Immediate full time and part-time Bilingual/bicultural candidates openings. Seeking dependable, are encouraged to apply. An Equal well groomed, positive individuals Opportunity Employer. Police Reserve Officer - The City of Gladstone is currently accepting a p p lic a tio n s fo r com m u n ity service oriented citizens who are willing to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours per month to support re gu la r p o lice o ffic e rs in pe rfo rm in g police fu n ctio n s. Application packets are available at the Gladstone City Hall, 525 Portland Avenue, G ladstone, Oregon 97027, or by calling 503- 557-2773 (24 hour voice-mail), or go to to download. Applications must be received in the City Recorders O ffice by 4:00 PM on Friday, February 11, 2005. $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drug test/Background check I B ids For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: C i t y o f P o r t la n d B u re a u o f P u rc h a se s 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 SUB BIDS REQUESTED New Columbia Trenton Buildings North and South Portland, Oregon Including: Construction of two mixed-use wood frame and structural steel buildings. The North building consists of 32 units of housing and is 35,272 SF. The South building consists of 42 units of housing and is 54,171 SF. Bid Date: Februaiy 1 by 2:00 pm Walsh Construction C o ./ Oregon 2905 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201 Phone: 503-222-4375 Fax: 503-274-7676 Contact: Ed Sloop ORCCB# 147267 Plans Are Available on January 5 after 9 a.m. At: Walsh Construction Co./Oregon, Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME), Housing Development Center, McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge, Daily Journal of Commerce, Oregon Contractor Plan Center, African-American Contractors Federation, and Reed Construction Data. We strongly encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Emerging Small Business Enterprises and Minority Business Enterprises and Woman-owned Business Enterprises to submit bids on this work. DMWESB companies MUST be certified in the scope of work they will be bidding. C o u n tr ie s o f A f r ic a Rwanda: After the Struggle for Peace Mid-1990’s slaughter wiped out 10 percent of the population In the middle of Africa rests Rwanda, a country with a popula­ tion o f about eight to 10 million people, about the sam e as the greater Los Angeles area. Currently, the country is in the spotlight over a violent uprising a decade ago. The new motion picture, “Hotel Rwanda” is about the genocide that killed a million people during a three- month period o f 1994. Six hundred years ago, Tutsi warriors and pigmies overran Hutu settlers in this extremely small coun­ try. Since that time, the Tutsis and Hutus have continually struggled for control. W hile F rench and Kinyarwanda, are considered the tw o o ffic ia l la n g u a g e s, m o st R w a n d a n s s p e a k th e B a n tu K inyarw anda. O nly a sm all num ­ ber o f E uropeans still reside in the country. Ninety-five out o f every 100 people in Rwanda are farmers. Most farming in Rw anda is sustenance. Entire families work a small piece of land and barely get enough to even feed themselves. On larger farms and plantations, enough food is produced to be sold in markets and exported out o f the country. These products include bananas, coffee, tea, beans, cassava, sorghum, and sweet potatoes, Py rethrum, a chem i­ cal used in making insecticides, is also a major export of Rwanda. Tin and w olfram ite, a m ajor so u rc e o f tu n g s te n , a re th e country's chief mineral products, which m ake around a quarter o f the country ’ s exports. Coffee and m in­ ing make up close to two-thirds of Rw anda’s international exports. T oday, the religious mix has changed co nsiderably. Since in ­ dependence from E uropean c o n ­ trol, the C h ristian p o p ulation has d ropped to 65 percent. M uslim s account for around 10 p ercent and tribal religions are around 25 percent. continued on page B6 Start Making More Money Now! NO Sales. High Demand R e tir e m e n t L iv in g P /T Effort, F /T Income Westmoreland’s Union Manor 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 Witness signatures on mortgage documents. 5 0 3 -2 3 3 -5 6 7 1 Marshall Union Manor $50-125 per signing. 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 5 0 3 - 2 2 5 -0 6 7 7 Become a Signing Agent, call 1-866-867-6827 Kirkland Union Manors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 5 0 3 -7 7 7 -8 1 0 1 & Kirkland Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 3 6 0 - 6 9 4 -4 3 1 4 & STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens OFF.: (503)286-1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 • Affordable Rents with No Buy-In or Application Fees HOME 0m CES:BL00M INGT0N, • Garden Areas & Planned Activities ILLINOIS • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify T D D 5 0 3 *7 7 1 -0 9 1 2 New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. f»T ERNEST J. HILL, JR Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland. OR 97217 IK W e H e lp Take c a re o f Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland. \dvertisc with diversity in ^.Inrtlanì» (Observer Call 503-288-00 U y o u r H e a l E state N e e d s ! The Real Estate Advice Team Se H abla Espanol Dave Low e 2 4 Hr Recorded Msg Cell: 503-997-4585 1-866-834-2953 Seiling Exl #1 Buying Ext #7 Espanol Ext #3 A lic ia B la ir cell: 503-544-3518 Job No. M M 03-05-01 HOME WINDOW REPLACEMENT AUTHORIZED DEALER Milgard WindfAvs (HAP), 4400 NE Broadway, Suite B, Portland, Oregon 97213, until 2:00 pm. Thursday February 1 0 ,2 0 0 8 for labor ana materials for work at maple Mallory a two-story building at 3700-3800 NE Garfield/3718-3822 NE Mallory Avenue Portland, Oregon 97212. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Clearly tile best CCB 91337 WHOLE HOUSE SPECIAL STEVE @ 503-284-9789 Equity Construction, Inc. PEACE DONATION: 10% of labor - Call for details Prepaid Ceil The basic work consists of replacing the existing aluminum and wood windows with new insulated vinyl windows. Phone Service A nrs-bld to u r at the project site, address noted above, will be held at 10:00 sm , Tuesday January 25t 2005 Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents will be answered byaddendum. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Lewis Lyles at (503) 288-5776. website: www.avalonflowerspdx.eom e-mail: avalonflowers @ Mention or Bring This Ad In For 10% Discount Valid until 01-31-05 Minimum purchase of $35.00 (excluding delivery, wire/standing orders) Offer not valid with any other discount or coupon FREE HOMEBUYER WORKSHOP Airvoice $39.99 Free Activation Before You Look At Another House, There are 10 Things +60min if you mention ad! You Should Know About Buying In Portland 503-286-6070 317 NE Killingworth, Ptld " I f you d o n 't it could cost you Thousand o f dollars ” Free Recorded Message AFFORDABLE « JJ LO CK & KEY (896)592-1133 Ex 09 Direct: (503) 262-2626 Ex 155 Fax: (503) 262-2650 Free Consultations FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: MOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Leslie Crehan Acting Capital improvements Manager 503-796-9250 Cori Stewart-Owner Snell-Designer hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from bid opening. Bid Documents are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $20 deposit for one set and $20 (twenty) for each additional set is refundable when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. phone: We are Solution Experts. Not Realtors! Sealed b ld » will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland Tier Subcontractor U s t HAP-421, m ust be received by 4:00 p.m. the sam e day. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the 421 SW 6lh Ave located between Washington and Stark we only build win/win deals • Expect instant relief & answers • Fast Closings • Quick and Easy Qualifying • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Maple Mallory Apartments Window Replacement v /ir/a/ v y / /r> u e / ( Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving P ortland/M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW A NW) Allied Mortgage 10011 SE Division St. #207, Portland. OR 97266 EMAIL: Smdavis3allied@yahQ0.CQm "Your Mortgage Consultant for Life" (=> tO U M HOUSING O PPO RTUNITY