Page A 9 Cl|c JJnrtlanb ©hsvrucr lanuary 5. 2 0 0 5 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Focus IFCC’s Art for January Photographer Amber Geiger Morgan's “Kenya" is the result o f travels through Africa, Cuba, Brazil and India. I n te r s ta te F ir e h o u s e C u ltu ra l C e n te r’s M ain G a lle ry h o sts the w ork o f m o saic a rtist M ary T ap o g n a anil p h o to g ra p h e r A m b er G e ig e r M o rg an in the E n try G allery . T h e ex h ib itio n o p en s on T h u rs­ d ay , Jan. 6 w ith a F irst T h u rsd ay rec ep tio n from 5 :3 0 to 7 :30 p.m . A rtis t’s T a lk s a re sc h e d u le d fo r L ast T h u rsd ay , Jan. 27, from 6 to 7 :3 0 p.m . T a p o g n a , a fo rm e r p h o to jo u rn a l­ ist, u ses p h o to g rap h y as a fo u n d a ­ tio n fo r her m o saic w ork. H er aim is to o b ta in realism an d em o tio n in fac ial e x p re ssio n s in h er ex h ib it “F am iliar." M o rg an took a v o y ag e aro u n d the w o rld in the fall o f 2 002, m e e t­ ing the w om en an d ch ild ren she had long d ream ed o f p h o to g rap h in g . H er e x h ib it, "F ac es o f A frica, B razil, C u b a an d In d ia,” is the in te rp re ta ­ tio n o f th at ex p e rien c e. F or m ore in fo rm atio n ab o u t the e x h ib its , v isit w w w .ifc c -a rts .o rg o r call 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 3 2 2 . Madam 's Suburban Salon Folk for Folks Portland’s largest annual folk mu­ sic event, W interfolk XVII, is at the Aladdin Theatre at 7 p.m. Feb. 5. This event celebrates Sisters of the R oad’s 25th year o f service to Portland’s homeless community. Tickets are $23 in advance and $25 at the door, available at Aladdin Box office and Music Millenium. The Blue Monk on Belmont plays live jazz. For a schedule, visit Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black N otes play T h u rsd a y s at the Candlelight Room. Mel Brown plays jazz at Jimmy Maks on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays at Salty's on the Colum ­ bia. A Community Unity Breakfast is held every third Thursday at SEI at 7:30a.m. Skip Elliott Bi ,w man Jazz Trio plays Saturdays from 10a.m. to noon at Hannah Bea’s, on north­ east MLK Jr. Blvd. and Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform w ee k en d s at the In te rsta te Firehouse Cultural Center. After work, stop by The Red Sea. 381 S.W. 3rd Ave. from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays. D on't miss Reggae Thursdays at Savannah's at First Thursday celebrations at 8 p.m. DJ O G O N E spins R&B at Savannah's on Fridays. £ 5628 N. Commereiai St W alk - Ins W elcom e Rutland. OR 97217 P h o n e :( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 - 1 0 5 3 F u ll-S e t $ 16.99 & up F ills $ 10.99 & up P e d ic u re $ 15.99 & up M a n ic u re s $ 7 .9 9 & up N ail A rt $ 2 .9 9 & up Killingsw orth St. Johns Lom b ard Little Chapel o f the Chimes Family Wishes You Mary Topogna's “Cupcake" is on display at IFCC's Main Gallery through Jan. 27. The foundation is also seeking to have his birthday - Feb. 6 - declared a national holiday. The group is plan ­ ning special celebrations, including a concert and a block party in the capital o f K ingston, to m ark his 60th birthday next year. Only seven Jam aicans have been named national heroes, including black civil rights leader M arcus G arvey and fo rm er P rim e M in ister A lex a n d er B ustam ante. Past efforts to bestow M arley with the honor have failed, but support has grow n in recent years as M arley’s music enjoys a resurgence w orldw ide. The BBC recently nam ed his "One L ove” song the anthem o f the century, and Time magazine called 1977’s “Exo­ d u s” the album o f the century. th r o u g h PCC. A vari­ ety of classes from art making to art apprecia­ tion are available. For more infor­ mation, call 503-731 -6622. Have a Ball Kids will have a ball at O M SI's new Innovation Station by exploring the human side of technology. For more information, visit Happy New Year 2005 Stop by and pick up your 2005 calendar courtesy o f L ittle C h a p e l o f th e C h im e s 4 3 0 N K illin g s w o rth S tre e t P o rtla n d . O re g o n (5 0 3 )2 8 3 -1 9 7 6 THE ACADEMY FOR CHARACTER AND ETHICS A proposed college preparatory (grades 9-12) charter school with an emphasis on character and ethics in North Portland invites the community to attend an informational meeting. JANUARY 13, 2005 AT 7:00PM The Land Civilization Forgot The simulator thrill-ride Dino Is­ Gypsy Classes Caravan Studios offers classes in land: The Land Civilization Forgot Love a Drama Love can be a drama with the Nappy belly dance, African dance and more. has returned to the Oregon Zoo by popular demand. Riders become Roots production o f “Tangoing Visit part of a scientific team whose mis­ with Tornadoes” at the Interstate King Tribute Reel Music and Cinema sion is to explore a newly formed Firehouse Cultural Center from Jan. A tribute and celebration to Martin The Reel Music Festival, featuring island that has baffled scientists 28 through Feb. 5. For more infor­ Luther King Jr. will be at Jefferson music cinema, is from Jan. 7 through around the world. For more infor­ High School’s Robert G. Ford’s mation, call 503-381-9088. Feb. 13 at Guild Theatre, 829S.W . 9 mation call the zoo at 503-220-5716 Auditorium, 5210 N. Kerby, on DinnerGrrls Ave.andWhitsell Auditorium, 1219 o r c h e c k o ut th e w e b site Monday, Jan. 17. Many speakers, Join the DinnerGrrls at Stacatto S.W . Park. F or d e ta ils, v isit performers and vendors will enter­ Gelato from 6:45 to9 p.m. Jan. 15 at tain participants. A donation of $3 Hom o f Africa for professional Amusement At Oaks Park or three nonperishable food items networking and female em power­ Ski Weekend Set Celebrating 99 years o f fun. O aks is requested. For information, visit ment. RSVP to A W interCam i val is held from Jan. Park in southeast Portland offers 13-17 by the Ebony Rose Ski Club rides, picnic grounds, roller-skat­ p o rt la n d @ d in n e r g r r ls .o r g / and National Brotherhood of Ski­ ing and family gam es in the shade ja n O 5 g u e st or e -m a il Random Dance ers, Western Region at W histler, o f 100-year-old oak trees on the portland@ for more The Portland debut o f Britain's ex­ BC, Canada during Martin Luther banks o f the W illam ette River. plosive dance company. Random information. K ing's birthday weekend. For de­ Rides and roller-skating are open Dance, is from Jan. 13-15 at 8 p.m. at M ake Art on Alberta tails, visit or call 503- daily. For more inform ation, call Lincoln Performance Hall. Portland Make art and enjoy art on Alberta 475-9003. 503-233-5777. State University. Tickets are $ 14 for Ongoing and Upcoming Music Madam Marii m Pe’a. Owner/Nail Tech 1708 N. L o m b a rd P R IC E L IS T (A P) — H e’s received countless m usical accolades, inspired m illions with his m essage o f "one love” and is even hailed as a prophet by some. Now, m em bers o f Bob M arley’s estate are lobbying the governm ent to proclaim the dreadlocked reggae singer a national hero, Jam aica’s high­ est honor. M arley died o f cancer in Miami in 1981 at 36. “ A n y w h ere you go in the w o rld the first th in g peo p le th in k o f w hen they h ea r Ja m aica is B ob M a rle y ,” said Ja c q u e lin e K n ig h t-C a m p b ell, w ho is o rg an iz in g th e cam p aig n for the B ob M arley F o u n d atio n . "H e has in sp ire d so m any peo p le w ith his so n g s so it’s tim e fo r us to step up and take B o b ’s re c o g n itio n to a h ig h e r le v e l.” s tu d e n ts and seniors and $25 for adults. For tickets, call 503-725-3307, T ic k e tm a s te r o u tle ts o r v isit w w For more in­ formation. cal1503-245-1600. Nail&Foot Specialist/Hand Care @ N jeri H air D esign (503) 280-1231 Marley Nominated Jamaican Hero Jamaican reggae singer Bob Marley in 1979. (AP photo) M S A N N 'S N A I L S LIVE MUSIC Again! @ B illy R eed ’ s MT. O LIVET BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY LIFE CENTER M ULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd Your Care Our First Priority R estaurant £ B ar Dr. M arceline Failla C h iro p ra c tic P h y sic ia n 2808 NE MLK Call fo r an appointm ent! 503-493-8127 (503) 228-6140 Watch for more coming dates Lets Do it again! We are located at Linda Hornbuckle 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) Friday, January 7th $3 Cover Linda Hornbuckle I _.. I...... ......OU. r- _ ____ Saturday. January 8th $3 Cover H e sp e c ia liz e in : I Kenney Polson A utom obile accident injuries C h ro n ic h eadache and jo in t pain I Sunday, January 9th - No Cover W orkers C o m p en satio n injuries — ♦