Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 12, 2005, 2005 Special Edition, Page 23, Image 23

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    K I NG
January 12, 2005
Page B I 1
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The Life o f Dr, Martin Luther King Jr.
• Dee. I, 1955
Mrs. Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white man in
Montgomery, Ala. She is arrested. When
Mrs. Parks was brought to trial she was
found guilty of violating a Montgomery city
ordinance and ordered to pay a fine.
• J a n .15,1929
Martin Luther King Jr. is bom in Atlanta, Ga., the son
of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist
minister, and Alberta Williams King, a school teacher.
• Dec. 5, 1955
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is elected presi­
dent of the Montgomery Improvement Asso­
ciation and leads a yearlong boycott of the
desegregated bus system in Montgomery, Ala.
• September 1915
Martin Luther King Jr. begins at the all-black Yonge Street Elemen­
tary School in Atlanta. He is an exemplary student.
• Sept. 20, 1944
• Jan. 26, 1956
Martin Luther King Jr. enters Morehouse College in Atlanta at age 15.
Martin Luther King Jr. arrested for the first time, for a
traffic violation.
• Feb. 25, 1948
• Jan. 10, 1956
Martin Luther King Jr. is ordained as a Baptist minister. After
graduating from Morehouse College in June, he enters the Crozer
Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania.
® A
Martin Luther King, Jr. displayed a natural
charisma at an early age derived from his
confidence, intelligence and passion for equality.
The Kings' home is bombed. Although Mrs. King and
Yolanda are at home with a friend, no one is injured.
• Dec. 21, 1956
Montgomery buses are integrated after the U.S. Supreme Court
declares Alabama’s segregation laws illegal, and Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. is among the first people to ride an integrated Montgomery bus.
• June 18,1951
Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott are
married in Marion, Ala.
• Jan. 9-10, 1957
Black ministers in other parts of the South, encouraged by the movement
in Montgomery, decide to form an organization called the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. is elected its president.
• Oct. 11, 1954
Martin Luther King Jr. becomes pastor of the Dexter Baptist Church
in Montgomery, Ala. It was in Montgomery that King first put into
practice his belief in passive resistance.
• February 1959
Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta
Scott King, visit India as guests of Prime Minis­
ter Nehru. They study Mahatma Gandhi's meth­
ods of nonviolent protest.
• June 1955
Martin Luther King, Jr. receives his doctorate in theology from Boston
• January I960
• Nov. 17, 1955
Yolanda Denise King, the Kings’ first child is bom.
A portrait o f Martin Luther King Jr. 's widow
Coretta Scott King (top left), and their children.
The King family moves to Atlanta, where Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. becomes co-pastor of the
Ebenezer Baptist Church with his father, Martin
Luther King Sr.
A lb in a M in is te r ia l A llia n c e
on page HI5
O p enin gs fo r 6 th G rad e & 7 th G rad e T o d a y !
presents our
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Annual City-Wide Worship Celebration
Dr. Martin Luther King ]r.
Sunday, January 16, 2004
6:00 PM
Emmanuel Temple FGP Church
1033 North Sumner ~ Portland, OR
Pastor C. T. Wells, Host Pastor
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Immediate assessment promotes greater progress
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I qual Opportunity lor A ll. Victory Middle School admits students o f any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin
to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school
Dr. Mark Strong
Life Change Christian Church
Portland, OR
"Everything that is done in
the world is done by hope."
— Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968)
LifeWorks NW promotes a healthy
community by providing quality and
culturally responsive mental health and
addiction services across the lifespan.
d o w e g o f r o m h ere:
" C h a o s o r C o m m u n ity ?"
hot more information please contact
Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Jr. MLK Worship Celebration Coordinator
L ife W orks
l ocations: NE33rd Avenue; NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.; N. Mississippi;
N. Lombard and other sites throughout the Portland Metro area.