Page A3 January S. 2005 Gonzales Hearings to Begin Presidential Vote Challenged (A P) — A ttorney G eneral nominee Alberto Gonzales’ con­ firmation hearing this week may become more contentious be­ cause the White House has re­ fused to provide copies of his memos on the questioning of terror suspects. “We go into the hearing with some know ledge o f what has occurred because o f press re­ ports or leaks but without the hard evidence that will either ex­ o n e ra te or im p lic a te Ju d g e Gonzales in this policy,” com ­ plained Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Demo­ crat. Durbin and other Democrats plan to question Gonzales on his involvement in the crafting of policies concerning questioning - policies that the Justice Depart­ ment has backed away from. Still, the issue probably w on't be enough to stop Republicans from confirming Gonzales as the first Hispanic attorney general. Republicans hold 55 seats in Residents say long lines spoiled result (AP) — One voter didn’t see any signs of fraud on Election Day but was suspicious of the results. Another was surprised by long lines in her suburban city, where voting was always quick in the past. Others were angered by hav­ ing to wait hours to vote in black neighborhoods. Some left in frustration without casting their ballots. Oregon Soldiers Leave for Mideast Alberto Gonzales the new Senate, while Demo­ crats control 44 seats and there is a Democratic-leaning indepen­ dent. The Democrats have not yet decided whether to try to block Gonzales’ confirmation. Gonzales, while at the White House, also wrote a memo to President Bush on January 25, 2002, arguing that the war on terrorism renders obsolete the Geneva Conventions strict limi­ tations on questioning o f enemy prisoners. Civil Rights Enforcement Drops FBI or other federal investiga­ tive agency recom m ended pros­ ecution in civil rights cases has fallen by more than one-third, (AP) — Federal enforcement from over 3,000 in 1999 to just of civil rights laws has dropped over 1,900 last year. Federal sharply since 1999 even though court data also show the gov­ the level of complaints received ernm ent has sought few er civil by the Justice Department has sanctions against civil rights remained relatively constant, ac­ violators. cording a study released Sunday. The study’s co-author, David Criminal charges alleging civil Burnham, said the results show rights violations were brought that civil rights enforcem ent last year against 84 defendants, dropped across-the-board dur­ down from 159 in 1999, accord­ ing President Bush’s first term in ing to Justice Department data office. The Justice Department analyzed at Syracuse University. enforces a wide range of civil In addition, the study found rights laws ranging from guaran­ that the num ber o f tim es the teeing fair housing access to pros­ Despite steady complaints Ask Ö CD 0 S Dear Deanna! I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 8 m onths. I love him be­ cause h e ’s attractive and popu­ lar am ongotherthings. H ehasn’t said he loves me, but I tell him that I love him and he responds by telling me I am infatuated with him and my heart is lying to m e. W h at d o e s th at m ean ? H opeless in Love; Lanham , Md. Dear Hopeless; T im e to head back to biology class. The heart has nothing to do with love. The prim ary func­ tion o f the heart is to pum p blood throughout the body. Love is m ental and requires m aturity, em otional balance and com m on sense. H e’s arrogant and full o f him self to tell you that you are infatuated. Unless you have time to w aste, get aw ay from this man and his sm oke screens and get on a train th at’s really going som ew here. Dear Deanna! W hen I met the w om an I’m with, I w asn’t saved. Now I'v e given my life to the Lord and she d o esn ’t understand why I w o n 't have sex with her. I asked her to In all, 37 voters in this swing on Thursday when Congress is state are challenging President in joint session. Mark Lomax, a 25-year-old B u sh 's Nov. 2 v ictory over D em ocratic Sen. John Kerry. Columbus resident, stood in line They want Ohio Supreme Court 3 1/2 hours on Election Day. Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to "In 2000, if A1 Gore had just set aside the election results. held on and fought to the bitter The filing came the same day end, he would have been presi­ that the Rev. Jesse Jackson held dent." said Lomax, who is black. a rally in Columbus to support "1 kind of have the same feeling the challenge and urge the U.S. now - whether or not you like Senate to debate O hio’s results John Kerry, that's not the issue.” ecuting hate crimes. “Collectively, some violators of the civil rights laws are not being dealt with by the govern­ ment,” Burnham said. “They’ve declined by a huge number of cases. This trend, we think, is significant.” It’s unlikely that the decline has occurred because fewer civil rights violations are occurring, the study suggests. The number of complaints about possible vio­ lations received by the Justice Department has remained level at about I2,(XX) annually for the past five years. The Justice Department had no comment about the study. Nearly 100 Oregon National Enduring Freedom. Guard troops from Detachment The unit will deploy with CH- 1, D Company, 113th Aviation 47 Chinook helicopters. These Battalion in Pendleton mobilized are the dual-rotor helicopters ca­ for duty in Afghanistan Mon­ pable of carrying large payloads day. to remote and austere locations. A mobilization ceremony was The aircrafts are capable of lift­ held at the Army Aviation Sup­ ing cargo, transporting troops or port Facility #2 in Pendleton. carrying vehicles. The unit will train at Fort Sill, There are currently more than Texas for a brief period before 1,300 of O regon’s citizen-sol­ deploying for duty in Afghani­ diers deployed throughout the stan in support of Operation world. Approximately 1,265 are Free Health Fair In honor of Martin Luther King’s birthday, a free health fair is planned for Monday, Jan. 17 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Lloyd Center in the lower level court­ yard in front of Nordstrom. The fifth annual Multicultural Health Fair, presented by Pacific University’s School of Physician Assistant Studies, offers free blood pressure and blood glu­ cose screenings, hemoglobin, vision and foot care screenings and massage therapy. on duty in Iraq, 16 are in A f­ ghanistan, and another 46 are on duty at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Another 1 (X) soldiers are pre­ paring to deploy to Iraq later this month. About 4,500 members o f the Oregon Army National Guard and about 2,200citizen-airmen in the Oregon Air National Guard re­ main on duty in the state to meet whatever needs may arise within Oregon. U S Injured Hits 10,000 (AP) — The number of U.S. able to return to duty and 4,856 troops wounded in Iraq since the sustained injuries that were light start of the war in March 2(X)3 has enough to allow them to resume surpassed I (),(XX), the Pentagon their duties. said Tuesday in a delayed update The number of U.S. military of its casualty data. deaths in Iraq stood at 1,335 on Of the 10,252 total wounded, Tuesday, according to the Penta­ the Pentagon said 5,396 were un­ gon. Advertise wfth divers% in (Oliscruer ( '.dl 503-288-0033 a d s@ p o rtla n d o b marry me but she said no. I d o n ’t feel as if I can continue this relationship because my salvation is m ore im portant. W hat should I do'1 -D e n n is; M em phis, Tenn. Dear Dennis: Y ou’re doing the right thing by avoiding fornication w hich is a sin. It’s not worth it to send your soul to H ell over lust— a m o­ ment o f passion with som eone w ho isn’t your spouse. Lead her to the Lord and help her becom e saved. G od do esn ’t want you to be unequally yoked so do n ’t sweat the m arriage rejection. Pray for her and continue to w alk with G od so she’ 11 see your faith and obedience. Dear Deanna! I'm 22 and learned that the man w ho raised m e is not my real father. I feel em pty as I look at him as ju st another man instead o f my dad. How do I deal with this and keep from hurting his feelings? —Signed N.T.; Boise, Idaho DearN.T.: All Daddies c a n 't be classified as Fathers. Y our stepdad may not be the sperm donor, but he’s the one that fed you, clothed you and kept a roof over your head. Look at him for the good he has done. D o n 't cheapen his efforts because he lacks the official title o f “ Real D addy.” You must care for him if you are co n ­ cerned about his feelings. Be glad he was in the home for you and not on a child support poster. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or 264 S. LaCienega Rlvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. 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