Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 12, 2005, 2005 Special Edition, Page 20, Image 20

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Page B 10
in o
e d / t / o n
Honored for Peace
M artin Luther King Jr. accepts Nobel Prize
from page HU
aware that this prize is much more
appear in W ho’s Who. Yet when years
than an honor to me personally.
January 12, 2005
Life Dedicated to a
Better Humanity
M artin Luther King Jr. - Biography
have rolled past and when the blazing
Martin Luther King, Jr., (January
King was, by this time, a member of
men. I have the audacity to believe
Every time I take a (light, I am
light of truth is focused on this marvel­
15,1929-April 4, 1968) was born
the executive committee o f the Na­
that peoples everyw here can have
always mindful o f the many people
ous age in which we live - men and
Michael Luther King Jr., but later
tional Association for the Advance­
three meals a day for their bodies,
who make a successful journey pos­
women will know and children will be
had his name changed to Martin. His
ment of Colored People, the leading
education and culture for their minds,
sible - the known pilots and the un­
taught that we have a finer land, a
grandfather began the fam ily’s long
organization o f its kind in the nation.
and dignity, equality and freedom for
known ground crew.
better people, a more noble civilization
- because these humble children of
tenure as pastors o f the Ebenezer
He was ready, then, early in Decem­
Baptist Church in Atlanta.
ber 1955 to accept the leadership of
their spirits. I believe that what self-
So you honor the dedicated pilots of
centered m en have torn
This award... is
a profound
recognition that
nonviolence is the
answer to the
crucial political
and moral question
o f our time - - the
need fo r man to
oppression and
violence without
resorting to
violence and
down men other-centered
can build up. I still believe
that one day m ankind will
bow before the altars of
God and be crowned tri­
um phant o v er w ar and
bloodshed, and nonviolent
redemptive good will pro­
claimed the rule o f the land.
“And the lion and the lamb
shall lie down together and
every man shall sit under
his own vine and fig tree
and none shall be afraid.” 1
still believe that We Shall
This faith can give us cour­
age to face the uncertainties
of the future. It will give our
tired feet new strength as
we continue our forward
stride toward the city of free­
Martin Lutherattended segregated
the first great Negro nonviolent dem ­
public schools in Georgia, graduating
onstration of contemporary times in
from high school at the age o f 15; he
the United States, a bus boycott that
received the B. A. degree in 1948
lasted 382 days.
from Morehouse C ol­
lege, a distinguished
Negro institution of
A tlanta from which
both his father and
grandfather had been
graduated. After three
years o f theological
study at Crozer Theo­
logical Sem inary in
Pennsylvania where
he was elected presi­
dent o f a predom i­
nantly white senior
class, he was awarded
the B.D. in 1951. With
Martin Luther attended
segregated public schools in
Georgia, graduating from high
school at the age o f 15; he
received the B. A. degree in
1948 from Morehouse College.
a fellowship won at
Crozer, he enrolled in graduate stud­
On Dec. 21, 1956, after the Su­
ies at Boston University, completing
preme Court of the United States had
dom. When our days become dreary
our struggle who have sat at the con­
God were willing to suffer for righ­
his residence for the doctorate in
declared unconstitutional the laws re­
with low-hovering clouds and our nights
trols as the freedom movement soared
teousness sake.
1953 and receiving the degree in
quiring segregation on buses, Negroes
become darker than a thousand mid­
into orbit. You honor, once again, Chief
I think Alfred Nobel would know
1955 In Boston he met and married
and whites rode the buses as equals.
nights, we will know that we are living in
Lutuli of South Africa, whose struggles
what I mean when I say that I accept
Coretta Scott, a young woman of
During these days o f boycott. King
the creative turmoil ofagenuine civiliza­
tion struggling to be bom.
with and for his people, are still met
this award in the spirit of a curator of
uncommon intellectual and artistic
was arrested, his home was bombed,
with the most brutal expression of
some precious heirloom which he holds
attainm ents. T w o sons and tw o
he was subjected to personal abuse,
Today I come to Oslo as a trustee,
m an’s inhumanity to man. You honor
in trust for its true owners - all those to
daughters were bom into the family.
but at the same time he emerged as a
inspired and with renewed dedication
the ground crew without whose labor
whom beauty is truth and truth beauty
In 1954, Martin Luther King ac­
to humanity. I accept this prize on
and sacrifices the jet flights to free­
- and in whose eyes the beauty of
cepted the pastorale o f the Dexter
In 1957 he was elected president of
behalf of all men who love peace and
dom could never have left the earth.
genuine brotherhood and peace is more
Avenue Baptist Church in M ontgom ­
the Southern Christian Leadership
brotherhood. I say I come as a trustee,
for in the depths o f my hear! I am
Most of these people will never make
the headline and their names will not
precious than diamonds or silver or
ery, Ala. Always a strong worker for
Negro leader o f the first rank.
civil rights for members o f his race,
P ortland S tate
Portland State University is a nationally aeelainted leader in community-based learning.
Teaching, research, diversity, and service form the cornerstone of Oregon's only public urban university. W e offer more than 100
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The PSU campus is located along the tree-lined South Park Blocks of dow ntow n Portland, in the heart of the city's population,
economic, industrial, and cultural center. W ith a current enrollment of approximately 25,000 students, Portland State is
Oregon's largest and most diverse university, serving more students and conferring more graduate degrees annually than any
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PSI/ recognizes that diversity in faculty, staff, and student populations enriches the educational experience, promotes personal
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a public university we have a special responsibility to w ork for equity and social justice and to make our programs truly
accessible to our diverse constituents.
O ur University values campus diversity and demonstrates this in campus programs and initiatives,- we particularly encourage
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