Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 05, 2005, Page 7, Image 7

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L aw & J ustice
Civil Rights Icon Dead at 80
Shirley Chisholm was champion o f women, minorities
(A P )— Shirley Chisholm, an advocate
for minority rights who became the first
black woman elected to Congress and
later the first black person to seek a major
party’s nomination for the U.S. presidency,
has died. The Rev. Jesse Jackson called
her a “woman of great courage.”
Chisholm, who took her seat in the U.S.
House in 1969, was a riveting speaker who
often criticized Congress as being too
clubby and unresponsive. An outspoken
champion of women and minorities during
seven terms in the House, she also was a
staunch critic o f the Vietnam War.
She had been in declining health since
suffering a series o f small strokes last
summer and died Saturday at age 80.
Chisholm ran for the Democratic presi­
dential nomination in 1972, a campaign
that was viewed as more symbolic than
practical. She won 152 delegates before
withdrawing from the race.
“1 ran for the presidency, despite hope­
less odds, to demonstrate the sheer will
and refusal to accept the status quo,”
Chisholm said in her book “The Good
Fight.” "The next time a woman runs, or a
black, a Jew or anyone from a group that
the country is ‘not ready’ to elect to its
highest office, I believe that he or she will
be taken seriously from the start.”
Chisholm represented New Y o rk 's
Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn
and served until retiring in 1983. She also
was a founding member o f the Congres­
sional Black Caucus.
“She was an activist and she never
stopped fighting,” Jackson told The A s­
sociated Press from Ohio. “She refused to
accept the ordinary, and she had high
expectations for herself and all people
around her.”
In h e r b o o k , “ U n b o u g h t and
Unbossed," she recounted the campaign
that brought her to Congress and wrote of
her concerns about that body:
"O ur representative democracy is not
working because the Congress that is
supposed to represent the voters dries
not respond to their needs. I believe the
chief reason for this is that it is ruled by a
small group o f old men.”
Once discussing what her legacy might
be, Shirley Chisholm commented, "I’d like
them to say that Shirley Chisholm had
guts. T hat’s how I’d like to be remem­
Democrat Shirley
Chisholm of New
York takes her oath
of office on Jan. 3,
1969 in Washington,
D.C. She was the
first black woman to
serve in the House
o f Representatives.
(AP photo)
CRIME STOPPERS — Max Station Robber At Lnrge
(5 0 3 ) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4
Shooting Suspect Sought
A police drawing depicts a
suspect in a recent shooting.
T he P ortland P o lice, in c o o p ­
e ra tio n w ith C rim e S to p p ers,
w ould like y o u r help id e n tify ­
ing and ca p tu rin g a su sp e ct in
a rec en t sh o o tin g .
On Nov. 19, at about 8 p.m., a man
knocked on the front door o f a
house in the 39(X)block North Kerby
Avenue. When a 15-year-old male
answered the door the suspect fired
multiple shots from a handgun strik­
ing him in the upper chest. The
suspect ran off. The victim sur­
T he su sp e ct is d e sc rib e d as a
b lack m ale b etw een 19 and 25
y ea rs old, 5 fee t 8 in ch es to 6
fee t 1 inch, w eig h in g a p p ro x i­
m ately 200 p o u n d s. He has a
sh o rt A fro w hich is d escrib ed
as u n k e m p t w ith p a tc h e s o f
scalp sh o w in g . He had patchy
fac ial h air e x te n d in g from the
sid e o f his face, and on his u p ­
per lip and ch in . T h e su sp ect
has c ro o k e d b o tto m teeth w ith
sp aces b etw een th em . He m ay
h av e a p ie rc ed left ear. At the
tim e o f the sh o o tin g he was
w ea rin g a baby b lu e h o oded
sw e a tsh irt w ith a zip p e r front
and b lack p ants.
P o lice said the su sp e ct in this
c a s e s h o u ld b e c o n s id e r e d
arm e d an d d a n g e ro u s and
sh o u ld not be ap p ro a ch ed .
T h The
e P o Portland
rtla n d Polir«»
Police, in in r o coop­
eration with Crime Stoppers, would
like your help finding Navarro
R o d rig u ez-L o p ez, 22,* a man
wanted for robbery in connection
with an O ctober robbery at the 6O'h
T h The
e n r accomplice
r n m n l ir e huKnl
v heen
h o c to ll
n n d e
has rend
been io is 5 5 feet A 6 i n e inches
tall, 1 150 n o pounds
arrested. Police now want to find with brown hair and brown eyes.
Rodriguez-Lopez, a Hispanic man He has a tattoo on his back. He
who once lived in the areao f South­ should be considered armed and
east 162 Avenue and Burnside. He dangerous.
o u e if
421 SW 6,h Ave located
Avenue Max transit station.
It w as about 8 p.m . when
Rodriguez-Lopez and an accom ­
plice followed their victim as he
exited the Max train. They ap­
proached the victim from behind
and took money and property at
gunpoint. They tied and were long
gone by the time the victim was
able to call police.
between Washington
and Stark
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Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case,
or any unsolved felony, and you may remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-4357.
County Commission Opposes Patriot Act
Catdw e t t ’s
CoConiaC ChapeC
Concerned about law s sweeping powers
(A P) — M ultnom ah County
com missioners have voted to sup­
port a resolution urging lawmakers
to fight reauthorization o f the USA
Patriot Act.
Passage of the resolution adds
Multnomah County to the list of
more than 360jurisdictions nation­
wide, including Portland and Eu­
gene, that have weighed in against
the federal law.
The Patriot act, signed into law
wi thi n weeks of the carnage of Sept.
11, 2001, grants broad powers to
local and federal law enforcement
officers to fight potential terrorism.
Supporters o f the county’s reso­
lution have focused on a provision
o f the Patriot Act which lets federal
agents have complete access to the
records o f library cardholders, in­
cluding books checked out and
Web sites visited.
Those opposed to the sweeping
powers o f the act include Kayse
Rev. Leroy Haynes
Jama, founder o f the Community
Language and Culture Bank, a
group headquartered in northeast
Jama compared U.S. policies with
the persecution by governm ent
agents in his native Somalia.
Rev. Leroy Haynes o f the Allen
Temple CM E Church and Albina
Ministerial Alliance com pared the
federal powers to America in 1960s
when covert FBI investigations
l<x)ked into the leaders o f the civil
rights movement.
The Patriot Act today has a
“chilling effect” on religious ex­
pression in the local Muslim com ­
munity, said Emily Simon of the
Jewish Arab Muslim Dialog group.
Com missioner Lonnie Roberts,
the lone board member to vote
against the resolution, agreed that
parts o f the Patriot Act may im­
pinge on civil rights.
Still, Roberts said he didn't want
to se c o n d -g u e s s th e fe d e ra l
governm ent's attempts to prevent
further acts of terrorism on U.S.
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Portland, Oregon 97232
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The Pre-arrangement Concept
D eny se O. 'Peterson
Dear Family Member:
Denyse Peterson represents funeral homes and cemeteries in the Portland Metro­
politan area. Many families have a dillieult time getting through all the associated
decisions, questions, grief and financial responsibilities that follow when a lover! one
dies. Denyse’s responsibility is to provide information. Pre-arranging lessens the
burden before the time of death with challenges such as emotional overspending,
indecision, haste and worry.
Our personal planning guide can he a great benefit to loved ones. Overall, pre­
arranging will benefit families tremendously.
The pre-arrangement Dignity Memorial providers are honored to help families in
our community with your funeral and burial needs.
New Probe W anted in 1951 Bombing
black voters, opposed school seg­
regation and sought higher salaries
for teachers. N o one w as ever
charged in their deaths.
Bi II G ary, president o f the North
Brevard branch o f the N ational
(A P) — The N A A C P is asking A ssociation for the A dvancem ent
Florida officials to reopen an in­ o f C olored People, said techno­
vestigation into the deaths o f two logical advances, such as DNA
civil rights activists w ho were evidence, may aid a new investi­
killed by an explosion beneath gation.
“W e believe that the FBI had
their M elbourne, Fla. hom e on
evidence at that tim e, but decided
C hristm as Day 1951.
Harry and Harriette Moore were to quash the investigation for the
African Americans who registered sake o f the S o u th ’s tranquility,"
Civil rights
activists died in
suspicious blast
G ary said.
He said the co u p le’s daughter,
E vangeline M oore, has decided
to pursue ju stice m ore aggres­
M oore "is in her 70s and has
pretty m uch been a recluse in the
past, but she has becom e a little
m ore vocal," G ary said
A uthorities have revived the
case periodically o ver the years
w ith no success.
Five Ku Klux Kian leaders were
suspected but never charged in
the slayings.
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