Student of the Game Brrrrr! It’s Cold 500 University of Portland coach shares his knowledge of life and sport. Forecast calls fo r * possible snow by late week or weekend. ffv c a tz r Volume XXXV. Number Aid Plane Crashes into Herd The main airport at Indonesia's! tsunami-battered Sumatra Island was closed for much of Tuesday after a relief plane hit a herd ot I cows, hampering the world’s still- fragile efforts to get aid to vic­ tims of the disaster. Aid to Boost U.S. Image Secretary of State Colin Powell I said the outpouring o f American aid and humanitarian help in the region devastated by the tsu-1 nami may also help Muslim na­ tions see the United States in a | better light. Social Security Cuts Outlined Future Social Security benefits I could be cut almost in half for some younger workers under a plan President Bush is consider­ ing for overhauling the nation’s retirement system. Investments in personal accounts would be counted on to make up the loss | in income. Air Travel Deaths Down Only 34 people have died in U.S. commercial airline crashes in the I past three years, making it one of the safest periods in aviation history even as more Americans than ever travel by air. Mad Cow in Canada A new case of mad cow disease I discovered in Canada poses no threat to human health or trade, and the United States has as­ sured Canadian officials it will not block b eef im ports, the country’s agriculture minister said Monday. Wednesday • lanuary 5. 2005 Humble Public Servant HOTEL RWANDA Hotel Manager Stands Tall Against Rebels by While the rest ofthe world looked R on W eber T he P ortland O bserver Behind his quiet manner, gentle dark eyes, and soft round face I would not guess this man had stood face to face with murderous barbar- ians, negotiating for the lives of over a thousand people. Paul Rusesabagina, a dutiful hotel m anagerin Kigali, the Capitol city o f Rw anda, Africa, toid me that he was merely “do- ing his jo b ” when he helped 1 200 worst genocides in African history. As manager for on, tens o f thousands o f men. women, and children were slaugh- tered on a daily basis for months, Paul said much of the world turned its back on the troubles in Rwanda because o fa lack of cultural under- standing, stating that if the geno- cide "had been in America or west- em Europe, the world would have -- while the rest ofthe world , looked Oil, teflS OJ thOUSClHOS , women, and children were slaughtered on a daily , , r „1 baSlS far mOflthS. £ th e B e lg iu m - owned Hotel Des Mille Collines, acted much sooner." Paul went far above and beyond A lter United Nations security the call of duty. p erso n n e l e v a cu a te d all non- In 1994. Rwanda’s president was Rwandans, Paul’s grand hotel sat literally blown out of the sky when empty except for Paul, his family, a missile destroyed his plane. Al- and a small group of employees, m ost im m ediately, angry T utsi Everyone simply stared at Paul, rebels declared war and began an­ nihilating their political rivals, the Hutus. continued Don Cheadle (left) greets Paul Rusesabagina, the man he portrays in Hotel Rwanda. Movie Shines Light on Genocide on page A 5 R on W eber T he P ortland O bserver by Iraqi Governor Assassinated In su rg e n ts assa ssin a te d the highest-ranking Iraqi official, gunning down the governor of Baghdad province and six of his I bodyguards, and a suicide truck bomber killed 10 people at an Interior M inistry com m ando headquarters, the latest in a string of violence ahead of Jan. 30elec-1 tions. 1 See Metro, page AIO Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity ‘City of Roses' Weekin TheReview n r« r r v v r v v iiv * . 'i W \ ■■■■■----------- photo by F rank C onner Actors Nick Noltle as Col. Oliver (left) and Don Cheadle as Paul Rusesabagina , the man who fought to save everyone he could from genocide, discuss the dangerous conditions outside Hotel Rwanda, a major motion picture opening nationwide Thursday. photo m B lip A lsbirk .Tv? Red Cross worker Pat Archer (Cara Seymour) and Tatiana Rusesabagina (Sophie Okonedo) search for nieces and nephews in a refugee camp in Hotel Rwanda. In Hotel Rwanda, viewers find them­ selves right in the middle of a genocide o f epic proportions. The m ovie’s well- rounded crew includes Don Cheadle, “ Devil in a Blue D ress,” “Sophie Okonedo, Dirty Pretty Things,” Joaquin Phoenix, and Nick Nolte. As always, Nolte does a stellar job. Cheadle plays Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who struggles to keep 1,200 Rwandan civilians alive, while 10,(XX) people a day are being killed outside the hotel compound. In a three- month period, almost a million citizens ofthe African country are gunned down or slaughtered with machetes. continued 'y f on page A S Troubles Grow for Krispy Kreme T ro u b le d d o u g h n u t m a k erl Portland’s Tsunami Response Krispy Kreme will restate earn­ ings for the last three quarters of fiscal 2(X)4 in the wake of allega­ tions the company padded ship-1 ments to hide declining sales. Its shares sank nearly 13 percent. The com pany also warned it could be on the brink o f major | Donations to Charities Urged The American Red Cross Oregon Trail Chapter and other credit problems. local relief agencies are making an urgent appeal for cash assistance for immediate and long-term recovery for coun­ gs tries impacted by the devastating tsunamis in countries s bordering the Indian Ocean in south Asia. The sea waves triggered by a9 .0 mega earthquake has lett millions of people homeless. The death toll is expected to climb to 150,000 people in the next few days. Checks made out to the American Red Cross Oregon Trai 1 Chapter must indicate that you want your donation to go to the International Response Fund for tsunamis victims. C all 503-284-1234 or visit to make an online contribution. Donations can also be mailed to the American Red Cross. Oregon Trail Chapter, PO Box 4125, photo by M ichael R i benstein /T hf P ortland O bserver Potter Begins Term as Mayor Portland Mayor Tom Potter takes the oath of office Monday from Circuit Court Judge Sidney A. Galton during a multi-cultural ceremony at David Douglas High School in southeast Portland. The e^ nt incl^ Native Americans, local African-American leaders and the Jefferson Dancers from Jefferson H,gh School. Portland. OR 97208. To donate to Mercy Corps, send checks to P.O. Box 2669, P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 8 . ca ll 8 0 0 -8 5 2 -2 1 0 0 o r v isit To donate to Northwest Medical Teams, send checks to P.O Box 10, Portland, OR 972094X) 10. call 503-624-1 (KM)or visit www