% Page Bib January 12, 200S The sweltering summer of the Negro 's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. — Rev. Martin Luther Ring Jr. from his “I Have a Dream” speech, Aug. 28,1963 The Life o f Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. continued from BIS • May 1963 W hen school children jo in the protests, Police C om m issioner Bull C onner orders the use o f police dogs and fire hoses to stop protests. T he photographs o f police brutality shock the nation. Martin Luther King Jr. paved the way for many Americans to fulfill their dreams and • Aug. 28, 1963 250,000 people dem onstrate in W ashington, D .C ., in support o f civil rights. M artin L uther K ing Jr. organizes the M arch on W ashington w here he delivers his “ I H ave a D ream ” speech. led America down the path to diversity. Let's honor him and continue the journey. • Nov. 22, 1963 President John F. K ennedy is assassinated in D allas, Texas. U pon assum ing office. P resident Johnson urges the speedy passage o f K ennedy’s civil rights bill as a fitting tribute to the m urdered president. • December 1964 M artin L uther King Jr. receives the N obel Peace Prize, becom ing the third black and the youngest person ev er to receive the aw ard. continued on page BI8 visit b la ze rs .c o m to find out how you can be a leader in your community M id-K B e a u ty S u p p ly S a lu te s D r. M artin L u th er K in g ’s 7 6 th B irth d a y ! Xr January 17, 2005 "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In that spirit of service, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On that day, our doctors, dentists, and staff will help the Oregon Food Bank process food collected during the Kaiser Permanente Martin Luther King Jr. Day Food Drive. We re happy to play a small part in helping Oregon and Southwest Washington thrive. “All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem,” —Dr. Martin L. King Jr For information about the national day o f service, visit w ww.mlkday.org. Strength To Love ■ R KAISER PERMANENTE, thrive 5411 N.E. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. ©$«$«»•» F 503-335-0271 »*«•**■ **» •< *• ******* > i i